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EMIS Financial Load

The EMIS Financial Load option will load data for the selected criteria into the EMIS financial tables. Much like the Data Export feature, this page will give users options on what to include and exclude from the report.

The reporting period determines how the data is loaded as follows:

At end-of-fiscal-year processing, the program will create detail cash, revenue, and expenditure records. Records for Statement R will need to be entered manually using the financial table maintenance screens. For more details, refer to EMIS Financial Tables Maintenance.

If the information in the Report Header Information section is incorrect, you must correct it in the EMIS Profile. For details, refer to EMIS Profile.

Menu Path: EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Financial Load

Loading Financial Report

  1. Select EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Financial Load to display the EMIS Financial Load page.

  2. Check the field information in the Report Header Information section to be sure it is correct. If it is not correct, return to the EMIS Profile and enter the correct information. If it is correct, continue to step 3.

  3. In the Clear Options section, select:

    • Clear all of the records for the fiscal year and reporting period.

    • Clear records according to load criteria. This will then use your criteria selected in the Load Options section.

  4. In the Load Options section, select one of the following:

    • Finance cash data only

    • Finance expenditure data only

    • Finance receipt data only

    • All finance data
      Click Criteria to display advanced search options.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Load EMIS Data dialog, click Yes to load the data.

EMIS Financial Load Error

During the procedure to load financial reports, errors may occur. In the event of such an occurrence, various messages detailing the error will display. In these messages, 'nnn' represents the actual number of records deleted or loaded, and 'fund' represents the actual fund in the report. Use this table to determine the best course of action given a particular error message:

Error Messages:


An error occurred while deleting records, process terminating

Check the financial load program error log – efin_loadEoh.log, in the log directory.

No financial records loaded

Check screen input and check the EMIS profle for the collection period and dates.

If the load does not encounter any errors, one of the following messages will display depending on the case:

Informational Messages:

'nnn' records deleted from ohefin_cash

'nnn' records deleted from ohefin_expense

'nnn' records deleted from ohefin_receipt

'nnn' cash record(s) loaded

'nnn' expense record(s) loaded

'nnn' receipt record(s) loaded

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.