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Data Export

Use the EMIS Data Export page to export EMIS data according to specifications in various sections such as Staff Demographics and Financial Data. This page allows for combinations of filters to include and exclude different EMIS data points in the report.

Menu path

Select the EMIS menu. From the EMIS menu, select EMIS Data Export.

Export a data log

The information in the Report Header Information section will be filled in for you. The Report Date and Report Time are filled in with the current date and system time. You may change these values if desired. The remaining information is taken from the EMIS Profile. If this information is incorrect, return to the EMIS Profile and enter the correct information. Afterward, return to this page to export the data.

  1. In the Staff Information tab, select the appropriate checkboxes to indicate that the staff demographic data, staff employment data, contractor staff employment data, and contract-only staff data will be included in the export.

  2. Select the Financial Information tab. Select the appropriate checkboxes to indicate whether the QC financial data or DN Organization—General Information records will be included in the export.
    You may use the various Criteria buttons to access advanced selections. For details, refer to the Fields below.

  3. Select the Miscellaneous Information tab. Select the appropriate checkboxes to indicate whether or not to export QB financial data and QF financial data. If you choose, you may use the search criteria buttons to narrow down the Five Year Forecast data and notes to export.

  4. Click OK to start the data export. The default log file name is exportems.log.


Report Header Information section



Report Date

The date that the report will be stamped with. Defaults to current date.

Report Time

The time that the report will be stamped with. Defaults to the time when the Data Export page was accessed.

Staff Information tab



Export Staff Demographic Data

Select to include the Staff Demographic data. Clicking Criteria will display an advanced search. From here, the user can search for specific records to include in the export.

Export Staff Employment Data

Select to include the Staff Employment data. Clicking Criteria will display an advanced search. From here, the user can search for specific records to include in the export.

Export Contractor Staff Employment Data

Select to include the Contractor Staff Employment data in the export.

Export Contract Only Staff Data

Select to include the Contractor Staff Employment data in the export.

Export Staff Summer Employment Separation Data

Select to include the Staff Summer Employment Separation data in the export.

Use Employee ID

Indicates whether to use the Employee ID instead of the Staff ID.

Financial Information tab



Export DN Financial Data

Select to include the DN Financial data.

Export QC Financial Data

Select to include the QC Financial data.

Criteria buttons

Displays an advanced search option. From here, the user can search for specific records to include in the export.


  • Cash Selection Criteria

  • Expenditure Selection Criteria

  • Receipt Selection Criteria

  • Operational Unit Selection Criteria

  • Exhibit 1 Selection Criteria

  • Statement R Detail Selection Criteria

  • Statement R Description Selection Criteria

  • Capital Assets Selection Criteria

For fiscal year 2023 and earlier, the following are also displayed:

  • Federal Assistance Summary Selection Criteria

  • Federal Assistance Detail Selection Criteria

Miscellaneous Information tab



Export QF Financial Data

Select to include 5-year financial data.

Criteria buttons

Click the appropriate Criteria button to display an advanced search window to specify data for the export.


  • Five Year Forecast Selection Criteria

  • Five Year Notes Selection Criteria

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