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Personnel Information

Use the PEIMS Personnel Information page to add and update personnel records for your district's employees. This information is required for the summer and fall submissions.

Menu path

Choose PEIMS from the main navigation menu, then choose All. Click Personnel Information.


Ensure to complete the following before loading data:

  • Add Demographic Information (PEIMS 045 records) for employees whose Social Security Number has changed.

  • Add PEIMS 090 records for nonscheduled employees such as administrators.

  • For a summer submission (March through July), export the 305 Staff Data – Teacher Class Assignment records to a text file from your Student Information System. For information about the file layout, refer to File Layout - 305 Staff Data – Teacher Class Assignment Information.

If your Student Information System cannot produce this text file, refer to Create 305 Staff File for more information.

File layout - 305 staff data – Teacher class assignment information

The text file must contain 305 Staff Data – Teacher Class Assignment information in the following format specified by the Texas Education Agency (TEA):



1 - 3

Input Record Type Code

4 - 9

District ID

10 - 18

Staff ID 

19 - 27

Campus ID

28 - 30

Role ID

31 - 38

Service ID

39 - 52

Class ID Number


Course Sequence Code

54 - 55

Population Served Code

56 - 57

Class Role

58 - 65

Assignment Begin Date

66 - 73

Assignment End Date

The upload file may contain record types other than 305. Records without 305 in columns 1 ‐ 3 are ignored. Only employees with a 305 record and a role of 047 or 087 are included when loading data for the summer submission.

Maintain personnel information records

  1. On the PEIMS Personnel Information page, specify Search Criteria and click Search.

  2. To add a record, click Add new. Fill out the information on the Demographic, Payroll Accounting, and Staff Responsibilities tabs. Click Accept.

  3. To edit, double-click the record. Update the information on the Demographic, Payroll Accounting, and Staff Responsibilities tabs. Click Accept.

  4. To delete a record, select the record and click Delete. Click Yes.

Field descriptions

Demographic tab (040, 043, 050)



Staff Type


  • District Employee

  • Contracted Professional Staff

  • Campus Charter Teacher

Total Professional Years

Employee's total number of professional years. Integer/2

Highest Degree



  • 1 - BACHELOR'S

  • 2 - MASTER'S


District Years of Experience

The total number of years of experience in the district.

Use for Professional staff only.

Number Days Employed

The number of days per year the employee works.

Percent Days Employed

Percent of the standard district day the employee works.

PK Teacher Requirement


  • 01 - Certification through a training center

  • 02 - OBSOLETE

  • 03 - Be employed as a PK teacher

  • 04 - OBSOLETE

  • 05 - Child Development Associate credential

  • 06 - Completion of Texas School Ready Training

  • 07 - Has a degree in early childhood education

  • 08 - At least 8 years experience

  • 09 - Contract - At least 2 years and CDA credential

  • 10 - Contract - At least 2 years and MAC certification

  • 11 - Contract - Been employed as a PK teacher

  • 12 - Contract - Has a degree in early childhood education

  • 13 - Contract - At least 8 years experience

Auxiliary Role ID

Code identifying the employee's auxiliary role.

Paraprofessional Certified


  • 0 - Employee is not certified

  • 1 - Employee is certified

TIA National Board Certified

Select this option if the employee is an active Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) national board-certified teacher.

TIA Designation

Select this option if the employee has an active TIA designation.

TIA LEA Designation Pending

Select this option if the employee has a TIA Local Education Agency (LEA) submitted designation pending.

Payroll Accounting tab (060)

For the Fund, Function, Object, Orgn, and Year fields, refer to the Organization Charts table.



Activity Code

The code identifying the employee's payroll activity. For details, refer to Activity.


The three-digit code identifying the PEIMS fund for this activity.


The two-digit code identifying the PEIMS function for this activity.


The four-digit code identifying the PEIMS object for this activity.


The three-digit code identifying the PEIMS organization for this activity.


The single-digit code identifying the PEIMS year for this activity.

Program Code

The code identifying the program for this activity. For details, refer to Programs.

Pay Amount

The amount paid for this activity rounded to the nearest dollar.

Staff Responsibilities tab (090)




The code identifying the employee's campus.


The code The code identifying the employee's role.


The code identifying the employee's PEIMS service.


The code identifying the type of students with whom the employee works.

Class Type

Valid values:

  • 01 - Regular

  • 02 - Non-Regular

Class ID

The identification for the employee's class.

Monthly Minutes

The total number of minutes the employee works in a month.

No Student

The number of students in the employee's class.

Grade Level

The grade level taught by the employee.

ESC SSA Staff Indicator

The single-digit ESC SSA (Shared Services Arrangement) staff indicator code. If it is a school district, leave it blank.

Days Taught Weeks 1 through 4

For each week's field, enter the days taught between 0 and 5.

Minutes Taught Weeks 1 through 4

For each week's field, enter the number of minutes worked.

Load demographic and payroll information

Use the PEIMS Personnel Information - Load page to load demographic and payroll information from the Human Resources system into the PEIMS system. The load process overrides any previous changes made to individual personnel records. 

  1. Select Load.

  2. Select the Load Criteria:

    • Financial Year - Select the year for the data to load.

    • Hire Date - Employees hired after this date will not load.

    • Termination Date - Employees terminated before this date will not load. To include all employees who worked between the snapshot date and the summer submission date, enter the fall snapshot date as the Termination Date and the summer submission date as the Hire Date. All employees terminated after the fall snapshot date or hired before the summer submission date are loaded.

    • Load Terminated Rates - Select if you want to load terminated rates.

    • Load Inactive Rates - Select if you want to load inactive rates.

    • Load Summer Submission - Select if you want to load the Summer Submission. The Load Summer Submission option is enabled from March through July. But by default, this option is selected. This is because several districts need to reload their Fall information during these months.

  3. Complete the Additional Criteria section. Choose an employee number and select the following:

    • Employee Types

    • Professional Types

    • Employee Statuses

  4. Click Accept.

  5. Click Yes if this is the first personnel load since the last submission. Otherwise, click No.

    If you select Yes and the current month is from March through July, all demographic data (040 and 043 records) is copied to history tables to compare the current and historic data and report the demographic revisions appropriately. If you select Yes and the current month is outside of March through July, the history tables are updated with the summer submission data.

    To reload specific employees, select No and specify which employees to load. Use | (pipe) to separate multiple employees. Only the records of the employees chosen are cleared before being reloaded.

  6. If loading the fall snapshot data, you can purge contracted instructional staff data because 055 records are not reported during the summer submission. Click Yes to purge contracted instructional staff data. 

  7. Select the Destination for the error log:

    • Select File to save the log in .log format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the log in .pdf format.

  8. Click OK.

  9. If loading data from March through July, you can upload 305 staff data records from a text file. Click Yes to upload the data. 

  10. Specify the path and file name of the text file containing the 305 Staff Data – Teacher Class Assignment records created during the Prerequisites setup and click OK.

The records are loaded into a new table (pem_305) to determine which employees to load for the summer submission. Any existing 305 Staff Data –Teacher Class Assignments data in the pem_305 table is first deleted.

Load Contracted Professional Staff information

Use the PEIMS Personnel Information - Load Contracted Professional Staff page to upload personnel information from a comma-delimited file for contracted professional staff working in the classroom. For information about the file layout, refer to File Layout - Contracted Professional Staff Information.

  1. Select Load Contracted Professional Staff.

  2. Enter the Name of File to Load, then click Accept.

File layout - Contracted professional staff information

The following table lists the columns, names, and descriptions for the contracted professional staff information’s comma-delimited file.





Staff ID  

The employee’s social security number.

The format is ###‐##‐#### (must include dashes).


First Name

The employee’s first name.

Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe.


Middle Name 

The employee’s middle name.

Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. This field may be left blank.


Last Name

The employee’s last name.

Do not use periods. Do not use any punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe.


Generation Code 

The employee’s generation suffix

For example, Jr., Jr, Sr.


Sex Code 

Valid values:

  • M - Male

  • F - Female


Total Years Professional Experience 

The number of verifiable years of creditable experience.

Valid values are 0‐99.


Highest Degree Level Code 

The highest post‐secondary degree the employee has earned.

Valid values:

  • 0 - No Bachelor’s degree or higher

  • 1 - Bachelor’s degree

  • 2 - Master’s degree

  • 3 ‐ Doctorate


Date of Birth 

The employee’s date of birth.

The format is MM/DD/YYYY.



Leave blank



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not Hispanic

  • 1 - Hispanic



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not Indian

  • 1 - Indian



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not Asian

  • 1 - Asian



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not Black

  • 1 - Black



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not Hawaiian

  • 1 - Hawaiian



Valid values:

  • 0 - Not White

  • 1 - White


Years’ Experience in District 

The number of completed years that a person has been employed in any professional position in the current district or education service center, whether or not there has been any interruption in service.

Valid values are 0‐99.


Number Days Employed 

The actual number of at‐work days within the school year a person is scheduled to work in the district. This number does not include holidays, weekends, and other days the employee is not expected to work.

Valid values are 1 – 366.


Percent Day Employed 

Enter the percentage of a standard district workday for which the employee is hired.

Valid values are 1‐100.


TX Staff Unique ID

The employee's Unique ID number provided by TEA's Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Unique ID system.

Do not include quotes around text fields in the file. Records with invalid Social Security numbers are not loaded. If a record already exists in PEIMS for the Staff ID, the record in the comma-delimited file is skipped during the load process. Minimal error checking is performed when running the load process. Ensure that the data in the file is accurate and in the correct format.

Remove records

Use this option to remove all unaffiliated demographic (43/50), payroll accounting (60), and staff responsibility (90) records.

Unaffiliated records do not have an employee attached to them. These records are incomplete and should be removed.

  • Choose Remove, then click Yes.

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