Location Codes
Each ISBE position must be associated with a work location. You must create and enter location codes for each work location you want to report to the state. The work location RCDTS (region/county/district/type/school) code and employer RCDTS codes are associated with location codes.
The Location Codes reference table stores location codes. Before generating reports, ensure that you set up valid location codes on the Location Codes page.
On the IL Employment Information System page, click Setup, and choose Location Codes.
Specify the search criteria to find the required codes.
Click Find.
To add a record, click Add New. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.
You can edit or delete records:
To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.
To delete a record, click Delete. Click Yes.
The location code itself is not reported to the state; it is internal to your district. Only the Location RCDTS and Employer RCDTS are reported to the state. Suppose you want employees' locations set up on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page to default to newly added EIS positions. In that case, enter the Location Code (5 characters or less) that was set up for work locations in the State Location Code field on the Location Table page.