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Upload Results

After uploading the electronic file to the state's IWAS (ISBE Web Application Security) system, you must download the processed file. Use the Upload Results option to load the file and update the employment status and the IEIN numbers or the salary status, depending on whether the file is an Employment, Salary, or End Employment file.

  1. On the IL Employment Information System page, click Upload Results.

  2. Depending on the file type, select one of the following:

    • Employment

    • Salary

    • End Employment

  3. Select the School Year.

  4. Select Client PC or Server.

  5. Click the File Name field and choose the file.

  6. Click OK.

If the state reported any errors, they will be printed. If there were records accepted, then either the Employment Status or the Salary Status will be changed depending on whether it was an Employment, Salary, or End Employment file.

File Type

Data Updated


The Employment Status of the records that were accepted by the state is updated to 2 - Position Reported. The IEIN numbers are updated for employees who did not previously have IEIN numbers.


The Salary Status of the records that were accepted by the state is updated to 2 - Salary Reported.

End Employment

The Employment Status of the records that were accepted by the state is updated to 4 - Termination Reported.

It is important to run Upload Results after sending a file to the state. If you do not load the processed file, you cannot determine whether the state's IWAS system accepted the records. The Employment Status and Salary Status will remain 1 – Not Reported even though the data was reported.

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