IL Employment Information System
In 2013, ISBE retired the Teacher Service Record (TSR) data collection system and replaced it with the Employment Information System (EIS) for district use in reporting data for teachers, administrators, and other employees. Through EIS, not only can data be entered and edited using online screens, but you can also submit it via batch file. Further, EIS incorporates the administrator, teacher, and benefits data that school districts must report by October 1 each year, per Sections 10-20.47 and 34-18.38 of the School Code.
Menu Path
Human Resources > State > State - IL > IL Employment Information System
Submission Period
EIS also allows data to be reported continually (no closed periods during a school year) for licensed and non-licensed employees.
Procedural Overview
Initial Entry
The following is a summary of the steps you should follow for setting up and entering data for the EIS system.
Add new location codes on the Location Codes page.
Enter the same location codes on the Location Table page.
Enter the ISBE-defined Employment End Reason codes on the Termination Code Table page.
Ensure that your employees have a Location entered on the Employee Information page. The location may be different from the base location.
If you decide you would like to use the Mass Add option to add positions, set up a Position Crosswalk to link your job class codes or pay codes with the ISBE-defined positions. You can also set up a Position Crosswalk if you would like to have the employee's positions automatically default in when adding a record (based on the job class codes set up on the employees' pay rate screens).
Enter your employees into the IL Employment Information System maintenance screen. There are several different options for how to enter data into the system initially:
Manually add the positions assigned to the employees. Refer to Maintain Data for more information.
Use the Mass Add option to add employees. If you use the Mass Add option, you must set up a Position Crosswalk first. If needed, you can manually modify the information or delete any unwanted positions added after running it. You may want to initially test the process by only adding a small group of employees.
Use the Import option to load the positions from a comma-delimited file in the format defined by the ISBE.
After adding employees, if you have a position crosswalk and want to check if there are any missing positions, you can run the Check Crosswalk report, which compares check history with position information to see if anything is missing. This report also will tell you if an employee has more than one position crosswalked to the same job class code (or pay code). That will become important later in the year when calculating salaries. Refer to Generate Reports and Files for more information.
After adding employees, run the Reports option and select Hard Copy. You can view a list of the employment and position information in this report. Refer to Generate Reports and Files for more information.
The Reports option also produces an error log if there were errors. The error log file's name is "eis_print_log.rpt," and it is located in the directory associated with $FASRPTDIR. If there were any errors, you will receive a message that errors occurred. You should examine the error log report to see what the errors were. Warnings do not have to be corrected, but you must correct any other errors because that data is not included in the electronic file sent to the state.
The file name for the error log report has changed. You can now print the error log to screen.
Suppose errors refer to demographic information such as missing birth date, social security number, gender, or first or last name. In that case, you will need to fix it on the Employee Information page.
If you have errors that refer to dates, such as employment start or end date or position start or end date, you can fix the dates on the Employee Information page. You do not have to change the employee's hire date or termination date. However, suppose you have an error message that an Employment End Reason code is missing for a terminated employee. In that case, you may want to double-check that you have entered the correct state-defined Employment End Reason codes in the State Termination Code field on the Termination Codes page.
Here are some other things you to look for on the Employee Information page before you submit the data to the state:
If you have two different employee records (i.e., with different employee numbers) with the same Social Security number, make sure they are the same person and that the name fields, gender, and birthdate all match.
If you have two different employee records with the same IEIN number, make sure they are the same person and that the social security, name fields, gender, and birthdate all match. The IEIN number is in the Staff State ID field, under the Personnel tab on the Employee Information page.
If you have a name in the Previous Last Name field on the Employee Information page, ensure that it is the person's actual previous last name.
Submitting Employment Data to the State
The following is a summary of the steps you should follow for submitting EIS employment and position information to the state.
Once you are satisfied that the demographic and employment data is correct and that the employee's position codes, position start date, and location codes (including the employer and work location RCDTS codes on the Location Codes page) are correct, then you are ready to submit the data to the state. Select the Reports option and then select Employment and Electronic File. For the Status, you can select All Positions or New and Modified Data Only. (If you have not previously submitted EIS data to the state, either choice will select all records). If you want to exclude any employees whose salary for the school year is zero, select Exclude Zero Salary. Enter any additional selection criteria and click OK. The electronic file name is the Employer RCDTS number, followed by the current date, followed by a sequential number, such as "001", and ending in ".txt." The location of the file is the directory associated with $FASTAPDIR. For example, D:/spi/spifps/log/123456789010000_04122013_001.txt.
Log onto the state's IWAS (ISBE Web Application Security) system and upload the file you created. If you do not already have a District Administrator login to the IWAS system, you can obtain it from your superintendent's office. In the IWAS system, navigate to the Batch Files tab under Reporting > Employment Information System (EIS), then click Browse to select the file, then Upload. Refer to the IWAS User Manual for more information on how to upload a file to the IWAS system.
You will receive an email after the batch file has been processed. In the IWAS system, on the Batch Files tab, click Download to download the processed file.
Save the processed file that you downloaded from the IWAS system. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Upload Results. Under Upload Type, select Employment. Choose the file and click OK. If the state reported any errors, they will be printed. If there were records accepted, then the Employment Status of these records will be changed to "2 - Position Reported" (from either "1 - Not Reported" or "3 - Modified After Reporting Position"). The IEIN numbers retrieved in the file will also be updated for any employees who did not previously have IEIN numbers.
Later, suppose you make additional corrections or changes to the data that was already reported to the state. In that case, the Employment Status is changed from "2 - Position Reported" to "3 - Modified After Reporting Position".
When an employee's demographic information is updated on the Employee Information page, these changes are replicated to the EIS position record when reports are generated (Hard Copy or Electronic File).
If you would like to update the EIS salary and benefits information during the school year, you can run the salary calculation at any time. It will calculate the employees' salaries and benefits for the specified check date ranges. If salary and benefits data exists, it will be replaced by the new calculation whenever the salary calculation is run. To run the salary calculation, select the Calculate Salary Data option. Select Calculate Salaries and Calculate Benefits, enter the beginning and ending check history dates and any other criteria, and then click OK.
After you have submitted your initial employment file to the state, if you want to submit just the new employees or employees with changes, rerun these steps and select New and Modified Data Only.
Fiscal Year-End
The following is a summary of the steps to complete for fiscal year-end:
Suppose the EIS position information has not yet been entered. In that case, you can use the Import option to add the records from a comma-delimited file in the same format as the spreadsheet submitted to the state.
The Report Benefits field is associated with employee positions. For employees who have more than one teacher or administrator position, select Assign Benefits for the correct position and location, which must be a primary work location.
The Primary Location Required field is associated with the employee positions. Since an employee can have multiple locations associated with a position and time frame, one needs to be designated as the primary location. This is the record that will have the salary information associated with it.
Before running the Attendance year-end procedures, the sick days and vacation days for the employees who receive benefits need to be updated in the EIS system. To update the sick days and vacation days, use the Calculate Salary Data option. Select Calculate Leave, enter any other criteria, and click OK. If the sick leave and vacation leave is stored in hours, the hours are converted to days by dividing the employee's earned leave by the hours per day in their primary pay rate. This same process calculates the Days Absent data.
After running Update New Year Rates as part of the year-end payroll procedures, you can copy the EIS position information from 2020 to 2021. Select the Mass Copy option. Select the tables that you would like to copy to 2014. Enter the dates which should be used as default position start and end dates for regular school year positions and summer school positions. When creating employee position records for 2014, if the system can link an employee's position to a pay rate screen, the contract start date is used as the position start date, and the contract end date is used as the position end date. That is why you should run the Update New Year Rates process before copying the EIS positions to 2014. However, if the system cannot link the position to a pay rate screen, then the default dates are used.
You do not have to run the salary and benefits calculation before fiscal year-end since it uses check history, NOT fiscal-to-date totals. On the other hand, if you wish to run it, you may do so. You can run the salary and benefits calculation at any time during the school year since every time it is run, it re-calculates the totals and replaces the previously calculated salaries and benefits.
End of School Year
The following is a summary of the steps to follow once the school year is complete and summer school pay has been processed:
Before running the final calculation of salaries and benefits, make sure your IL EIS Pay Codes and Deduction Codes are set up for the correct categories.
After the payroll is complete for the school year (including summer school), you can run (or re-run) the calculation of salaries and benefits. Select the Calculate Salary Data option and select Calculate Salaries and Calculate Benefits. Enter the beginning and ending check history dates and any other criteria, and then click OK.
Once you are satisfied that the salary and benefit data is correct, you must submit it to the state. Select the Reports option and then select Salary and Electronic File. In the Status field, select All Positions. Enter any additional selection criteria, and then click OK. The electronic file name is the Employer RCDTS number, followed by the current date, followed by a sequential number, such as "001," and ending in ".txt." The location of the file is the directory associated with $FASTAPDIR. For example, D:/spi/spifps/log/123456789010000_04122013_001.txt.
When running the salary report, if you receive warnings that the employment information has not been reported or that it has been modified, you should first submit another employment file to the state to update the new or modified employment information. According to the ISBE, if the employee's position had not been previously reported, the state's system will not process the salary data for that position.
Upload the salary file as a batch file to the state's IWAS system.
After the salary file has been processed, download the processed file from the Batch Files tab in the IWAS system.
Save the processed file that you downloaded from the IWAS system on your computer. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Upload Results. Select Salary for the Upload Type. Locate the file, and then click OK. If the state reported any errors, they will be printed, and if there were records accepted, then the Salary Status of these records will be changed to "2 - Salary Reported".
If necessary, you can re-run the salary file and send it to the state's system again. According to the ISBE, the salary data will be replaced in the IWAS system as long as the employee does not have an employment end date.
Submit a final employment file to the state. Please note that this must be done AFTER the salary file has been processed so that the state's IWAS system has the correct salary information. To do this, select the Reports option and then select Employment and Electronic File. In the Status field, select Final Including End Dates. Enter any additional selection criteria, and then click OK. The electronic file name is the Employer RCDTS number, followed by the current date, followed by a sequential number, such as "001," and ending in ".txt." The location of the file is the directory associated with $FASTAPDIR. For example, D:/spi/spifps/log/123456789010000_04122013_001.txt.
Terminated Employees
The following is a summary of the steps to follow when employees are terminated:
Make sure the State Termination Code on the Termination Code Table page contains the correct Employment End Reason.
If the employee worked fewer hours in the school year than expected initially, select the Calculate Term FTE option to pro-rate the Position FTE based on the total hours the employee worked in the school year. This only works if the FTE of the position EIS record matches the FTE on the employee's associated pay rate record. If the position has been split into multiple locations and the FTE already pro-rated, you will need to calculate the appropriate FTE manually.
If the employment information for the terminated employee has not yet been reported to the state (i.e., if the Employment Status is "1 - Not Reported"), you should submit an initial employment file for the terminated employees selecting New and Modified Data Only.
Once the terminated employee's final pay has been processed, you can calculate the employee's salaries and benefits. Select the Calculate Salary Data option and select Calculate Salaries and Calculate Benefits. If you have not already calculated leave for the school year, select Calculate Leave. Enter the beginning and ending check history dates. Enter the employee number in the selection criteria. You can also select all terminated employees by entering a date range in Last Date to Pay and any other criteria, and then click OK.
Submit a salary file to the state for the terminated employees. Select the Reports option and then select Salary and Electronic File. Enter the selection criteria and click OK. In the Status field, select Terminated Employees Only. Enter any other selection criteria, and then click OK. The electronic file name is the Employer RCDTS number, followed by the current date, followed by a sequential number, such as "001," and ending in ".txt." The location of the file is the directory associated with $FASTAPDIR. For example, D:/spi/spifps/log/123456789010000_04122013_001.txt.
Upload the salary file as a batch file to the state's IWAS system, download the processed salary file from the IWAS system, and then upload it to the application using the Upload Results option.
Submit a final employment file for the terminated employees to the state. Please note that this must be done AFTER the salary file has been processed so that the state's IWAS system has the correct salary information. To do this, select the Reports option and then select Employment and Electronic File. In the Status field, select Terminated Employees Only. Enter any additional selection criteria, and then click OK. The electronic file name is the Employer RCDTS number, followed by the current date, followed by a sequential number, such as "001," and ending in ".txt." The location of the file is the directory associated with $FASTAPDIR. For example, D:/spi/spifps/log/123456789010000_04122013_001.txt.