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Certification Upload

Use the Certification Upload page to import teacher certification data from a file provided by the ODE (Ohio Department of Education). The data file is posted on the ODE website with updates every Monday morning. These certifications include teaching certifications, endorsements, and limitations on certifications.

If there is a change in a Certification type record, the corresponding record is deleted from the Certification Types reference table, and a new record is added.

After the data is imported, it is available on the employee's Certifications/Licenses page.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State - OH menu, select Certification Upload.


  • Enter the State Staff ID (Certification ID) on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page. If the field is blank, an error is generated for the certification on the report.

  • Enter the District IRN on the EMIS Profile page to upload Certifications non-interactively.

The certification type and certification area code descriptions are used to determine the appropriate type and area codes for the certification. Therefore, the descriptions must match the file precisely without case sensitivity.

Upload Certifications

  1. On the OH Certification Upload page, the District IRN is retrieved from the EMIS Profile page.

  2. From the Purge Expired Certifications field, select Do Not Purge.

  3. Select Submit, and then select Yes.

  4. If errors are found, an error log is created. Save the error log.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the error log.

  7. Inspect the error log. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

Upload Process

The application makes an anonymous ftp connection to and retrieves the file issued_credentials.txt.

The data file transfer may take several minutes because of the large file size.

The application checks if:

  • The Valid In Organization IRN field or one of the fifteen District IRN fields in the ODE Certification data file matches the District IRN on the EMIS Profile page, or

  • There is a value in the State Staff ID field on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page.

The relevant records are temporarily saved to the ohcert_upload table and the cert_upload.rpt file is generated. The report contains a list of the updated certifications (new or changed). If errors are encountered, an error log is created.

The application determines the Employee number based on a matching State Staff ID (Certification ID) on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page and links the records. The Credential Key educ_cred_key from the data file uniquely identifies a certification. The Credential Key becomes the certification number and links the associated teaching fields, endorsements, and limitations.

Upload Certifications Externally

This highly unusual procedure will require you to work outside of the application.

  1. To run the upload non-interactively, enter "fglrun cert_uploadEoh.42r n" at the command line prompt and press Enter. Using the command's syntax, you can also set up the upload to run as a scheduled task. There is no progress indicator while the application retrieves and processes the data file.

  2. The process is canceled if the District IRN is not found on the EMIS Profile page and an error is logged to the $FASLOGDIR/cert_uploadEoh.log file. In addition, any errors encountered during the retrieval and processing of the file are written to the error log.

  3. The location and name of the certification report is $FASTAPDIR/cert_upload.rpt. The report contains a list of the updated certifications and any certifications with errors. It is important to inspect the log file and report when you run the upload non-interactively.

Purge Expired Certifications

During this process, the expired certifications are purged from the employee’s Certifications/Licenses page. Expired endorsements under valid certifications are not purged.

  1. On the OH Certification Upload page, the District IRN is retrieved from the EMIS Profile page.

  2. From the Purge Expired Certifications field, select an option.
    The default option is retrieved from the Purge Expired Certifications field on the Human Resources Profile - State page. Refer to the Human Resources Profile - State page for more information.

  3. Select Submit, and then select Yes.

  4. Save the upload purge log and error log.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the error log.

  7. Inspect the error log. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all the required data is purged.

Refer to the following subsections for more information:

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