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EMIS Financial Load

Use the EMIS Financial Load option to load data for the selected criteria into the EMIS financial tables.

  1. From the EMIS menu, select EMIS Financial Load.

  2. If the information in the Report Header Information section is incorrect, you must correct it on the EMIS Profile. If it is correct, proceed to Step 3.

  3. In the Selection Criteria section, select Cash Account 1. Select Lookup to search for and select an account. You can select up to five accounts.

  4. In the Clear Options section, select one of the following:

    • Clear all records for fiscal year and reporting period

    • Clear records according to load criteria

  5. In the Load Options section, select one of the following:

    • Finance cash data only

    • Finance expenditure data only

    • Finance receipt data only

    • All finance data

  6. Select Criteria to select, add, update, or delete advanced search queries. For more information about advanced search queries, refer to Advanced Search.

  7. Select Load and then select Yes.

  8. Save the EMIS Financial Load log file.

  9. Select OK.

The reporting period determines how the data is loaded. The application creates detailed cash, revenue, and expenditure records at end-of-fiscal-year processing. Records for Statement R must be entered manually using the EMIS Financial tables.

EMIS Financial load errors

During the loading of financial reports, errors may occur. In the event of such an occurrence, various messages detailing the error will display. The following table describes the error messages and troubleshooting steps:

Error Messages


An error occurred while deleting records, process terminating

Check the financial load application error log – efin_loadEoh.log, in the log directory.

No financial records loaded

Check the page options and the EMIS profile for the collection period and dates.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.