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Generate Reports and Files

Check Crosswalk

Use the Check Crosswalk option to compare check history with the EIS employee and position information, using position codes, job class codes, and pay codes in the position crosswalk. This allows you to check if anything in check history cannot be matched to a position or any positions that cannot be matched to check history.

  1. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Check Crosswalk.

  2. Select Print Only Errors or Print All Records.

    Choose Print Only Errors to print error messages only for records that cannot be matched. Choose Print All Records to print errors and successfully matched records.

  3. Select the School Year, Beginning Check Date, and Ending Check Date.

  4. Select Additional Criteria and click OK.

  5. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  6. Click OK.

Create File

Use the Reports option to create hard copy reports or the electronic files for import into the IWAS system.

  1. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Report.

  2. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Format, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under Report Type, select one of the following:

      • Employment - includes demographic and position information.

      • Evaluation - includes evaluation information.

      • End Employment - includes employment termination information.

      • Salary - includes salary and benefit information.

    3. Specify the Report Criteria. Refer to Status Field Options for Report Types for information about the options in the Status field.

      Suppose the Location Codes reference table has more than one Employer RCDTS number. In that case, you must create a separate report for each Employer RCDTS number since the state does not allow multiple Employer RCDTS numbers to be submitted in the same file.

      To exclude employees whose salary amount is zero, select Exclude Zero Salary. If you select this option and have already run a salary calculation, the system will exclude anyone whose salary amount on the EIS salary data tab is zero or blank. If the salary calculation has not been run yet, and this option is selected, then if the fiscal year is the same as the school year, the system will exclude anyone whose total earnings for the fiscal year are zero. Suppose the salary calculation has not yet been run and the fiscal year is different from the school year (i.e., when running the report for the prior school year). In that case, the system will exclude anyone whose total payment amount is zero for check dates in the range of the school year's start and end dates.

    4. Specify or select Additional Criteria.

    5. Click OK.

    6. If you want to include entire Social Security Numbers, click Yes.

    7. Select the Destination for the report:

      • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

      • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

      • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    8. Click OK
      A hard copy of the report is created. If report creation encounters any errors, an error message appears. Click OK.

  3. Save the file and navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  4. Inspect the files. Update data, if needed.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until all the required data is included.

  6. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Format, select Electronic File.

    2. Under Report Type, select one of the following:

      • Employment - includes demographic and position information.

      • Evaluation - includes evaluation information.

      • End Employment - includes employment termination information.

      • Salary - includes salary and benefit information.

    3. Specify the Report Criteria. Refer to Status Field Options for Report Types for information about the options in the Status field.

    4. Specify or select Additional Criteria.

    5. Click OK.If you did not create a hard copy of the report, select the Destination for the report:

      • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

      • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

      • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

    6. Click OK.
      A hard copy of the report is created. If report creation encounters any errors, an error message appears. Click OK.

  7. Save the error log file and navigate to the folder containing the file.

  8. Inspect the file. Update data, if needed.

  9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 until all required data is included.

Status Field Options for Report Types

Report Type

Status Field Option


Employment File

All Positions

Includes position information, omitting position end date, employment end date, and employment end reason, for employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

Employment File

New and Modified Data Only

Includes position information, omitting position end date, employment end date, and employment end reason, for employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

Employment File

Terminated Employees Only

Includes all position information, including end dates and end reason, for terminated employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

who have the following Salary Status value:

2 - Salary Reported

Employment File

Final Including End Dates

Includes all position information, including end dates and end reason, for employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

who have the following Salary Status value:

2 - Salary Reported

Salary File

All Positions

Includes salary information for employees with the following Employment Status values:
1 - Not Reported
2 - Position Reported
3 - Modified After Reporting Position

Salary File

New and Modified Data Only

Includes salary information for employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

who have the following Salary Status values:

1 - Not Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Salary

Salary File

Terminated Employees Only

Includes salary information for terminated employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

who have the following Salary Status values:

1 - Not Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Salary

Evaluation File

All Positions

Includes evaluation information for employees with the following Employment Status values:

1 - Not Reported

2 - Position Reported

3 - Modified After Reporting Position

End Employment File

All Positions

Includes all the employees who have the termination date either on the Position screen or from the baseline and Employment Status not equal to 4 - Termination Reported.

Additional Information

When generating the electronic file format, if the status selected is All Positions or New and Modified Data Only, then the following fields are not included in the employment file:

  • Employment End Date

  • Employment End Reason

  • Position End Date

This is because the state does not allow a position end date to be reported until all the salary information has already been submitted. The state also does not allow an employment end date or end reason to be reported until all the employee positions have been ended and all the salary data has been submitted.

If the status selected for the employment report is Terminated Employees Only or Final Including End Dates, then only EIS records that have a salary status of 2 - Salary Reported are selected for processing.

Whenever the report is run, the system fetches the current demographic information for each employee selected. It updates the EIS record if any of that data has changed. If the EIS position was previously reported to the state, the Employment Status changes from 2 - Position Reported to 3 - Modified After Reporting Position. The fields that are automatically updated are:

Field Name

Updated From

Social Security

Social Security field on the Employee Information page


Staff State ID field under the Personnel tab on the Employee Information page

Last Name

Last Name field on the Employee Information page

First Name

First Name field on the Employee Information page

Middle Name

Middle Name field on the Employee Information page

Note: The middle name is not set to an asterisk if it is blank. The electronic file output displays an asterisk for an empty middle name, but the asterisk is not saved in the database.

Maiden Name

Previous Last Name field on the Employee Information page

Note: If there is a name suffix, it is removed.

Birth Date

Birthdate field on the Employee Information page


Gender field on the Employee Information page


The Race/Ethnicity tab fields on the Employee Information page are translated to a state code.

Employment Start Date

Only updated if it was previously blank. Retrieved from the Hire Date or Original Hire fields on the Employee Information page. This depends on whether the Original Hire date is in the current school year (it uses the earlier date in that case). If Annual Employment Cycle is selected for all an employee's positions, then the earliest Position Start Date is used as the Employment Start Date.

Employment End Date

Only updated if it was previously blank. For terminated employees, as long as the State Termination Code is not 999, the Employment End Date is set to the Last Day Worked (if specified) or Last Day to Pay if there is no Last Day Worked available. If Annual Employment Cycle is selected for all an employee's positions, then the Employment End Date is set to the last (i.e., maximum) Position End Date.

Position End Date

If the Employment End Date is updated, the Position End Date is also updated to match the Employment End Date.

Employment End Reason

For terminated employees, as long as the State Termination Code is not 999, the Employment End Reason is set to match the State Termination Code on the Termination Code Table page.

For non-terminated employees who have Annual Employment Cycle selected for all positions, the Employment End Reason is set to 07.

Retired Employee

Retired Flag field on the Illinois State Retirement page

Employment Status

If the Employment Status is 2 – Position Reported, it is changed to 3 – Modified After Reporting Position.

When the report is run, the system checks for a number of errors that can prevent the data from being accepted by the state. If any of these errors occur, a message appears.

You should examine the error log and fix the data. Some errors are only warnings and do not prevent the data from being sent to the state. If the error log message starts with "WARNING," the data will still be accepted.

Suppose the Work Location field under the Position Data tab on the IL Employment Information System page is empty or contains an invalid location code (i.e., a code that is not set up on the Location Codes page). In that case, the record cannot be selected for printing on the Employment report. Neither the Hard Copy format nor the Electronic File format can select a record that is not linked to a valid Employer RCDTS number. Therefore you must ensure that the location codes are valid before you enter EIS position information. As the data is entered, the system verifies to make sure that the work location is valid. If you use SQL to populate the database, you should check that the work location codes in the position records (il_eis_position.work_location) exist in the Location Codes table (il_eis_locn_codes.code).

After generating the electronic file, you will need to upload it into the state's IWAS (ISBE Web Application Security) system. Refer to the IWAS User Guide for more information on how to upload a file to the IWAS system. You require a District Administrator login, which you can get from your superintendent's office.

The IWAS system will send you an email after the batch file has been processed. Click Download on the Batch Files tab in IWAS to download and save the processed file. Then you should run the Upload Results process to update the IEIN numbers and change the records' status to indicate that the data has been reported to the state.

Refer to IL EIS - File Layouts and Data Mapping for more details about report file data.

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