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Load Data - Employee Information

  1. Choose Load

  2. Select Load Employee Information. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  3. Click Load, then Yes

  4. Save the file, then click OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report file.

  6. Inspect the file and update data, if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the data is loaded.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Submission Date

Enter the official REP submission date (Date of Count) for the reporting period as assigned by CEPI.

Hire Date

Enter the latest hire date for employees who should be reported. Any employee hired on or before the hire date entered is included.

Termination Date

Terminated employees are omitted unless their termination date is after the specified date.

School Year Start Date

Defaults to the school year start date based on the Submission Date.

For example, if the Submission Date is between January 2022 and June 2022, the school year is July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

Organization Level

Select a level of the organization chart for the accounting/function code in the employee's assignment data (field 10) for any employees with a blank Account Code field on the Assignments page.

Purge Records With This Submission Date

Use this option to purge all records that match the submission date from the loaded REP maintenance file before the data is selected and loaded.


This field displays the list of personnel status codes from the Status field on the Employee Information page.

You can use query symbols.

Employee Type

This field displays the list of employee type codes from the Employee Type field on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page.

You can use query symbols.


This field displays the list of department codes from the Department field on the Employment tab of the Employee Information page.

You can use query symbols.

Load Process

The system checks for existing submission date records. If Purge Records With This Submission Date is selected, the system searches for records with that submission date. If you click Yes to continue, the system deletes all MEIS REP employee and assignment records with that submission date.

If Purge Records With This Submission Date is not selected, the system looks for records with that submission date that also match the Employee Criteria and deletes those records. This allows you to load specific departments without deleting the previously loaded records for other departments.

If any records are found, you can delete the existing records or abort the load process.

This prevents the loading of day-to-day substitutes, paraprofessionals (assignment codes 00SUB and 00PAR), and non-instructional staff (assignment codes 81500 through 99900) who have an FTE (full-time equivalency) of less than 0.5. The substitutes and non-instructional staff members are loaded from the Substitutes, Student Teachers and Non-Instructional option.

Once the data has been loaded, a message is displayed if errors were found during the load process.

If errors are encountered, it is recommended to fix the source data and, if possible, re-load the data. Much of the edit checking for data integrity only occurs during the load process, not later when the report is generated. Although specific errors are checked when the report is run, many other errors are only checked when the data is loaded.


There is a maximum of 15 school assignments, but only nine assignments are reported to REP. If there are no school assignments for an employee, the log records the error message.

If the Effectiveness field on an employee's Employee Defined Window Page 500 MEIS REP page is blank and if the value selected in the Assignment field on the Assignments page is any of the following, an error is logged when loading data:

Assignment Code


000AX through 000ZZ

(except 00SUB, 00PAR, 00STU, 000NY, 00200 through 00279, and 00281 through 00413)


00192 through 00197


00501 through 00599


60300 and 60400


70***, 71***, 72***, 73*** and 74***

Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators, Principals, and Assistant Principals

75***, 76***

Directors, Supervisors

Hourly Wage And Base Annual Salary

The hourly wage and the base annual salary load if they exist or zero-fill if they do not exist. Both fields must contain values. If both fields are blank, either the hourly wage or base annual salary must have a value greater than zero. If the base annual salary exceeds $450,000 and the hourly wage exceeds $999.99, the log records the error message.

The base annual salary calculates by taking step 1 of the employee's salary schedule (for the range defined on the employee's primary rate) and multiplying it by the FTE divided by 100. The base annual salary calculates for scheduled salary employees only. Wages are reported in field 10 for all other employees. If an employee has a base annual salary specified in the Base Salary field on the Employee Defined Window Page 500 MEIS REP, it will be reported disregarding the normal calculation.

An error message is written to the log file if an employee's educational setting and grade level are reported.

Credential Type And Certification Number

Type of credential may load as 00 (Credential Not Reported) for assignment codes 00310 through 00407, Y*014, and Y*016.

The process loads a blank certification number if the certification number is zero and the certification type is one of the following:

  • 00

  • 01

  • 02

  • 05

  • 08

  • 23

  • 24

  • 25

  • 26

  • 40

  • 41

  • 42

  • 43

  • 55

  • 72

An error message is written to the log file if the certification number is zero and the credential type is none of the above.

An error is reported to the log file if the expiration date of any credential is not before the date of issuance.

Michigan-Sponsoring Or Non-Michigan Sponsoring Institution Code

The Michigan-sponsoring institution or non-Michigan sponsoring institution code loads if the employee's employment status is 97 or 98.

The process checks if the employee's name, birth date, gender, Social Security number, or credential number have changed since the previous submission and loads the personnel identification number if changes have occurred. If modifications to the employee's name, birth date, gender, Social Security number, credential number, and personnel identification number are not entered, an error is generated in the load error log.

Personnel Identification Number

The personnel identification number loads from the employee's Staff State ID on the Employee Information page. 
Professional Development days for the year are loaded from the Employee Defined Page 501 – New Teacher Professional Development. These user-defined fields correspond to the three types of Professional Development days. The professional development days are only reported in the June submission. Refer to the MEIS Registry of Educational Personnel Data Field Descriptions documentation for more information.

Educator Effectiveness Code

Educator Effectiveness code should be 01-09 and is loaded from the Employee Defined Page 500 – MEIS REP page.

If the Effectiveness field on an employee's Employee Defined Page 500 MEIS REP page is blank and if the value selected in the Assignment field on the Assignments page is any of the following, an error is logged when loading data:

Assignment Code


000AX through 000ZZ

(except 00SUB, 00PAR, 00STU, 000NY, 00200 through 00279, and 00281 through 00413)


00192 through 00197


00501 through 00599


60300 and 60400


70***, 71***, 72***, 73*** and 74***

Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators, Principals, and Assistant Principals

75***, 76***

Directors, Supervisors

Educator effectivness is not reported if the employee's termination date is before the School Year Start Date.

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