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The Education Management Information System (EMIS) is Ohio's statewide data collection system for primary and secondary schools. Staff, student, district/building, and financial data are collected through this system. Staff data comprises of demographics, attendance records, and course information. This also includes school district, building and financial data.

The main focus of EMIS is the collection and maintenance of:

•           State and Federal Reporting

•           Funding and Distribution of Payments

•           Academic Accountability System

•           Generating Statewide and District Reports

School district personnel, student software vendors, ITC staff, Statewide Student Identifier third party vendor, staff and representatives from each district participate in a significant part of the EMIS process.

The EMIS menu, found at EMIS, includes the following pages:


EMIS Clear Prior Year Attendance

Used to clear the EMIS position attendance overrides and longterm days.

EMIS Data Export

Used to create the electronic file of information to be sent to Ohio EMIS.

EMIS Employee Positions Report

Used to generate a report of employee EMIS positions.

EMIS Financial Load

Used to load EMIS financial data from Fund Accounting into the financial intermediate tables.

EMIS Staff Report

Used to load and maintain staff employment and demographic information from Human Resources. The staff intermediate tables are used to add and maintain contractor information.

Update EMIS Positions Salaries

Used to update the employee EMIS Position record salary for active EMIS Positions.

EMIS Financial Tables

5 Year Forecast Used to add and update fiscal projections five years in advance as required by EMIS regulations.

5 Year Forecast Notes Used to keep important notes attached to the 5 Year Forecasts.
Capital Assets Used to add, update, and report on a district's capital assets for the fiscal year.
Cash Table Used to add, update, and report on a school or district's cash balances for a specified fiscal year.

Exhibit 1 Used to load and maintain federal, proprietary and fiduciary funds. Information in this table depends on the EMIS Financial load. Perform that load before using Exhibit 1.

Expenditure Table Used to add, update, and report on a school or district's expenditure records for a specified fiscal year.

Federal Assistance Detail Used to add, update, and report on a school or district's federal and/or governmental agency funding.

Federal Assistance Summary Used to add, update, and report on a school or district's profile of federal and/or governmental agency funding.

Operational Unit Used to input and keep record of Operational Unit (OPU) assignments for a school or district's locations.

Organization General Information Used to input and keep record of Organizational General Information as deemed necessary by Ohio regulations.

Receipt Table Used to input and keep record of receipts for income and expenses for a school or district.

Statement R Descriptions Used to record descriptions of Statement R, an information sheet that contains all data pertaining to any civil proceedings pending in court involving the Board of Education.

Statement R Detail Used to record specific details of Statement R, an information sheet that contains all data pertaining to any civil proceedings pending in court involving the Board of Education.

EMIS Reference Tables

EMIS Assignment Codes

Used to create and maintain assignment codes to be granted to curriculum, services, and departments.

EMIS Building IRN Codes

Used to add and update Building IRN codes in order to organize a school or district's locations based on functions.

EMIS Class Codes

Used to create and maintain specific codes given to fields of study or faculty. These can then be used to keep record of assignments.

EMIS Fund Class Codes

Used to organize different funds.

EMIS Profile

Used to hold the specific information for a user's district and/or school for their taxes.

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