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Staff Information

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is transitioning state data collection systems to the latest Ed-Fi Technology.

Use the Staff Information page to load staff data to be reported to Ed-Fi. You can also generate reports.

Menu Path

Select PEIMS from the main navigation menu, then select All. Select Staff Information.

View Data

On the Staff Information page, enter Search Criteria and select Search.

You cannot add, update, or delete records on the Staff Information page. Instead, you must make changes to the source data.

Load Data

  1. On the Staff Information page, select Load.

  2. Select the Financial Year, Termination Date, and Contract End Date.

  3. If required, select Load Terminated Pay Rates, Load Inactive Pay Rates, and Load Contracted Professional Staff.

  4. In the Name of File to Load field, enter the file path and name of the latest .csv file containing the Contracted Professional Staff information. For more information about the .csv file, refer to File layout - Contracted professional staff information.

  5. Select the Employee Types and Employee Statuses to include in the report.

  6. Select Accept.

  7. Select the Destination for the error log:

    • Select File to save the log in .log format.

    • Select Screen to save the log in .pdf format.

  8. Select OK.

  9. Save the error log.

  10. Navigate to the folder containing the log.

  11. Inspect the log. Update source data if needed.

  12. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

Employees terminated with a last day worked or paid date less than or equal to the termination date entered are not loaded. Employees with a contract end date on their pay rate less than the contract end date entered will not have the payroll accounting information loaded for that pay rate.

Create Files

  1. On the Staff Information page, select Reports.

  2. Select Demographic, Payroll Accounting, or Staff Responsibilities.

  3. Select Accept.

  4. Select Yes to include the complete Staff ID on the report.

  5. In the Print dialog box, select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Save the report.

  8. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  9. Inspect the file. Update source data if needed.

  10. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

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