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TEA Staff Responsibilities - PEIMS

Use the TEA Staff Responsibilities page to add and update staff responsibilities for your district's employees. 

Menu Path

Choose PEIMS from the main navigation menu, then choose All. Click TEA Staff Responsibilities.

Maintain Data

  1. On the TEA Staff Responsibilities page, specify Search Criteria and click Search.

  2. To add a record, click Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, fill out the information, and click Accept.

    • To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept.

    • To delete a record, select the record and click Delete. Click Yes.

Field Descriptions



Staff ID

The employee’s social security number.


The code identifying the employee's campus.


The code identifying the type of students with whom the employee works.

Monthly Minutes

The total number of minutes the employee works in a month.

ESC SSA Staff Indicator

Single-digit ESC SSA (Shared Services Arrangement) staff indicator code. If a school district, leave it blank.

Begin Date

The date the employee started the assignment.

End Date

The date the employee completed the assignment.

Days Taught Weeks 1 through 4

For each week's field, enter the number of days taught between 0 and 5.

Minutes Taught Weeks 1 through 4

For each week's field, enter the number of minutes worked.


The code identifying the employee's role.

Class Type

Valid values:

  • 01 - Regular

  • 02 - Non-Regular

No Student

The number of students in the employee's class.

Service ID

The code identifying the employee's PEIMS service.

Class ID

Identification for the employee's class.

Grade Level

The grade level taught by the employee.

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