Data Export
Use the EMIS Data Export page to export EMIS data according to specifications in various sections such as Staff Demographics and Financial Data. You can use combinations of filters to include and exclude different EMIS data points in the report.
From the EMIS menu, select EMIS Data Export.
Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid values.
Select Create and then select Yes.
Save the EMIS Staff Export Validation Report.
Select Yes to save the emisdata.seq file to the local computer and the server directory.
Save the EMIS Data Export status log and select OK.
Save the emisdata.seq file.
Field descriptions
This section describes the fields on the following:
Report Header Information section
The following table describes the fields in the Report Header Information section of the EMIS Data Export page.
Field | Description |
Report Date | The report date. The default is the current date. |
Report Time | The report time. The default is the time when you accessed the EMIS Data Export page. You cannot edit this field. |
Reporting Period | The reporting period of the fiscal year. Valid values:
You cannot edit these fields. |
Start Period | The first fiscal period to be included. Valid values:
You cannot edit these fields. |
End Period | The inclusive end date of the reporting period. Valid values:
You cannot edit these fields. |
Fiscal Year | The reporting fiscal year. Valid values:
You cannot edit these fields. |
Reporting District | The six-digit state-assigned Information Retrieval Number (IRN). Valid values:
You cannot edit these fields. |
Staff Information tab
The following table describes the fields on the Staff Information tab of the EMIS Data Export page.
Field | Description |
Export Staff Demographic Data | Indicates whether to include the staff demographic (CI) data. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Export Staff Employment Data | Indicates whether to include the staff employment (CK) data. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Export Contractor Staff Employment Data | Indicates whether to include the contractor staff employment (CJ) data. |
Export Contract Only Staff Data | Indicates whether to include the contractor-only staff (CC) data. |
Export Staff Summer Employment Separation Data | Indicates whether to include the staff summer employment separation (CL) data. |
Use Employee ID | Indicates whether to use the Employee ID instead of the State Staff ID for CI and CK records. |
Financial Information tab
The following table describes the fields on the Financial Information tab of the EMIS Data Export page.
Field | Description |
Export DN Financial Data | Indicates whether to include the DN financial (DN) data. |
Export QC Financial Data | Indicates whether to include the QC financial (QC) data. |
Cash Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for cash selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Expenditure Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for expenditure selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Receipt Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for receipt selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Operational Unit Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for operational unit selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Exhibit 1 Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for Exhibit 1 selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Federal Assistance Summary Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for Federal assistance summary selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. This field displays if the Financial Fiscal Year on the EMIS Profile page is 2023 or earlier. |
Federal Assistance Detail Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for Federal assistance detail selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. This field displays if the Financial Fiscal Year on the EMIS Profile page is 2023 or earlier. |
Statement R Detail Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for Statement R detail selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Statement R Description Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for Statement R description selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Capital Assets Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for capital assets selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Miscellaneous Information tab
The following table describes the fields on the Miscellaneous Information tab of the EMIS Data Export page.
Field | Description |
Export QF Financial Data | Select to include 5-year forecast financial (QF/QN) data. |
Five Year Forecast Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for five-year forecast selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |
Five Year Notes Selection Criteria | The advanced search criteria for five-year forecast notes selection. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search. |