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Pay Codes

Use the Pay Codes page to add, edit, and delete pay codes.

Illinois IMRF/FICA Benefit Charging requires a specific pay code setup for non-levied employees.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources, then Reference Tables.

  2. Select Pay Codes.

  3. Filter records using the search criteria.

  4. To add a record, select Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Accept.

  5. To edit a record, select the record, then select Accept. Update the record, then select Accept.

  6. To delete a record, select the record, then select Delete. Select Yes.

Field Descriptions

General Tab

The following table describes the Illinois-specific fields on the General tab of the Pay Codes page.

For information about other fields on the Pay Codes page, refer to Pay Code Table.



Payment Reason

Select the type of payment being reported to the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) by this pay code.

Valid values:

BS - Base SalarySalary for regular contractual teaching duties (active or retired) for F and P employment types or wages for H and S employment types.
BW - Back Wage Settlement PaymentPayment made due to retroactive contract settlements, corrections to salary schedule placement, or settlement agreements.
ED - Extra-Duty/StipendsPayments for extra duties related to teaching or the academic program or involve supervising students.
FB - Flexible Benefit PlanSalary option offered in place of health insurance coverage.
LA - Unpaid Leave of AbsenceMember is on a board-approved unpaid leave of absence.
LE - Licensed Extra-Duty Outside Contract CalendarLicensed extra-duty performed outside the member’s normal calendar for which days worked are reportable for service credit.
LS - Lump Sum Payments
  • Severance Payments
  • Bonuses
  • Payment for unused vacation, sick, or personal leave days.
  • Employer payment of member’s Optional Service balance.
ML - Military ServiceMember is absent due to military service.
NC - Non-ContributoryEarnings on a member’s paycheck that are not reportable to TRS.
SB - SabbaticalMember is on an approved sabbatical under the terms of the Illinois School Code.
SS - Summer School earningsWages for performing summer duties that require teacher licensure.
TX - Board Payments to a qualified tax-deferred planContributions to qualified plans eligible for tax-deferral under the Internal Revenue Code, Sections 401(a), 403(b), and 457(b).

Exclude from TRS Annual Salary

Select this option for pay codes where the annual contract salary for the pay rate should not be included in the annual salary amount reported in the IL TRS Payroll report.

If FICA, Medicare, and IMRF benefits should not be charged to a separate fund for non-levied employees, set up different pay codes with NL as the first two characters of the pay code description in the Title and Check Title fields. Employees assigned to non-levied pay codes will have FICA, Medicare, and IMRF benefits charged to the fund out of which their salary was paid.

For IL TRS Payroll reporting, ensure that you select a Payment Reason for TRS pay codes.

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