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Position Crosswalk

To link the state's position codes with your district's job class codes or pay codes, you will need to set up a position crosswalk for each school year.

Before generating reports, ensure that you set up valid position crosswalks on the Position Crosswalk page.

  1. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Setup, and choose Position Crosswalk.

  2. Specify the search criteria to find the required crosswalks.

  3. Click Find.

  4. To add a record, click Add New. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.

  5. You can edit or delete records:

    • To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.

    • To delete a record, click Delete. Click Yes.

You can copy position crosswalks from one school year to the next using the Mass Copy option.

You do not have to set up the position crosswalk before entering your employees' positions and reporting employment or position data to the state. You require the position crosswalk at the end of the school year before calculating and reporting the salary data to the state. The crosswalk is the only way to link paycheck history to the specific state position codes for employees who have more than one position.

However, suppose you set up a position crosswalk before adding employees to the EIS system. In that case, you can use the Mass Add option to automatically assign positions to the employees who have the codes that are in the crosswalk. If you want to use the Mass Add option, you should initially concentrate on only entering job class codes and pay codes into the crosswalk for which you want the system to add position records. Later you can go back into the crosswalk and enter additional codes as needed.

As you create the crosswalk for each state position code, you need to determine which code (either job class or pay code or both) is the best fit for linking with the state's code. You may have some positions where the job class is a better match and others where the pay code is a better match, and there may be some positions where it is the combination of job class and pay code that you should use to identify the position. The Priority indicates which code you should use to match with the position. The options for Priority are Job Class, Pay Code, or Must Have Both. You may have more than one position assigned to a job class code or pay code, and you may have the same job class code or pay code assigned to more than one position. As far as possible, you should set up links between codes that are related to or similar to the state position code. For example, you probably do not require generic pay codes like REGULAR PAY in the crosswalk.

If you enter both a job class code and a pay code into a crosswalk record, and you want it to use both codes, make sure you change the Priority to Must Have Both. Otherwise, it will ignore one or the other of the codes.

If you want to use the crosswalk to add records using the Mass Add option and have some crosswalk records set up with job class code only and others set up with pay code only, this may not work the way you intend. Keep in mind that all pay rate screens and check history records have BOTH a job class code and a pay code in the data, so the same record may match more than one position because the job class may match one position, and the pay code may match a different position.

For example, assume the crosswalk contains the following entries:

Job Class

Pay Code




Not applicable

402 - Clerical Support Staff

C - Job Class

Not applicable


314 - Other Athletic/Extracurricular Worker

P - Pay Code

For an employee whose primary pay is job class code 20 – CLERICAL, if the payment received was entered using the employee's primary job class code, even if the employee received some pay that was entered using pay code 005 - ATHLETIC ACTIVITY SUPPORT because all these check history records also have job class code 20 - CLERICAL associated with them, the employee may not be assigned position code 314 - Other Athletic/Extracurricular Worker.

If you find that some employees did not receive the appropriate positions in the Mass Add process, it may be easier to add or change their positions manually rather than change the crosswalk and rerun it. The crosswalk can always be refined later in the year after the salary calculation has been developed.

When entering employee position information, if the system cannot find a crosswalk record linking one or more of the employee's pay rate screens and the EIS position code, a message appears.

Click Yes to open the Position Crosswalk page in add mode so that you can set up the missing link between the EIS position and the employee's job class code or pay code.

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