VSTRS Contract Salary Calculation
The following flowchart shows how the VSTRS contract salary is calculated.
The VSTRS contract salary is calculated based on whether the Qualifying Additional Duty option on the Job Class page is selected.
If Qualifying Additional Duty is selected, the system calculates the contract salary based on the employee’s Check History for active, inactive, and terminated pay rates for the reporting fiscal year. The calculated contract salary is entered into the Contract Salary field on the VT VSTRS DB Retirement Report page.
If Qualifying Additional Duty is not selected, the system:
Determines the inactive and terminated pay rates for the Job Class for the reporting fiscal year.
Identifies the Pay Code associated with these records on the employee’s Pay Rate Information pages.
Calculates the contract salary using the employee’s Check History for that Pay Code’s reporting fiscal year.
Determines the active pay rates for the Job Class based on whether the Contract Position option is selected on the employee’s Pay Rate Information pages.
If Contract Position is selected, the Contract Limit field value on the Pay Rate Information page is used to calculate the contract salary.
If Contract Position is not selected, the Annual Salary field value on the Pay Rate Information page is used to calculate the contract salary.
The calculated contract salary is entered into the Contract Salary field on the VT VSTRS DB Retirement Report page.