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Annual Staff Report

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requires the LEAs to report annual information on staff members actively employed and who separated during the reporting period. Based on the data received, MSDE prints summary information in various MSDE publications, including:

  • Analysis of Professional Salaries

  • Staff Employed at School and Central Office Levels

  • Professional Staff by Type of Degree and Years of Experience

  • Professional Staff by Assignment, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender

The MD Annual Staff Report fulfills the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requirement by reporting active and separated staff members.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State - MD menu, select Annual Staff Report.

Submission Period

A specified reporting year.

Selection Rule

Includes all the employees actively employed and separated during the specified reporting year.


UTIS Data Transfer

Use the UTIS Data Transfer option to update or request Staff IDs from the state.

Upload to UTIS

The Upload to UTIS option creates a file to be sent to the state to request unique teacher state identification numbers for specific employees.

To create the upload file, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Upload to UTIS.

  2. Select the Report Year of the loaded staff records.

  3. Select Create and then Yes.

Before creating the upload file, you must load the data for the reporting year.

Download from UTIS

The Download from UTIS option updates the unique teacher state identification number in the application from a file received from the state.

To download the UTIS file, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Download from UTIS.

  2. Select Update Staff ID to update the staff ID. Leave it unchecked to generate the report only.
    When Update Staff ID is selected, the following are updated:

    • State ID field on the Demographic Information tab of the Annual Staff Information form, which is accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.

    • Staff State ID field on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page.

  3. Select the Report Year of the loaded staff records to update.

  4. Select the File Source.

  5. Choose the UTIS file to download from the specified source.

  6. Select PDF or Excel.

  7. Select Create and then Yes.

Before creating the download file, you must load the data for the reporting year.

While processing the file, the program attempts to match using the employee ID. If the employee ID is missing, the SSN is used to match an employee. If both employee ID and SSN are missing, the program uses the birthdate and last name, without the suffix, to match an employee. A warning message is generated if these methods fail to find a match.

Upload Evaluation Records

Use this option to import a file of all Teacher/Principal evaluations performed during the school year into the Activity Tracker table. The rating selected during the data load is based on the most recent evaluation for any specific building. From this selection, the rating with the highest FTE is selected and saved to the file. These values are stored in the mdstaff table.

To upload the Teacher/Principal evaluations, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Upload Evaluation Records.

  2. Select a Load Date.

  3. Choose the file from the specified source.

  4. Select PDF or Excel.

  5. Select Upload and then Yes.

Excluded Pay Codes

Use this option to exclude pay codes from salary calculations.

  1. On the MD Annual Staff Report page, select Excluded Pay Codes.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

      • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the Excluded Pay Codes form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report - Excluded Pay Codes page.



Pay Code

The pay code to exclude from salary calculations.

The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Pay Codes page.


The pay code’s title.

The value is retrieved from the Title field on the Pay Codes page.

Subject/Certificate Crosswalk

Use this option to enter all subjects' certificates to indicate that a teacher is certified to teach that subject. This table is preloaded based on Appendix E of the state Staff Reporting System Manual and is used during the data load.

  1. On the MD Annual Staff Report page, select Subject/Certificate Crosswalk.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

      • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the Subject/Certificate form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report - Subject/Certificate Crosswalk page.




The teaching subject.


The corresponding certificate for the teaching subject.

Load Data

  1. On the MD Annual Staff Report page, select Load.

  2. Select the Report Year, Start Date, End Date, and National Board Certification.

  3. Select Load, then Yes.

  4. If your employees are under position control, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

  5. If data for the selected criteria is loaded, select Yes to delete and reload the data.

  6. Save the Load Summary report and select OK.

  7. If errors were encountered, save the error log.

  8. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report and error log files.

  9. Inspect the files. Update data if needed.

  10. Repeat these steps until all required data is loaded.

The loaded records display on the MD Annual Staff Report page.

Employees will not be loaded if:

  • The termination date falls outside the specified date range.

  • The hire date is after the specified end date.

  • There are records with blanks in all location, position, and budget unit fields.

All employees will be loaded with a type 1 record. If an employee's time is split between location, schools, budget codes, or position types, it is necessary to prorate the salary and report the additional information on type 2 records. Therefore, all the assignments/positions with the same position, budget code, and location are in the same record. The highest percentage of time assignment is in the type 1 record. All other assignments are type 2 records.

The type 1 record contains up to six subject codes, listed in the percentage of time order. When a type 1 record is created, subject 1 receives the initial subject code. Each time the type 1 record for an employee is updated with a new assignment, its subject code is added to the following subject field, with a maximum of six subject fields. Along with each subject code, the teacher will be marked if they are certified and their FTE for the subject. The certification is based on whether the teacher's Subject/Certificate combination is in the Subject/Certificate Crosswalk on the MD Annual Staff Report page.

The codes in the National Board Certification drop-down list are retrieved from the Credential Codes reference table. The National Board Certification code selected on the Load page is validated against the Credential code on the employee's Credential Data page. If the National Board Certification code matches the active Credential codes for that employee, the field value will be Y. The field value will be N for Position 11 and blank for others if either of the following is true:

  • The employee does not have active credentials.

  • The selected Credential code expired before the Start Date selected on the Load page.

An error log is generated if:

  • The position, budget code, or location fields are blank.

  • The employee's birth date is missing.

If the Use Budget Code Crosswalk option on the Human Resources Profile - State page is selected, an error will be generated if a match for the budget code in the crosswalk table cannot be found.

Maintain Data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the MD Annual Staff Report page, filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

      • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page contains the following tabs:

Demographic Information

The Demographic Information tab of the Annual Staff Information form contains the following sections:


The following table describes the fields in the Demographic section on the Demographic Information tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.



Report Year

The reporting year.

The default is the current year.

Employee Number

The employee number.

Select Lookup to search for and select an employee number.


The employee's gender. 

The value is retrieved from the Gender Identity field on the Employee Information page.

This field value overrides the value in the Gender Identity field on the Employee Information page.

The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Gender Identity page.

Staff ID

The employee’s staff ID.

The value is retrieved from the Staff State ID field on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page.

Social Security

The employee's social security number. 

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Last Name

The employee's last name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

First Name

The employee's first name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Middle Name

The employee's middle name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's name suffix.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page

Maiden Name

The employee's maiden name.

The value is retrieved from the Previous Last Name field on the Employee Information page.

Date of Birth

The employee's birth date.

The value is retrieved from the Birthdate field on the Employee Information page.

This field value overrides the value in the Birthdate field on the Employee Information page.


The two-digit state designation of the local education agency.

The value is retrieved from the Local Education Agency field on the Human Resources Profile - State page.


The following table describes the fields in the Race/Ethnicity section on the Demographic Information tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.




The employee’s race.

The value is retrieved from the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page.

This field value overrides the value on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page.

Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Origin

Indicates whether the employee's ethnicity is of Hispanic or Latino origin.

The value is retrieved from the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page.

This field value overrides the value on the Race/Ethnicity tab of the Employee Information page.


The following table describes the fields on the Employment tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.




The two-digit code of the professional staff’s highest degree.

Required for position codes 01 to 25.

Valid values:

  • 01 - High school diploma

  • 10 - Less than high school diploma

  • 11 - Less than two years of college

  • 12 - Two years of college

  • 13 - Three years of college

  • 14 - Bachelor's equivalent

  • 16 - Nondegree SPC (18 hours)

  • 18 - Nondegree APC (34 hours)

  • 20 - Bachelor's degree

  • 25 - Bachelor's with Master's equivalent

  • 30 - Master's degree

  • 35 - Master's degree plus 30 semester hours

  • 40 - Doctorate degree

Years Experience

The employee’s total years of experience represented as a three-digit code for total years (two digits) and months (one digit - expressed in decimals) of prior experience in the current position type, including experiences outside and inside the local unit. However, work-related experience not gained in the same field is not counted. New professional staff hired on or after the start date with no prior experience are given experience credit for the portion of the year they worked. For each month after October, deduct 1/10.

For example, for a hire date of December 2009 with 12 years of experience, enter 128.

Required for position codes 01 to 25.

Month Decimal Equivalent:

  • October (Start Date) = 1.0

  • November = 0.9

  • December = 0.8

  • January = 0.7

  • February = 0.6

  • March = 0.5

  • April = 0.4

  • May = 0.3

  • June = 0.2

  • July = 0.2

  • August = 0.2

  • September = 0.1

  • October = 0.0

Hire Date

The date the employee was hired.

The value is retrieved from the Hire Date field on the Employment tab of the Employee Information page.

Termination Date

The six-digit code for the year (four digits) and month (two digits) in which an individual resigned or left the school system between the start and end dates.

The value in this field overrides the value in the Last Day Worked field on the Employee Information page.

Termination Cause

The two-digit code for the cause of separation.

Valid values:

  • 10 = Death

  • 20 = Retirement


  • 31 = For provisional or substandard certificate

  • 32 = For failure to attend summer school

  • 33 = For inefficiency/ineffectiveness

  • 34 = For immorality, misconduct, insubordination, willful neglect of duty

  • 35 = For decrease in enrollment or elimination of school by consolidation

  • 36 = For rejection by Medical Board

  • 37 = For being employed only as substitute

  • 38 = For reduction in force

  • 39 = For resignation before non-renewal recommendation

Work in (education):

  • 41 = Another country

  • 42 = Another state

  • 43 = Another local unit or the Maryland State Department of Education

  • 44 = A Maryland institution of higher education

  • 45 = A nonpublic school

  • 46 = Other type of position in the same local unit

Work in (other than education):

  • 51 = Government services

  • 52 = Business

  • 53 = Defense work

  • 54 = Armed services

Other Voluntary Resignation:

  • 61 = Study

  • 62 = Move

  • 63 = Marriage

  • 64 = Maternity

  • 65 = Home responsibility

  • 66 = Personal illness

  • 67 = Dissatisfied with teaching

  • 68 = Other

  • 69 = Cause unknown

Leave of Absence:

  • 71 = For study

  • 72 = For illness

  • 73 = For maternity

  • 74 = Armed services

  • 75 = Other reasons

The value in this field overrides the value in the Reason field on the Employee Information page.

Contract Months

The two-digit code for the type of contract month assignment.

Valid values:

  • 10 = Ten-month assignment

  • 11 = Eleven-month assignment

  • 12 = Twelve-month assignment

  • 99 = Contractual assignment

Evaluation Building

School where teacher or principal was evaluated. If the teacher works at multiple schools and is evaluated based on effectiveness at multiple schools, report the teacher where they spend the majority of time. You must use a valid MSDE school number or XXXX for the central office.

Effectiveness Rating

Effectiveness rating for the school year.

Valid values:

  • H = Highly Effective

  • E = Effective

  • I = Ineffective

  • N = Not Evaluated

Evaluation Position

Position for which teacher or principal was evaluated.


The percentage of time spent in the evaluation position, represented as a decimal.


The four-digit FTE code expressed to three decimal points, computed based on a standard work week (40 hours) for all positions.

Year Employed

The four-digit code indicating the last school year in which the person worked.

For example, 2010 means the 2009-2010 school year.

Where Employed

The two-digit code of the state or LEA where the person worked before the current assignment. You must use an LEA code if the person was employed in a Maryland public school system.


The two-digit code indicating the state from which the new employee came. If the new hire was previously a Maryland resident, enter MD.

Experience Type

The code for prior experience of professional staff.

Tenure Status

The tenure status of the teacher.

Valid values:

  • Y - Yes

  • 0 - Does not apply

  • 1 - Non-Tenure, Year 1

  • 2 - Non-Tenure, Year 2

  • 3 - Non-Tenure, Year 3

  • 4 - Non-Tenure, Year 4

  • 5 - Non-Tenure, Year 5

  • 6 - Non-Tenure, Year 6

  • 7 - Non-Tenure, Year 7

  • 8 - Non-Tenure, Year 8

  • 9 - Non-Tenure, Year 9


The Position tab of the Annual Staff Information form contains the following sections:


The following table describes the fields in the Position section on the Position tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.




The one-digit location code for the level at which the employee is working.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Central Office
    Most duties are at the central or regional offices.

  • 2 = Elementary
    Most duties are at the elementary school level (pre-kindergarten through 5).

  • 3 = Secondary
    Most duties are at the secondary school level (grades 9 through 12).

  • 4 = Middle
    Most duties are at the middle school level (grades 6 through 8).

  • 5 = Combined
    Most duties are at the combined school level (combinations of elementary, secondary, and middle).

  • 7 = Other
    Duties do not fit into the above categories (for example, floating teachers).


The four-digit code assigned to the school building. A separate record must be reported for each school if a person is assigned to multiple schools. For staff whose duties are mainly assigned at the central/regional office level (location code 1) and other (location code 7), the data field for the school number must be left blank.


For all budget codes, right zero fill the data field up to 10 digits (e.g., "20121" should be entered as "2012100000"). A staff member's position and budget codes must logically match. For detailed descriptions of the budget codes, refer to the Financial Reporting Manual for Maryland Public Schools.


The two-digit code for assignment level of position.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Superintendent

  • 02 = Deputy Superintendent

  • 03 = Asst., Assoc., Area Superintendent

  • 04 = Director/Manager/Comptroller

  • 05 = Coordinator/Consultant

  • 06 = Supervisor

  • 07 = Other Administrator

  • 08 = Principal

  • 09 = Vice/Assistant Principal

  • 10 = School Department Chairperson/Other School-level Administrator

  • 11 = Teacher/Instructor

  • 12 = Staff Developer/Teacher Trainer

  • 13 = Other Instructional Professional Personnel

  • 14 = Audiologist/Hearing Therapist

  • 15 = Occupational Therapist

  • 16 = Physical Therapist

  • 17 = Speech Pathologist/Therapist

  • 18 = Other Therapist/Diagnostician

  • 19 = Librarian/Media Consultant

  • 20 = Guidance Counselor

  • 21 = Psychologist

  • 22 = Student Personnel Worker

  • 23 = School Social Worker

  • 24 = Nurse/Hygienist/Health Professional

  • 25 = Other Professional Personnel

  • 26 = Teacher Aide/Teaching Assistant

  • 27 = Library/Media Center Aide

  • 28 = Other Aide

  • 29 = Secretary/Clerk

  • 30 = Technical Personnel

  • 31 = Transportation Personnel

  • 32 = Crafts and Trades Personnel

  • 33 = Manual Laborer

  • 34 = Service Worker

A staff member's position type and budget code should logically match each other. For example, a librarian is not given a budget code of "20310" for guidance counselors. If a person's position type does not fit into any of the above categories, you should choose a similar position for the person.


The portion of the annual salary for each part of the position to the nearest dollar. For staff who have multiple records (one Type I and one or more Type II records), the parts of the salary must add up to the total salary. This field should be right-justified and zero-filled.


The four-digit full-time equivalent status, expressed to three decimal points for staff funded by a Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance School (TAS) Program. For staff who work with TAS and school-wide (SW), report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. Leave this field blank for staff who are not Title I.

Title I Paraprofessional

Indicates whether the staff person is Title I [serving in a school-wide (SW) Title I school or funded by Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS)] and is a paraprofessional as defined by Title I, Part A. Staff in position codes 26-28 or other positions that are considered paraprofessionals may not be Title I paraprofessionals, even though they serve in a Title I SW school or are funded by Title I TAS. Title I paraprofessionals must meet the definition of either instructional or non-instructional paraprofessional below.

Valid values:

  • I - Instructional
    An instructional paraprofessional is an employee of an LEA who provides instructional support in a program supported with Title I, Part A funds (i.e., staff funded by TAS or serving in an SW program). This support, under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher, includes:

    • Providing one-on-one tutoring for eligible students if the tutoring is scheduled when a student would not otherwise receive instruction from a teacher.

    • Providing instructional services to students.

  • O - Other
    This is an employee of an LEA who provides non-instructional support in a program supported with Title I, Part A funds (i.e., staff funded by TAS or serving in an SW program). This support includes:

    • Acting as a non-instructional translator.

    • Conducting parental involvement activities with adults.

    • Providing non-instructional assistance in a computer lab.

    • Providing non-instructional support in a library or media center.

    • Providing non-instructional personal care services for special education students.

  • N - Not a Title I

Title I Qualified Paraprofessional

Required for all Title I instructional paraprofessionals. Paraprofessionals are qualified if they meet the following requirements:

  • Completed two years of study at an institution of higher education

  • Obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree

  • Met a rigorous standard of quality and demonstrated, through a formal State or local academic assessment, knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics (or, as appropriate, reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness).

Valid values:

  • Y- Yes

  • N - No

National Board Certification

Indicates whether the employee is certified by the national board.

Valid values:

  • Y- Yes

  • N - No

Certificate Begin Date

The beginning date of the national board certification.

Certificate End Date

The ending date of the national board certification.

Certification ID Number

The ID number of the national board certification.

Career Ladder

The employee’s career ladder level or tier.

The Career Ladder Grant Program supports providing salary supplements to teaching staff to compensate them for additional responsibilities and voluntary efforts not already covered by their base compensation.

The career ladder levels or tiers are retrieved from the User Defined Table CD.


The following table describes the fields in the Subjects section on the Position tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.



Subject 1 - 6

The code of the subject taught.

These subject codes are required for classroom teachers only.

Valid values:

  • 0100 = Art

  • 0201 = Agriculture

  • 0202 = Bookkeeping (or Accounting)

  • 0203 = Business

  • 0204 = Cooperative Education (or Work-Based Learning Coordinator)

  • 0205 = Health Occupations

  • 0206 = Family and Consumer Science (Home Economics)

  • 0207 = Technology Education (Industrial Arts)

  • 0208 = Marketing Education

  • 0210 = Trades and Industry

  • 0300 = Computer Science

  • 0400 = Dance

  • 0500 = Drama/Theater

  • 0600 = Driver Education

  • 0701 = Pre-Kindergarten

  • 0702 = Kindergarten

  • 0703 = Elementary Education

  • 0801 = English

  • 0802 = Journalism

  • 0803 = Reading

  • 0900 = ESOL

  • 1001 = French

  • 1002 = German

  • 1003 = Latin

  • 1004 = Russian

  • 1005 = Spanish

  • 1006 = Other Foreign Language

  • 1007 = Multiple Language Course

  • 1008 = Arabic

  • 1009 = Chinese

  • 1010 = Italian

  • 1011 = Japanese

  • 1012 = Portuguese

  • 1013 = Turkish

  • 1014 = Korean

  • 1015 = American Sign Language

  • 1100 = Health

  • 1200 = Mathematics

  • 1300 = Music

  • 1400 = Outdoor Education

  • 1500 = Physical Education

  • 1601 = Biology

  • 1602 = Chemistry

  • 1603 = Earth/Space

  • 1604 = General Science

  • 1605 = Geology

  • 1606 = Physical Science

  • 1607 = Physics

  • 1608 = Environmental Science

  • 1609 = Environmental Education

  • 1701 = Economics

  • 1702 = Geography

  • 1703 = History

  • 1704 = Political Science

  • 1705 = Psychology

  • 1706 = Social Studies

  • 1707 = Sociology

  • 1801 = Special Education Infant – Grade 3

  • 1802 = Special Education Grades 1 - 8

  • 1803 = Special Education Grades 6 - Adult

  • 1804 = Hearing Impaired

  • 1805 = Severely/Profoundly Disabled

  • 1806 = Visually Impaired

  • 2000 = Other (Non-Core Academic Subjects)


Indicates if the teacher is certificated in the subject.


Indicates the full-time equivalency (FTE) spent teaching the subject.

Prior Year

The following table describes the fields in the Prior Year section on the Position tab of the Annual Staff Information form accessed from the MD Annual Staff Report page.



Subject 1 - 6

The code of the subject taught the prior year.

These subject codes are required for classroom teachers only.

For a list of valid values, refer to Subjects.


Indicates if the teacher was certificated in the subject the prior year.


Indicates the full-time equivalency (FTE) spent teaching the subject the prior year.

Create File

  1. Choose Report.

  2. Select the Report Year.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. If you have permission to view the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    3. Click Create, then click Yes.

  4. Save the file and navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  5. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  6. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  7. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Click Create, then click Yes.

  8. Save the files and click OK.

The default file names are:

  • Annual staff report: mdstaff.tpe

  • Prior year staff report: mdstaff_pyrpt.csv

Follow the State's submission procedures.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report in the following scenarios:

  • You want to discard the data for the report completely.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and reload the data.

  1. Choose Purge.

  2. Select the Report Year for which you want to purge records.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Click Yes, then OK.

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