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Staff Export Record Layouts

This section provides layouts for the Staff export. Table layouts for the financial tables with their corresponding export elements in the table layout section below provide information for the Financial export.

CI record

Element No. Position Description Exported from Original location Notes

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CI010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CI

  11 Filler N/A    

CI020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_demo.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CI030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_demo.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per K-October, N- Yearend

CI040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_demo.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CI050 23-31 Employee ID ohestaff_demo. emis_empl_id calculated EIC Personnel Tab State Staff ID

  32-73 Filler N/A    

  74-82 Filler N/A    

CI070 83-90 Date of Birth ohestaff_demo.birth_date employee.birth_date CCYYMMDD

CI080 91 Racial/Ethnic group ohestaff_demo.ethnic ohetbl_rate.emis_race If person.ethnic_code = ‘Y’ then ‘H’, otherwise if count(*) of records in empl_races > 1 then ‘M’, otherwise person.race.

CI090 92 Gender ohestaff_demo.gender  

CI100 93 Education level ohestaff_demo.degr_type emp_degree.dtype through ohetbl_degree.emis_degree  

CI110 94-96 Semester hours ohestaff_demo.sem_hrs emp_degree.credits  Credits from highest employee degree.

CI225 97 Early Childhood Education Qualification ohestaff_demo.credt[1] (first character of the field) ohemis_position.early_child where  ohemis_position.primry = ‘1’ Defaults to ‘*’, Not Applicable.

  98 Filler N/A    

CI140 99-102 Attendance days ohestaff_demo.attend_days calculated using payrate.days_worked  

CI150 103-106 Absence days ohestaff_demo.abs_days calculated using payroll.lv_tak1-10  

CI155 107-110 Absence days – Longterm Illness ohestaff_demo.longterm_days ohemis_position.longterm_days where ohemis_position.primry = ‘1’ primary EMIS position Field Lngterm Illnss.

  111-114 Filler N/A    

CI200 115-116 Authorized teaching experience years ohestaff_demo.yrs_exper person.yrs_state  

CI210 117-118 Total experience years in education ohestaff_demo.tot_exp_yrs person.yrs_total  

CI270 119-127 State staff ID ohestaff_demo.credential_id person.staff_state_id If not populated, defaulted to invalid ‘ZZZZZZZZZ’

CI280 128-133 Prefix name not exported     

CI290 134-178 First name ohestaff_demo.f_name employee.f_name  

CI300 179-208 Middle name ohestaff_demo.m_name employee.m_name  

CI310 209-253 Last name ohestaff_demo.l_name employee.l_name  

CI320 254-259 Suffix name ohestaff_demo.suffix_name employee.name_suffix  

CK record

Element No. Position Description Exported from Original location Notes

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CK010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CK

  11 Filler N/A    

CK020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_employ.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CK030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_employ.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per  

CK040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_employ.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CK050 23-31 Employee ID ohestaff_employ.emis_empl_id ohemis_position. emis_empl_id  

CK060 32-34 Position code ohestaff_employ.pos_code ohemis_position.pos_code  

CK070 35 Position status ohestaff_employ.pos_stat ohemis_position.pos_stat  

CK080 36-43 Position start date ohestaff_employ.startdate ohemis_position.startdate  

CK090 44-49 Building IRN ohestaff_employ.bld_irn ohemis_position.bld_irn  

CK100 50-52 Position FTE ohestaff_employ.pos_fte ohemis_position.pos_fte  

CK120 53-55 Fund Source Percent 1 ohestaff_employ.pos_prcent1 ohemis_position. pos_prcent1  

CK130 56 Position Fund Source 1 ohestaff_employ.pos_fnd1 ohemis_position. pos_fnd1  

CK120 57-59 Fund Source Percent 2 ohestaff_employ.pos_prcent2 ohemis_position. pos_prcent2  

CK130 60 Position Fund Source 2 ohestaff_employ.pos_fnd2 ohemis_position. pos_fnd2  

CK120 61-63 Fund Source Percent 3 ohestaff_employ.pos_prcent3 ohemis_position. pos_prcent3  

CK130 64 Position Fund Source 3 ohestaff_employ.pos_fnd3 ohemis_position. pos_fnd3  

CK140 65 Position type ohestaff_employ.pos_type ohemis_position. pos_type  

CK150 66 Type of Appointment ohestaff_employ.appt_type ohemis_position. appt_type  

CK160 67-70 Length of Work Day ohestaff_employ.hrs_day ohemis_position. hrs_day  

CK170 72-73 Scheduled Work Days ohestaff_employ.sched_days ohemis_position. sched_days  

CK180 74 Pay Type ohestaff_employ.pay_type ohemis_position. pay_type  

CK190 75-82 Pay Amount/Rate ohestaff_employ.amount_rate ohemis_position. amount_rate  

  83-84 Filler      

CK210 85-86 Extended Service ohestaff_employ.ext_serv_days ohemis_position. ext_serv_days  

CK220 87-92 Assignment Area ohestaff_employ.assign1 ohemis_position.assign  

  93-104 Filler      

CK230 105 Position Separation Reason ohestaff_employ.sep_code ohemis_position.sep_code  

  106 Filler      

CK250 107-109 Local Contract Code ohestaff_employ.cont_code ohemis_position. cont_code Starts at 100 and adds 1 for each succeeding position.

CK260 110-111 Grade Levels Assigned LOW ohestaff_employ.gdlvl_low ohemis_position. gdlvl_low  

CK270 112-113 Grade Levels Assigned HIGH ohestaff_employ.gdlvl_high ohemis_position. gdlvl_high  

CK280 114 High Quality Professional Development ohestaff_employ.hqpd ohemis_position.hqpd  

CK290 115 Qualified Paraprofessional ohestaff_employ.qual_para  ohemis_position.qual_para .

CK300 116-123 Position Separation date ohestaff_employ.sep_date ohemis_position.sep_date  

CK310 124-126 Special Ed FTE ohestaff_employ.spec_ed_fte ohemis_position.spec_ed_fte  

CC record

Element No. Position Description Exported from Original location Notes

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CC010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CC

  11 Filler N/A    

CC020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_cont.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CC030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_cont.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per  

CC040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_cont.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CC050 23-31 Federal Tax ID ohestaff_cont.fed_tax_id User input  

CC060 32-71 Contractor Name ohestaff_cont.cont_name User input  

CC070 72-74 Position code ohestaff_cont.position_code User input  

CC080 75-77 Local contract code ohestaff_cont.cont_code User input  

CC090 78-87 Dollar Amount of Contract ohestaff_cont.dollar_amt User input 9(8)V99

CC100 88-95 Contract Start Date ohestaff_cont.cont_start User input CCYYMMDD

CC110 96-103 Contract End Date ohestaff_cont.cont_end User input CCYYMMDD

CC120 104-109 Hours per Week ohestaff_cont.hrs_week User input 9(4)V99

CC130 110 Position Fund Source ohestaff_cont.fund_src User input  

CC140 111 Based on services performed ohestaff_cont.serv_perf User input Y/N

CC150 112 Based on work hours ohestaff_cont.wrk_hrs User input Y/N

CC160 113 Based on number of people ohestaff_cont. num_people User input Y/N

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CJ record

Element No. Position Description Exported from Original location Notes

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CJ010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CJ

  11 Filler N/A    

CJ020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_cont.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CJ030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_cont.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per  

CJ040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_cont.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CJ050 23-31 Employee ID ohestaff_cont.emis_empl_id     

CJ060 32-34 Position code ohestaff_cont.position_code User input  

CJ070 35-40 Contracting District IRN ohestaff_cont. cont_dist_irn User input  

CJ080 41-13 Position FTE ohestaff_cont.fte User input 9V99

CJ090 44-46 Local contract code ohestaff_cont.cont_code User input  

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CJ010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CJ

  11 Filler N/A    

CJ020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_cont.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CJ030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_cont.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per  

CJ040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_cont.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CJ050 23-31 Employee ID ohestaff_cont.emis_empl_id person.staff_state_id  

CL record

Element No. Position Description Exported from Original location Notes

  1-8 Filler N/A    

CL010 9-10 Sort Type N/A N/A Always CL

  11 Filler N/A    

CL020 12-15 Fiscal year ohestaff_ssep.fisc_yr ohemis_prof.fisc_yr CCYY

CL030 16 Reporting Period ohestaff_ssep.rpt_per ohemis_prof.rpt_per  

CL040 17-22 District IRN ohestaff_ssep.dist_irn ohemis_prof.dist_irn  

CI050 23-31 Employee ID ohestaff_ssep.credential ID ohestaff_demo.credential ID for the reporting period L of the previous fiscal year.  

CL060 32-34 Position Code ohestaff_ssep.pos_code ohestaff_employ.pos_code for  the reporting period L of the previous fiscal year  

CL070 35-37 Local Contract Code ohestaff_ssep.cont_code ohestaff_employ.cont_code  for the reporting period L of the previous fiscal year  

CL080 38 Position Separation Reason ohestaff_ssep.sep_code Ohio State Reports page 32000 EMIS Term Code (empuser.tcode8 where page_no = 32000) must be populated for summer separation to be loaded

CL090 39-46 Position Separation Date ohestaff_ssep.sep_date Ohio State Reports page 32000 EMIS Term Date

(empuser.tcode9 where page_no = 32000) must be populated for summer separation to be loaded

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