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State Submissions - Human Resources

The following table lists the Maryland reports, a brief description, and the timeline for the report submission. Additionally, the specification document is listed.



Submission Date(s)


Annual Staff Report

This report contains data on staff members actively employed and the staff who separated during the reporting period. MSDE uses the information for the following purposes:

  • monitoring compliance with federal and state laws;

  • responding to federal reporting requests;

  • responding to state legislative and State Board of Education data requests;

  • producing annual statewide staff reports;

  • providing information to local education agencies and the public;

  • determining funding allocations by the state and school systems;

  • providing information for designing research and staff development plans.

Mid October thru Early November

Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Staff Reporting System Specifications and Procedures Manual - School Year 2014-2015

Earnings Limitation Report

This report provides information about wages paid to employees within a specified date range. The wage information is accumulated from the check history for all checks with an issue date between the specified start and end dates. 

Specified date range

Not Applicable

New Hire Report

Reports newly hired and re-hired employees to the Maryland New Hire Registry within 20 days of their hire or re-hire date.

Each pay period or as needed

Maryland State Directory of New Hires  - MD Employer File Submission Layout

Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Report (QUIR)

This report provides quarterly unemployment wage information to the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation – Division of Unemployment Insurance.

Each Quarter (within one month from the end of the quarter)

E-Wage Reporting – Maryland Diskette Format (34 characters) Updated September 24, 2012

Retirement Systems 

Reports payroll information to the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System.

Each pay period

Diskette Reporting Requirements (405) Transaction) Revised (4/99) 

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