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PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX)

PowerSchool's Data Exchange uses Ed-Fi web services to provide interoperability between PowerSchool applications, including eSchoolPlus, PowerSchool ERP, and the state or district-hosted Ed-Fi ODS. As application data changes, Data Exchange identifies, validates, and securely publishes data via Ed-Fi in near real-time and provides a rich user experience to monitor operations and review and diagnose any data quality issues.

Data Exchange opens to the Data Exchange Publishing page, which lists all existing profiles as tabs. Access selectors are at the top of the page to choose the school year and select which schools to work with. You can select District Office to work at the district level or a specific school. Profile tabs let you select a configured destination for data to be sent. There will usually be only one tab, but Data Exchange can manage multiple destinations from this page. The page displays categories in the order in which they should be managed and reviewed. Each category displays one or more Ed-Fi resources (record types) for publishing and reviewing data. Select a resource to review the data and drill down on the details. Current status displays at the category and resource levels to provide a quick overview and focus your efforts on remedying dependencies or errors.

Use the Settings button at the top right of the page to access the Configure, Download, and Mapping pages. These are usually accessed when the system is first set up. Still, there may be reasons to periodically revisit the download and mapping pages to ensure this information is kept up-to-date.

For more information about PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX), refer to the Data Exchange Help.


  • You must assign the following security resources on the User Access page:

    • To display the PEIMS icon and grant access, you must assign one of the following user security resources:

      • 800

      • 801

      • 802

      • 803

      • 31227

    • You must assign the user security resource 32000 to display the DEX Cloud Launch menu item and grant access.

    • You must assign the user security resource 32001 to grant access to the DEX Financial Audit Report and permission to modify records in the Financial Information report.

    • You must assign the user security resource 32002 to grant permission to modify Staff Information records.

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