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VSTRS DB Retirement Report

The Vermont State Teachers' Retirement System (VSTRS) is a public pension plan provided by the State of Vermont for State teachers. Governed by a board of trustees and managed by the State Treasurer’s Office, VSTRS is a Defined Benefit (DB) plan designed to pre-fund an employee’s future retirement benefits.

Menu Path

Select Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then select State. Select VSTRS DB Retirement Report.

Submission Period

The VSTRS DB Retirement report is due on the 5th state business day after the pay period in which the wages are paid.

The report is due on:

  • March 31

  • June 30

  • September 30

  • December 31

Selection Rule

Employees who are eligible for VSTRS DB Retirement are selected and reported.


Set up deductions on the Deduction Table page.


Retirement Deductions

Before generating the VSTRS DB Retirement report, enter valid information on the VT VSTRS DB Retirement Report - Setup - Retirement Deductions page.

  1. Select Setup, then Retirement Deductions.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list, enter a keyword or select an option in the following field, and select Add. The filter is added.

  3. To add a new record, select Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

  4. To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and select Edit.

  5. To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and select Delete. Select Yes.

Load Data

  1. Select Load.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Enter the Employer ID.

  4. Under Exclude Pay Run(s), select the pay run you want to exclude.

  5. Select Load, then Yes.

  6. Save the report, then select OK.

  7. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report file.

  8. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  9. Repeat these steps until all data is loaded.

Data is loaded based on Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter. Data is then extracted from the check history for the date range entered in the Check Issue Start Date and Check Issue End Date fields. The dates must not overlap from quarter to quarter.

Maintain Data

Before creating the final submission, update data if errors were encountered. You must also update the source data, as required.

  1. On the VT VSTRS DB Retirement Report page, filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select an operator if the field displays.

    3. Select or enter a value.

    4. Select Add if the button displays.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

  2. To manage records:

    • To add, select Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, and then Yes.

    • To edit, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

    • To delete, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field Descriptions




The fiscal reporting year.


The report quarter.

Retirement Group

The VSTRS retirement group.

Employee Number

The employee number.

Select Lookup to find a valid employee number.

VSTRS Employee Id

The employee's VSTRS ID.

The value is retrieved from the VSTRS EMPL ID field on the Vermont State Retirement page.

Social Security Number

The employee's social security number. 

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Last Name

The employee's last name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

First Name

The employee's first name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Middle Name

The employee's middle name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's suffix.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Hire Date

The employee's hire date.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Birth Date

The employee's birth date.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's gender.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Street 1

The employee's street address line 1.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Street 2

The employee's street address line 2.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's city.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's state.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Zip Code

The employee's zip code.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.


The employee's contribution amount.

Contribution Rate

The employee's contribution rate.


The employee's Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) indicates the percent of time spent on the assignment as a decimal value.

For example, enter 0.5 to indicate the employee spends 50% of their total working hours on an assignment. 

Number of Days Paid

The number of days the employee was paid.

Contract Salary

The employee’s contract salary.

For more information on how the contract salary is calculated, refer to VSTRS Contract Salary Calculation.

Gross Earnings

The employee's gross earnings for the quarter. The amount is calculated after excluding the pay runs selected in the Exclude Pay Run(s) field on the VT VSTRS DB Retirement Report - Load page.

Job Title

The employee's job title.

Termination/ Leave

The employee's termination or leave status.

Valid values:

  • None

  • Leave

  • Terminated

  • Start Workers Comp

  • Return From Leave

  • Disability

  • Partial Year

Salary Change Code

The code indicating the reason for a change in salary.

Valid values:

  • C - Contract Change

  • X - Extracurricular/Extra Duties

  • O - Other

  • W - Workman's Comp

  • E - Error Correction

  • T - Termination, Retirement, Death

  • B - Buyout

  • M - Military Leave

  • L - Legislative Leave

  • Y - Disability

  • S - Sabbatical

New Hire

Indicates whether the employee is a new hire.

Retired Teacher

Indicates whether the employee is a retired teacher.

Name Change Flag

Indicates whether the employee's name has changed.

Address Change Flag

Indicates whether the employee's address has changed.

Create File

  1. Select Report.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    3. If you have the security to view the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    4. Select Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file and select OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

  9. Save the file and select OK.

The default file name is VT VSTRS DB Electronic Report_<Reporting Year>_<Reporting Quarter>.xlsx.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report in the following scenarios:

  • You want to discard the data for the report.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and reload the data.

  1. Select Purge.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Select Submit.

  4. Select Yes, then OK.

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