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Defined Page 10 - Maryland Annual Staff Report Information

To ensure that state reports contain valid and accurate data about employees' past work experience, provide relevant information on the Maryland Annual Staff Report Information page.

Enter work experience information for regular employees

On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status for a regular employee is blank.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, select Exclude Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select Personnel Information, then select Defined Windows.

  6. Select Maryland Annual Staff Report Information, then select Accept

  7. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information. 

  8. Select Accept.

Enter work experience information for pending employees

Pending employees require additional information to complete the employee record. On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status on the record displays Add Pending.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, select Only List Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select Maryland Annual Staff Report Information

  6. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Select Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Finish.

  9. Select OK.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the Maryland Annual Staff Report Information page.



Year Employed

The four-digit code indicating the school year where the employee last worked.

For example, 2022 represents the school year 2021 - 2022.

Where Employed

The two-digit code of the state or Local Education Agency (LEA) where the employee worked before the current assignment. 

If the employee worked in a Maryland public school system, enter the LEA code.


The two-digit code of the employee's state of residence.

Type Exp

The employee's type of experience.

Valid values:

  • X – No prior experience

  • P – Most recent experience in a public school

  • N – Most recent experience in a non-public school or outside of education

Annual Salary

The annual salary to be used as an override in the Annual Staff report.

Staff Rpt FTE

The full-time equivalent (FTE) to be used as an override in the Annual Staff report.

Tenure Status

The tenure status of the employee.

Valid values:

  • Y = Yes

  • 0 = Does not apply

  • 0-9 = Non-tenure

  • 1-9 = Year

Exclude Empl

Indicates whether to exclude the employee from the Annual Staff report.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

Career Ladder

The employee’s career ladder level or tier.

The Career Ladder Grant Program supports providing salary supplements to teaching staff to compensate them for additional responsibilities and voluntary efforts not already covered by their base compensation.

The career ladder levels or tiers are stored in the User Defined Table CD.

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