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ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement)

The Office of Retirement Services (ORS) administers retirement programs for Michigan's state employees, including the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) for public school employees.

Menu Path

  1. Choose Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then choose State.

  2. Click ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement).

Submission Period

The Retirement report is due on the 5th state of Michigan business day after the pay period in which the wages are paid.

The Federal/ORP Wages report is due on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.

Selection Rule

Employees who are eligible for PSERS are selected and reported.

Reference Tables

Before generating the ORS-PSERS report, set up the following reference tables:

Pay Rate Classes

You can specify pay rate classes for employees who receive their contract balance pay in the summer months.

During quarters two and three (summer), the pay rate classes associated with the employee's checks are compared to the classes entered in the Pay Rate Class table. If the pay rate class exists, then the retirement hours are added to the retirement wage record if the check's issue date falls within the date range associated with that pay rate class. If the pay rate class does not exist, then the retirement hours are not added, and the wage code is set to 08.

Use the MI ORS-PSERS - Reference Tables - Pay Rate Classes page to set up contract dates for payroll classes where the contract balance is paid in the summer months.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click Pay Rate Classes.

  2. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields, then click Save. Click Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

Full and Half Day Pay Codes

Use the MI ORS-PSERS - Reference Tables - Full and Half Day Pay Codes page to add, modify, or delete full and half-day pay codes.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click Full and Half Day Pay Codes.

  2. Filter records by the appropriate criteria.

  3. To specify the filter criteria, select an option from the list, enter a keyword or select an option in the following field, and click Add.

  4. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information. Click Save, then Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

  5. To download the information, click Download, then choose Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Field Descriptions



Pay Code

Valid pay codes with daily rates.

There is no limit on the number of pay codes that you can enter.

Pay Type

Valid values:

  • F – Full Day

  • H – Half Day

Hours Per Day

The number of hours credited to each timecard unit (day) for the corresponding daily pay code.

ORS Class Crosswalk

You can specify an ORS class code for a corresponding HRM job class code, account code. or a combination.

The class codes should exist in the ORS class code table to separate the employee's primary DTL2 records from the secondary records. You should enter wage codes for classes related to coaches, longevity payments, third-party Weekly Workers Compensation payments, etc. Do not enter wage codes for the summer spread (08). The summer spread is calculated and loaded automatically.

For sites using the account code, if you use a single account for more than one retirement class and wage code, you can enter the job class as the account code to convert to a retirement class and wage code. For example, if you pay an employee their regular wages of $1200 to account code 1240 and longevity wages (payroll job class LONG) of $15 to account code 1240, the ORS Classes are set up as follows:

Account Code Retirement Class Code Description Wage Code

LONG 1240 Longevity 09

Do not enter the account code for regular wages unless you need to translate it to a different ORS class code. By default, the system associates the wage code 01 with the account code.

Use the MI ORS-PSERS - Reference Tables - ORS Class Crosswalk page to set up rules for converting accounts into ORS retirement classes.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click ORS Class Crosswalk.

  2. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information. Click Save, then Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

  3. To download the information, click Download, then choose Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Field Descriptions



HRM Account Code

Payroll Class Code

HRM Account Code/Payroll Class Code

The field label is determined by the option selected in the Basis for ORS Class field on the Human Resources Profile – State page:

  • If ACCT - Account Code is selected, the field label is HRM Account Code.

  • If CLASS - Job Class is selected, the field label is Payroll Class Code.

  • If ACCT/CLASS - Account Code with Job Class Override is selected, the field label is HRM Account Code/Payroll Class Code.

ORS Retirement Class Code

Enter the retirement class code to translate the corresponding Account code or Job class code.

ORS Description

Enter a description for the retirement class code.

Wage Code

Select the ORS wage code to be reported for the selected Class code.

Retirement Deduction Codes

Enter only valid deduction codes from payroll for retirement deductions. You can enter retirement deduction codes for the Hybrid Plan, MIP fixed, MIP graded, MIP Plus, and Board or Basic. An employee can have more than one active retirement deduction code during a payroll period.

Use the MI ORS-PSERS - Reference Tables - Retirement Deduction Codes page to add, modify, or delete retirement deduction codes. You must create deduction codes for retirement, Tax-Deferred Payments (TDP), and Health Care.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click Retirement Deduction Codes.

  2. Filter records by the appropriate criteria.

  3. To specify the filter criteria, choose an option from the list, then enter a keyword, or you can select an option in the following field, then click Add.

  4. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields and click Save. Click Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

  5. To download the information, click Download, then choose Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Retiree Class Codes

Use the MI ORS-PSERS - Reference Tables - Retiree Class Codes page to add, modify, or delete retiree class codes.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click Retiree Class Codes.

  2. Filter records by the appropriate criteria.

  3. To specify the filter criteria, choose an option from the list, then enter a keyword, or you can select an option in the following field, then click Add.

  4. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields and click Save. Click Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

  5. To download the information, click Download, then choose Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Purchase Agreements

Use the Purchase Agreements option to enter new Purchase Agreement or Payroll Authorization information for an employee. You can create only one record per employee and agreement number.

You can also create the electronic file of the purchase agreement/payroll authorization report.

  1. Choose Reference Tables, then click Purchase Agreements.

  2. Filter records by the appropriate criteria.

  3. To specify the filter criteria, choose an option from the list, then enter a keyword, or you can select an option in the following field, then click Add.

  4. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields and click Save. Click Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

The following table lists the auto-populated fields and the location from which the data is retrieved.




Last Name

Retrieved from the employee table


First Name

Retrieved from the employee table



Used for the selection of records on the diskette file.

Valid values:

  • N – newly entered, but not yet submitted

  • S – sent and awaiting approval

  • R – authorization rejected

  • A – authorization accepted

A newly added record defaults to N, and it cannot be changed. You can update the field later. It is automatically updated for records sent in a file.


Scheduled Deduction Amount

Retrieved from the Deduction Amount/Rate field of the Employee Deductions page.

Since a preliminary disk must be sent to the state for payroll authorization, this field defaults to 0.00.


Reportable Gross Wages

Sum of the annual salary fields of all the employee's active pay rates(payrate.status_x = A).

The reportable gross wages are no longer reported to the state.


Frequency of Pay

Retrieved from the Pay Frequency field on the Payroll tab of the Employee Information page.


The following fields can be left blank as they are not reported:

  • Cross Reference Agreement Number

  • Cost of Service Credit Purchased

  • Reportable Gross Wages


  1. Choose Report.

  2. Select the Status.

  3. Click Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file, then click OK.


Before creating the ORS-PSERS report, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

Load Data

One DTL1 record is created for each employee with an active retirement deduction or an active TDP deduction when the data is loaded. Multiple DTL2 and TDP records may be created for each employee.

You cannot combine hourly rates and salary rates into the same ORS class code. The reported pay rate will not be correct if an hourly and a salary pay rate are reported to the same ORS class.

You will need to manually update retroactive pay and negative and positive adjustments for the wage code, start date, and end date. The start and end dates must be the report dates for which the adjustment is to be applied. If an adjustment or retroactive pay translates to an ORS class that is in use by the employee, then you may need to adjust the figures, back out the adjustment, and create a new DTL2 record with different dates for the adjustment.

Refer to ORS-PSERS - Data Definitions for more information.

  1. Choose Load.

  2. Select the Starting Check Date, Ending Check Date, and Non-TDP Deduction Reason. The Report Period Date defaults to the Ending Check Date.

  3. Enter Pay Runs that were processed for retroactive pay runs. Choose the Start Date and End Date of the period to which you should apply the retroactive pay.

    To report retroactive pay, enter pay runs containing only retroactive pays.

  4. Click Load, then Yes.

  5. Save the MI ORS-PSERS Load Summary report, then click OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report file.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data, if needed.

  8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 until all data is loaded.

Maintain Data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections to application information must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the MI ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement) page, you can filter records by the appropriate criteria.

  2. To specify the filter criteria, choose an option from the list, then enter a keyword, or you can select an option in the following field, then click Add.

  3. Add or manage records as needed:

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Specify valid information and click Save. Click Yes.

    • To edit or delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select the appropriate option.

Create Files

Retirement Report

  1. Choose Reports, then Retirement Report.

  2. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Select the Report Period.

    2. In the Include field, select the type of records to include.

    3. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    4. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    5. Under Report Sort, select Sort by Last Name or Sort by SSN.

    6. If you have the necessary permission to display the entire Social Security number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security number, then select Print Full Social Security Number.

    7. Click Create, then Yes.

  3. Save the Retirement report and navigate to the folder containing the file.

  4. Inspect the file. Update data, if needed.

  5. Repeat these steps until all data is included.

  6. Create the electronic file:

    1. Select the Report Period.

    2. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    3. Click Create, then Yes.

  7. Save the file, then click OK.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Non Retirement Wages Report

The Non Retirement Wages report includes a list of:

  • employees who earned wages that were exempt from retirement.

  • the total of the exempt wages for the date range being reported.

  1. Choose Reports, then Non Retirement Wages Report.

  2. Select the Report Period.

  3. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

  4. Under Report Sort, select Sort by Last Name or Sort by SSN.

  5. If you have the necessary permission to display the entire Social Security number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security number, then select Print Full Social Security Number.

  6. Click Create, then Yes.

  7. Save the file, then click OK.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Retiree Report

The Retiree report lists the wage and contribution information for selected classes.

  1. Choose Reports, then Retiree Report.

  2. Select the Report Period.

  3. Select a Class.

  4. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

  5. Under Report Sort, select Sort by Last Name or Sort by SSN.

  6. If you have the necessary permission to display the entire Social Security number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security number, then select Print Full Social Security Number.

  7. Click Create, then Yes.

  8. Save the file, then click OK.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Federal/ORP Wages Report

The Federal/ORP Wages report lists the totals for Federal and ORP wages.

  1. Choose Reports, then Federal/ORP Wages Report.

  2. Select the Reporting Quarter.

  3. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

  4. Under Report Sort, select Sort by Last Name or Sort by SSN.

  5. Click Create, then Yes.

  6. Save the file, then click OK.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report in the following scenarios:

  • You want to discard the data for the report.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and reload the data.

  1. Click Purge.

  2. Select the Report Period Beginning Date and Report Period Ending Date.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Click Yes, then OK.

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