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EMIS Staff Report Maintenance Page

Use the EMIS Staff Report maintenance page to manually maintain staff demographic and employment information, contractor records and employee summer separation records. Records can be viewed, updated, added and deleted.

Information in this page is loaded from the EMIS Employee Positions Report. For details, refer to EMIS Employee Positions Report.

Menu Path: EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report

From the action bar on this page, employee demographic and employment records may be loaded and maintained, record lists may be printed, and contractor and summer separation modules may be accessed:

Print Staff Employment Listing

Print list of Employment (CK) records to PDF or Excel format.

Print Staff Demographic Listing

Print list of Demographic (CI) records to PDF or Excel format.


Maintain Employment Records.


Maintain Contract Only (CC) and Contracted Staff (CJ) records.

Summer Separation

Load and maintain Summer Separation (CL) records.


Load Staff Demographic (CI) and Employment (CK) records.

EMIS absence calculation for districts calculating leave in hours

This does not apply to districts that calculate leave in days.

For records that match the following process, this is how they will load when EMIS Staff Report records are loaded:

  1. The software checks the EMIS Profile and Human Resources Leave Code table for any hourly leave codes applicable to the EMIS absence calculation. In the EMIS Profile, Excluded Absences are not used. In the Leave Code table, codes flagged as EMIS Hourly Leave Code are used.

  2. For matching leave codes, the hours per day from the employee's primary EMIS Position (in EMIS Position Information) are used. One position must be selected as the Primary EMIS Position and the Length of Work Day (Hours) must be completed for that position.

  3. The software checks Employee Information Leave banks for leave codes applicable to EMIS absence calculation. If those codes are hourly, the software calculates (leave taken / hours per day) to get the absence days for that leave code. If they are not hourly, they are not divided.

  4. The absence days are totaled and then subtracted from the attendance days (from the Payrate Days Worked field) to get the correct attendance days.

Loading Staff Demographics and Employment Data

  1. Select EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report to display the EMIS Staff Report page.

  2. Click Load on the Action Bar to display the EMIS Staff Report Load page.

  3. Check the information In the Report Header Information section. This information is taken from the EMIS Profile. If it is incorrect, you must go to the EMIS Profile and adjust accordingly. If it is correct, proceed to Step 4. For details, refer to EMIS Profile.

  4. In the Clear Options section, select:

    • Clear All Reporting Period Records for Fiscal Year

    • Clear Only Reporting Period Records for Start/End Dates of Fiscal Year

  5. In the Load Options section, select whether to load Staff Demographic Records, Staff Employment Records, or Both Demographic and Employment Records.
    Clicking the Advanced button will display the Advanced Search page to run an advanced search.

  6. Select Calculate Attendance to have the attendance and absence days populated by the load.

  7. Select the Sick Leave Bank Date, Attendance Start Date, and Attendance End Date.

  8. Click Load.
    The program will use any selection criteria and the data in the Ohio State Reports page 'Rpt to EMIS' field, employee, person, and employee EMIS Position tables to select employees to add to the demographics maintenance 'work' table (ohestaff_demo) and the employment maintenance 'work' table (ohestaff_employ).
    The load will skip employees who:

    • Are not marked as Rpt to EMIS = 'Y' on the Ohio State Reports 'Rpt to EMIS' field. This is found at Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > click Payroll Information on the Action Bar, and then select State Required.

    • Do not have any EMIS positions.

    • Do not have any EMIS positions which fall within the reporting period (records are skipped if the positions start date is after the end of the reporting period or if the separation date is before the beginning of the report period).

    When absence and attendance days in the maintenance 'work' table are null, the field in the export file will be zero-filled.


Contractor Information (CC,CJ) and Summer Separation (CL) information is not loaded with the Staff Load. If you want to add contractor records to the staff maintenance files, you must use add them manually using the contractor data maintenance procedures. The Summer Separation has its own maintenance and load options.

Updating a demographic record

  1. Select EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report to display the EMIS Staff Report page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
    If an employee has at least one demographic record and at least one employment record, the record type in the array will display as 'BOTH'. If the employee has only a demographic record, the record type will display as 'DEMO ONLY'. Conversely, if the employee has only employment record(s), the record type will display as 'EMPLOYMENT ONLY'.

  3. Select the desired record, and then click OK.

  4. Update the record as needed in the three tabs; General Demographic Information, Education Information and Service Information. For details, refer to the Fields below.

  5. Click OK to save the record.


General Demographic Information Tab

General Information section

All of the fields in this section are display-only.



Record Number

System calculated, unique identifier for collection and fiscal year.

Record Status

Always 'A' signifying the record is Active.

Sort Type

Always 'CI' signifying the record is a Staff Demographic.

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year of the record as assigned in the EMIS Profile.

Reporting Period

Reporting period as assigned in the EMIS Profile. Should always be 'L' Staff/Course.

District IRN

Unique District IRN as assigned in the EMIS Profile.

Personal Information section



Employee Number

Unique identifier from Employee Information center.

Social Security Number

Employee's Social Security Number.

OH State Staff ID

Unique statewide ID used to match a staff member's data to EMIS data from previous reporting periods. This ID is also used in state certification and licensure databases.

EMIS Employee ID

Unique code assigned to the staff member. Stored in the EIC Personnel Tab State staff ID. Character/9

Last Name

Last name of the individual.

First Name

First name of the individual.

Middle Name

Middle name of the individual.

Name Suffix

Suffix to be placed at the end of the individual's name.

Racial/Ethnic Category

Racial/Ethnic Group Element. From EIC Race/Ethnicity Tab, Ethnicity and Race fields. If Ethnicity is ‘H- Hispanic or Latino (person.ethnic_code = ‘Y’) then ‘H’, otherwise if more than one record in Race array (empl_races) then ‘M - Multiracial’.


W - White, Non-Hispanic
B - Black or African American (Non-Hispanic)
H -Hispanic/Latino
A - Asian
I - American Indian or Alaska Native
P -Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
M -Multiracial
N - Not Specified


Gender of the individual.

Education Information Tab



Education Level

From the local degree Type field of the EIC Employee Degrees (Action) page for the employee's highest degree (emp_degree.dtype).


0 - Non-degree
1 - Associate
2 - Bachelors
3 - Masters
4 - Education Specialist
5 - Doctorate
6 - Other
7 - Less than High School Diploma
8 - High School Diploma
9 - GED Diploma

Early Childhood Education

Identifies how the teacher instructing an Early Childhood Education Entitlement program meets the requirements specified under 3301-37-04 (j) or 3301.311.


**- Not applicable
1 - Associate's in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field
2 - Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field
3 - Enrolled in an Associate's Degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field
4 - Enrolled in a Bachelor's Degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field
5 - Enrolled in a Master's or higher Degree program in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field
6 - Master's or higher in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or Approved Related Field

Semester Hours

Valid Values 000-999. Taken from the Credits field of the EIC Employee Degrees (Action) page for the highest employee degree (emp_degree.credits).

Service Information Tab



Attendance Days

Total number of days the staff member was in attendance during the period from July 1 through June 30.

  • If Attendance Days Override and Use Attendance Override checkbox is selected on EIC EMIS positions page where the Primary EMIS position checkbox is selected, then that value will be used and not calculated. Otherwise, Attendance Days are calculated as Payrate Days Worked minus Absence Days total.

Absence Days - Total

Total number of days the staff member was absent during the period from July 1 through June 30 due to all causes except professional meetings, vacations, or holidays.

  • If Absence Days Override and Use Absence Days Override checkbox is selected on EIC EMIS positions page where the Primary EMIS position checkbox is selected, then that value will be used regardless of the calculation.

  • Otherwise, Attendance Days are calculated as the total number of days in the employee's leave banks, excluding leave codes marked as Professional Meetings Leave Codes or Vacation Leave Codes on the EMIS profile.

  • If the employee has had a contract payout during the year, then their leave banks may have been zeroed out. To correct this, when contract payouts occur, the employee's leave bank information is moved into an OH leave history table (oh_lv_hist) with the payout date (pyo_date). When absences are calculated as 0 from the regular leave banks, the load looks for a payout day in the primary payrate, and then looks for a record in the OH leave history for the employee for that payout day, and the absences are calculated from that record if it exists.

  • Defaulted to 0 if no absences.

  • The Taken YTD value on the Leave Bank tab of the Employee Information page is converted to an absolute (positive) value in the calculation logic of this field.

Long Term Illness

At least 15 consecutive days absent due to an illness of the staff member, his/her spouse, child or parent.

Number of Long Term Illness Days. Valid Values 000.0-999.9. From the EIC EMIS positions page for the employee where the Primary EMIS Position is selected (1). Defaulted to 0 if blank. Must be 15 consecutive work days or more; include these days in the Absence Days element. Does not need to be reported for the Initial L Staff Collection. Report for Final L collection.

Authorized Experience Years

Total years of authorized teaching experience. Valid Values 00-99. From EIC Employment Years in State (person.yrs_state). Defaulted to 0 if blank. Refer to EMIS Manual 3.3 Staff Demographic Record for details. For details, refer to the EMIS Manual 4.0 Staff Demographic Record.

Total Experience Years

Valid Values 00-99. Taken from EIC Employment tab Years in Total (person.yrs_total). Reportable only for certified/licensed employees. Indicates the total number of years of all certificated/licensed educational service (authorized and non-authorized) in elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, and any other public or non-public educational institutions (including the Peace Corps). Refer to EMIS Manual 4.0 Staff Demographic Record for details.

Principal Experience Years

Total years principal experience between 0-99. Taken from the EIC EMIS Position page.

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