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EMIS Staff Report

The Staff Report page offers options to print the staff employment listing or the staff demographic listing. This is the main EMIS reporting module. These reports detail different information. The employment listing reports on employees' positions and professional information while the demographic listing reports on employees' personal information such as years experience and birthdate.

The data for these reports is first loaded from the Employee EMIS Positions into the appropriate maintenance tables. For details on the Employee EMIS Positions, refer to EMIS Position Information. Take note that not all EMIS information is included in these reports. Maintenance page information, such as contractors, are note loaded.

These features create reports on all or just the updated staff information. You will be given the choice to print only those records that have been updated since the data was loaded into the maintenance table, or print all the information.

Menu Path: EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report > Click Print Staff Employment Listing or Click Print Staff Demographic Listing

You can also access employee-specific EMIS Staff reports by selecting EMIS Staff Report from the Actions menu on the Employee Information page.

Printing Staff Employment Listing

  1. Select EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report to display the EMIS Staff Report page.

  2. Click Print Staff Employment Listing on the Action Bar to display the EMIS Staff Employment Data Report page.

  3. In the Report Information section, select:

    • Print updated information only. This will print only the records that have been updated since the data was loaded into the maintenance table.

    • Print all information. Prints all of the records in the maintenance table.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is ems_stfemp.rpt for all information and ems_emplmnt.rpt for updated information only.

Printing Staff Demographic Listing

  1. Select EMIS > All > EMIS > EMIS Staff Report to display the EMIS Staff Report page.

  2. Click Print Staff Demographic Listing on the Action Bar to display the EMIS Staff Demographic Data Report page.

  3. In the Report Information section, select:

    • Print updated information only. This will print only the records that have been updated since the data was loaded into the maintenance table.

    • Print all information. Prints all of the records in the maintenance table.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is ems_stfdmo.rpt for all information and ems_demomnt.rpt for updated information only.

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