Staff Information
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is transitioning state data collection systems to the latest Ed-Fi Technology.
Use the Staff Information page to load staff data to be reported to Ed-Fi. You can also generate reports.
Menu path
From the main navigation menu, select PEIMS, then All. From the Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) menu, select Staff Information.
You must first set up the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) prerequisites.
Then, ensure the following prerequisites are met before working with staff information:
Complete the Unique ID report procedure to obtain unique employee IDs.
Enter valid information in the following fields on the Payroll Information - State Required page:
Pre-K Req
Enter valid information in the following fields on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page:
Staff Type
Dist Prof Yrs
Total Prof Yrs
Override Days
Aux Role-ID
Enter valid information in the following fields on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page:
Hire Date Ovr
Paraprof Cert
TIA Board Cert
TIA Design
TSDS Excluded
Included Sub
Enter a valid value in the PEIMS Code field on the General tab of the Pay Codes page.
Enter valid information in the following fields on the Pay Rate Information page:
Days Worked
Annual Salary
Contract Position
Contract Limit
Enter valid information in the following fields in the General section of the Employee Information page:
Employee Number
Social Security
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Gender Identity
Enter valid information on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page.
Enter valid information on the Degree Data page.
Update or import TEA Staff Responsibilities information.
Set up Contracted Instructional Staff information.
Maintain data
On the Staff Information page, enter Search Criteria and select Search.
To edit a record, double-click the record. Refer to Field descriptions, update the information, and click Accept.
You cannot add or delete records on the Staff Information page.
Field descriptions
The following are the tabs on the Staff Information page:
Demographic tab
The following table describes the fields on the Demographic tab of the Staff Information page.
Field | Description | Data Source or Valid Values |
Employee Number | The employee number. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Employee Number field on the Employee Information page. |
Staff ID | The employee’s social security number, without dashes. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Social Security field on the Employee Information page. |
First Name | The employee’s first name. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the First Name field on the Employee Information page. |
Middle Name | The employee’s middle name. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Middle Name field on the Employee Information page. |
Last Name | The employee's last name. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Last Name field on the Employee Information page. |
Generation | The employee’s generation suffix. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Suffix field on the Employee Information page. |
Gender | The employee’s gender. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Sex at Birth field on the Employee Information page. |
Date of Birth | The employee’s birth date. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Birthdate field on the Employee Information page. |
Ethnicity (1997 Standard) | The employee’s ethnicity. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the Ethnicity field on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page. |
Race | The employee’s race. These fields are display-only. | The field values are retrieved from the Race field on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page. |
Staff Type | The employee’s staff type. | The field value is retrieved from the Staff Type field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. Valid values:
This field value overrides the Staff Type field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. |
Total Professional Years | The employee's total number of professional years. This can include out-of-state experience. | The field value is retrieved from the Total Prof Yrs field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. This field value overrides the Total Prof Yrs field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. |
Highest Degree | The employee’s highest degree. | The field value is retrieved from the Degree Data page. Valid values:
The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the PEIMS Degree Table page. This field value overrides the field value on the Degree Data page. |
District Years of Experience | The employee’s total number of years of experience in the district. Used for Professional staff only. | The field value is retrieved from the Dist Prof Yrs field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. This field value overrides the Dist Prof Yrs field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. |
Number Days Employed | The number of days per year the employee works. | The field value is retrieved from the Override Days field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. If the Override Days field is blank, the field value is retrieved from the Days Worked field on the employee’s primary Pay Rate Information page. This field value overrides the Override Days field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page and the Days Worked field value on the employee’s primary Pay Rate Information page. |
Percent Days Employed | Percent of the standard district day the employee works. | The field value is retrieved from the Stat Min FTE field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. If the Stat Min FTE field is blank, the field value is retrieved from the PEIMS FTE field on the Payroll Information - State Required page. This field value overrides the Stat Min FTE field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page and the PEIMS FTE field value on the Payroll Information - State Required page. |
TX Unique Staff ID | The employee's Unique ID number provided by TEA's Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Unique ID system. This field is display-only. | The field value is retrieved from the TSDS ID field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. |
PK Teacher Requirement | The employee’s state-assigned pre-kindergarten training code. | The field value is retrieved from the Pre-K Req field on the Payroll Information - State Required page. Valid values:
This field value overrides the Pre-K Req field value on the Payroll Information - State Required page. |
Auxiliary Role ID | The code identifying the employee's auxiliary role. | The field value is retrieved from the Aux Role-ID field on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. The valid values are 000-999. The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the PEIMS Auxiliary Role ID Table page. This field value overrides the Aux Role-ID field value on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page. |
Paraprofessional Certified | Indicates whether the employee is a certified paraprofessional. | The field value is retrieved from the Paraprof Cert field on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. Valid values:
This field value overrides the Paraprof Cert field value on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. |
TIA National Board Certified | Indicates whether the employee is an active Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) national board-certified teacher. | The field value is retrieved from the TIA Board Cert field on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. This field value overrides the TIA Board Cert field value on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. |
TIA Designation | Indicates whether the employee has an active TIA designation. | The field value is retrieved from the TIA Design field on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. This field value overrides the TIA Design field value on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. |
TIA LEA Designation Pending | Indicates whether the employee has a TIA Local Education Agency (LEA) submitted designation pending. | The field value is retrieved from the TIA LEA Pend field on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. This field value overrides the TIA LEA Pend field value on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. |
TSDS Excluded | Indicates whether the employee is excluded from TSDS reporting. | The field value is retrieved from the TSDS Excluded field on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. This field value overrides the TSDS Excluded field value on the Defined Page 32002 - State Required III page. |
Payroll Accounting tab
The following table describes the fields on the Payroll Accounting tab of the Staff Information page.
Field | Description | Data Source or Valid Values |
Activity Code | The code identifying the employee's payroll activity. | The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the PEIMS Activity Table page. |
Fund | The three-digit code identifying the PEIMS fund for this activity. | Not Applicable |
Function | The two-digit code identifying the PEIMS function for this activity. | Not Applicable |
Object | The four-digit code identifying the PEIMS object for this activity. | Not Applicable |
Organization | The three-digit code identifying the PEIMS organization for this activity. | Not Applicable |
Year | The single-digit code identifying the PEIMS year for this activity. | Not Applicable |
Program Code | The code identifying the program for this activity. | The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the PEIMS Programs Table page. |
Pay Amount | The amount paid for this activity rounded to the nearest dollar. | This field value is populated if the Pay Rate is Active and the Pay Code has a PEIMS code. If both of these are true, the system populates this field depending on whether the Contract Position option on the employee’s Pay Rate Information page is selected:
The resulting value is displayed in this field. |
Begin Date | The starting pay date. | The field value is retrieved from the Pay Start Date field on the Pay Rate Information page. This field value overrides the Pay Start Date field value on the Pay Rate Information page. |
End Date | The ending pay date. | The field value is retrieved from the Pay End Date field on the Pay Rate Information page. This field value overrides the Pay End Date field value on the Pay Rate Information page. |
For the Fund, Function, Object, Orgn, and Year fields, refer to the Organization Charts table.
Staff Responsibilities tab
The following table describes the fields on the Staff Responsibilities tab of the Staff Information page.
Field | Description | Data Source or Valid Values |
Campus | The code identifying the employee's campus. | The field value is retrieved from the Campus field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Campus field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Population | The code identifying the type of students with whom the employee works. | The field value is retrieved from the Population field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Population field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Monthly Minutes | The total number of minutes the employee works in a month. | The field value is retrieved from the Monthly Minutes field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Monthly Minutes field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
ESC SSA Staff Indicator | The single-digit ESC SSA (Shared Services Arrangement) staff indicator code. For a school district, leave this field blank. | The field value is retrieved from the ESC SSA Staff Indicator field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the ESC SSA Staff Indicator field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Days Taught Weeks 1 through 4 | The days taught each week. | Valid values are 0-5. The field values are retrieved from the Days Taught Weeks 1 through 4 fields on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Days Taught Weeks 1 through 4 field values on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Minutes Taught Weeks 1 through 4 | The number of minutes worked each week. | The field values are retrieved from the Minutes Taught Weeks 1 through 4 field values on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Minutes Taught Weeks 1 through 4 fields on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Role | The code identifying the employee's role. | The field value is retrieved from the Role field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Role field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Class Type | The employee’s class type. | Valid values:
The field value is retrieved from the Class Type field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Class Type field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Number of Students | The number of students in the employee's class. | The field value is retrieved from the Number of Students field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Number of Students field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Service ID | The code identifying the employee's PEIMS service. | The field value is retrieved from the Service ID field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Service ID field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Class ID | The identification for the employee's class. | The field value is retrieved from the Class ID field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Class ID field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Grade Level | The grade level taught by the employee. | The field value is retrieved from the Grade Level field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Grade Level field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
SPED Student Age Range | The age range of Special Education students that teaching and paraprofessional staff provide services to. | Valid values:
The field value is retrieved from the SPED Student Age Range field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the SPED Student Age Range field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
Begin Date | The date the employee started the assignment. | The field value is retrieved from the Begin Date field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the Begin Date field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |
End Date | The date the employee completed the assignment. | The field value is retrieved from the End Date field on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. This field value overrides the End Date field value on the TEA Staff Responsibilities page. |