Calculate Salary Data
Use the Calculate Salary Data option to calculate salaries for EIS positions, sick and vacation days, bonuses, annuities, retirement benefits, and other benefits for employees with applicable EIS positions.
On the IL Employment Information System page, click Calculate Salary Data.
Select the School Year.
Select Calculate Leave to calculate sick days, vacation days, and other absent days for applicable positions (i.e., positions that have Assign Benefits selected) based on the earned sick time and earned vacation time in employee leave banks.
Select Calculate Salaries to calculate salaries based on Check History data.
Select Calculate Benefits to calculate bonuses, annuities, retirement benefits, and other benefits for applicable positions based on check history data.
Select the Beginning Check Date and Ending Check Date.
If required, enter the Pay Run(s), Pay Code(s), and Job Class Code(s) to include in the calculation using query symbols.
Enter the percentage of salary to be calculated for retirement enhancement in the Retirement Enhancement field. For example, enter 2% as .02.
If required, specify Additional Criteria.
Click OK.
Retirement Enhancement
Suppose you calculate salaries and benefits and calculate a retirement benefit amount based on a percentage of the employees' pay. In that case, enter the Retirement Enhancement percent as a decimal number (for example, enter 2% as.02). The retirement benefit amount is calculated for all selected employees who have Assign Benefits selected in one of their positions. However, the percentage is based on all the employee's position records. For example, consider an employee is a teacher and a coach, and the Retirement Enhancement percent is .02. In this instance, both teaching and coaching salaries are reduced by 2%, and the retirement benefit is calculated at 2% of the total salary for both teaching and coaching.
Additional Information
Suppose you need to enter different check history date ranges for 10-month employees who worked summer school. In that case, you may want to include a field that differentiates ten-month employees from 12-month employees in the additional criteria. For example, assume that employee types A, B, and C identify 12-month employees, and employee types D, E, and F identify 10-month employees:
Beginning Check Date 07/01/2019
Ending Check Date 06/30/2020
Employee Type A|B|C
Beginning Check Date 08/20/2019
Ending Check Date 08/15/2020
Employee Type D|E|F
After you enter the selection criteria and additional criteria, the system determines the number of employees who match the selected criteria and have data in the fields to be updated. For employees who have data in these fields, you are prompted to replace or retain the existing data.
Any positions with Stop Calculation selected or with employment status 4 - Termination Reported are not updated.
Leave Calculation
When calculating leave for an employee who has a position with Assign Benefits selected, the employee's leave banks are searched for leave codes whose first character matches the sick leave, vacation leave, and other absence leave banks. For leave banks that match, the earned leave is added to the appropriate category (sick, vacation, or other). If the Units are set to Hours for either sick days, vacation days, or other absent days, then the earned leave is first divided by the Hours per Day on the employee's primary pay rate screen.
Salary Calculation
When calculating salaries, any pay code that is not Pay Type N - Non-Cash is added to the salary amount unless the pay code has been entered in the Pay Codes exceptions table. If the pay code exists in the Pay Codes table, and the employee has a position with Assign Benefits selected, then the amount is added to the category associated with it (or skipped if it is set up as Exempt).
Non-cash pay codes cannot be part of the salary, still, they are included in one of the other categories such as Bonus, Annuity, Retirement Benefit, or Other Benefit for employees who have a position with Assign Benefits selected, as long as the non-cash pay codes are set up on the Pay Codes page.
The salary calculation attempts to match the check history data to the employee's position using the position crosswalk.
If the job class or pay code can be linked to a position code, then the salary is added to the matching position record. Suppose the job class and pay code do not match the employee's position code because the codes are not set up in the position crosswalk, but the employee only has one position record. In that case, the system adds all the employee's salaries to their only position record.
Suppose the employee has more than one position record and the salary calculation cannot match the check history data to the position using the position crosswalk, or the system cannot determine which position the salary should be added to because both position codes match the job class or pay code. In that case, an error message is printed on the report.
If the employee has more than one position and the system cannot determine which position to add the salary to, you may need to update the employee's salary in the position records manually. Suppose you don't want to update the salary data for an employee. In that case, select Stop Calculation under the Salary Data tab in the employee's EIS record.
When running the salary calculation, if pay runs, pay codes, or job class codes are entered in the Check History Criteria section, or if position codes or position time frames are entered in the Additional Criteria section, the system does not print error messages for employees without EIS position records.
Benefits Calculation
When calculating benefits for an employee who has a position with Assign Benefits selected, check history deduction records that have a benefit amount, including things like Workers' Compensation, FICA, and Medicare are included in the category Other Benefits unless the deduction code was entered with a different Benefit Category in the EIS Deduction Codes exceptions table. Suppose the deduction code is set up on the Deduction Codes page. In that case, the benefit amount will be added to the Benefit Category associated with it or excluded if the Benefit Category is E – Exclude Benefit.
Suppose a deduction code is set up on the Deduction Codes page with a Deduction Category. In that case, the system subtracts the deduction amount from Salary and adds it to the appropriate category. If the Deduction Category is E – Exclude Deduction, then the system subtracts the deduction amount from the employee's salary and does not add it to any other category. The benefit amount for check history deductions is considered for deductions that are not set up on the Deduction Codes page. The system ignores the deduction amount for deduction codes that are not set up with a Deduction Category.