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Expenditure Table

Use the EMIS Expenditure Table page to add and update a school or district's EMIS expenditure records for a specified fiscal year.

EMIS expenditure records comprise all the relevant information required by the EMIS. The EMIS Financial Load process populates this table. The EMIS financial load process populates this table. Expenditure records must be provided for each account number.

Maintain data

  1. On the start page, select EMIS.

  2. From the EMIS Financial Tables menu, select Expenditure Table.

  3. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

      • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

      • To download the information, select Download, then select Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the EMIS Expenditure Table form.



Record Number

The system-generated record number unique for the financial record type, reporting period, and fiscal year.

This field cannot be edited.


The four-digit code that classifies expenditures for data comparisons. The number of digits following the function code indicates the degree of specificity needed when reporting expenditures. A number less than four indicates that the record can be rolled up to a higher level.

For more information, refer to the latest version of the Uniform School Accounting System (USAS) manual.

Record Status

The status of the record.

The valid value is A - Add.

This field cannot be edited.


The expenditure ledger account.

The three-digit code assigned by the Auditor's Office that defines an expenditure as goods or services.

For more information, refer to the latest version of the Uniform School Accounting System (USAS) manual.

A minimum of two significant digits is required for all object codes except those listed below. Three significant digits are required for the following:

  • 111, 113 – Salaries, certificated/licensed – regular & supplemental

  • 112, 114 – Substitutes and Overtime – certificated/licensed

  • 141, 143 – Salaries, non-certificated/licensed – regular & supplemental

  • 142, 144 – Substitutes and Overtime – non-certificated/licensed

  • 45X – Utilities

  • 47X – Tuition

  • 81X – Redemption

  • 82X – Interest

  • 83X – Other Debt Service Payments

  • 94X – Grant payments to other districts/organizations/Individuals

  • 96X – Discount on Debt

Sort Type

The sort type for the record.

The valid value is QC.

This field cannot be edited.


The six-digit code that identifies specific educational costs. The major subject areas will be used for grades 9-12.

Two digits are required for all major subject areas (math, science) and elementary physical education, art, and music.

Fiscal Year

The EMIS fiscal year.

The value is retrieved from the Financial Fiscal Year field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.

Operational Unit

The three-digit code that identifies the permanent operational entity.

It is used for buildings or physical units.

If expenditures are not limited to a specific number of buildings, then no OPU is required, and the district-wide or undistributed OPU will be used.

Reporting Period

The period of the fiscal year to report on.

The value is retrieved from the Financial Reporting Period field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.

Instructional Level

The two-digit code that specifies the various grade levels or educational levels in the district.

For more information, refer to the latest version of the Uniform School Accounting System (USAS) manual.

District IRN

The six-digit state-assigned Information Retrieval Number (IRN).

The value is retrieved from the District IRN field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.


The three-digit code to map staff costs to assigned activity.

For more information about required line numbers, refer to Section 6.3 of the EMIS manual.

Schedule Sequence

The state-specified schedule sequence.

The valid value is AAL.

This field cannot be edited.

Prior Fiscal Year Encumbered

The funds encumbered from the previous fiscal year and carried over into the new fiscal year.

It is also known as Previous Year Carry-Over Appropriation.

Schedule Frequency

The state-specified schedule frequency.

The valid value is 001.

This field cannot be edited.

Fiscal Year Total Appropriate

The budget showing projected spending for the current fiscal year.

Line Number

The state-specified line number.

The valid value is 1.

This field cannot be edited after saving the record.

Fiscal Year Actual Expenditure

The total funds expended for the fiscal year.

Schedule Number

The state-specified schedule number.

The valid value is EXP.

This field cannot be edited.

Current Encumbered

The funds encumbered when goods or services were not received.


The fund that receives the federal funds.

The three-digit code is assigned by the State Auditor's Office to ensure money is spent for specified purposes.

If the value is 002, select the General Fund Debt-Bond Retirement option.

Special Cost Center

The four-digit code that tracks costs for temporary or specific needs in defining funds. This code is required by state and federal mandates to subdivide funds.

General Fund Debt-Bond Retirement

Select this option if the value in the Fund field is 002.

Create file

  1. On the EMIS Expenditure Table page, select Report.

  2. Select the Reporting Period and Fiscal Year.

  3. Select PDF or Excel.

  4. Select Create, and then Yes.

  5. Save the file and select OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.
    The default file names are:

    • PDF:
      EMIS Expenditure Table Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.pdf

    • Excel:
      EMIS Expenditure Table Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.csv

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