Deduction Codes
The Deduction Codes reference table stores deduction codes for the salary and benefits calculations. Before generating reports, ensure that you set up valid deduction codes on the Deduction Codes page.
On the IL Employment Information System page, click Setup, and choose Deduction Codes.
Specify the search criteria to find the required codes.
Click Find.
To add a record, click Add New. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.
You can edit or delete records:
To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.
To delete a record, click Delete. Click Yes.
You can copy deduction codes from one school year to the next using the Mass Copy option.
Set up only deduction codes that are exceptions to the default calculation. The default calculation ignores deduction amounts and adds any benefit amount to the category Other Benefit.
You can select a Deduction Category or a Benefit Category, or both.
Deduction Category
Suppose your district increases the employee's salary to allow the employee to pay a deduction, and you need to have the calculation subtract the deduction amount from the base salary. In that case, you should enter the deduction code with the appropriate deduction category. The deduction amount will then be deducted from the base salary and added to the selected category. If it is not reportable, select E – Exclude Deduction. The deduction amount will be subtracted from the salary but not added to any other category.
Benefit Category
For deduction codes set up as benefits, if the benefit amount should be in a category besides Other Benefit, you should enter the deduction code and select the correct benefit category. Select E – Exclude Benefit if the benefit amount is not reportable.