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New Hire Report

Use the New Hire Report to report newly hired and rehired employees to the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL). It must be reported within ten days of the employee's first working day. Employers reporting electronically may transmit twice monthly, 12 to 16 days apart.

Employees are considered new hires if they were not previously employed or previously employed but separated from such prior employment for at least 60 consecutive days. They are considered rehires if previously employed but separated from prior employment for less than 60 consecutive days.

After running the New Hire report for the first time, the system reports only new employees and employees returning to work after a 60-day separation.

New hire reports are shared with the National Directory of New Hires, where the data is cross-matched with other states.

Menu Path

Select Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then select State. Select New Hire Report.

Submission Period

The report is processed twice monthly, 12 to 16 days apart.

Selection Rule

On the Vermont State Required page, the New Hire Rptd field is blank.



Before generating reports, enter valid information in the required fields on the VT New Hire Report - Setup - Employer page.

  1. Select Setup, then Employer.

    When setting up an Employer for the first time, the default information from the W-2 employer information is displayed. You can change the default information.

  2. Refer to Field Descriptions and update the employer information.

  3. Select Save, then Yes.

    Before saving, you can revert the changes by clicking Reset.

Field Descriptions

Field Name



The name of the school or district.


Street Address 1

The first line of the employer's address.


Street Address 2

The second line of the employer's address.

This is used for apartment, unit, or suite numbers.



The city where the district is located.



The two-character code identifying the state where the district is located.


The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Ext

The four-digit zip code extension.

Federal Identification Number (EIN)

The nine-digit state-assigned code identifying the district employer.


Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before creating the New Hire report:

  • Enter valid information on the Vermont State Required page.

  • Complete the Employer setup. If the employer setup information changes, make changes as required. Note that this information is not synchronized with the W-2 employer information.

  • Before you generate reports to send to the state, complete one of the following to avoid reporting all employees as new hires:

    • Ensure that the NH Last Rptd date on the employee's State Required page has been entered.

    • To populate the NH Last Rptd date for existing employees, generate the report at least once before you intend to submit it. Use a Cutoff Date that will exclude any new hires you should report to the state.

  • The NH Last Paid field on the employee's State Required page is used to calculate whether employees are eligible for the 60-day rule.

  • To exclude employees in a specific job class from being reported as new hires after the 60-day rule, select Exclude from New Hire 60 Day Rule for the job class on the Job Class page. This is helpful if the same job class is assigned to teachers who do not want to report as new hires after returning from a summer break without pay. The value in this field overrides the value in the No 60 Day Rule field on the Payroll Information - State Required page.

Create File

After the setups are complete and prerequisites are met, you can create the New Hire report.

  1. On the VT New Hire Report page, select the Cutoff Date. The report includes employees with hire dates before the cutoff date.

  2. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    3. If you have the required access privileges to view the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and you want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    4. Select Create, then Yes.

  3. Save the New Hire report files and navigate to the folder containing the report files.

  4. Inspect the files. Update data if needed.

  5. Repeat these steps until all required data is included.

  6. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

      If you did not create a hard copy of the report, a message is displayed. Click OK and follow Steps 2 to 4 to create a hard copy of the report and confirm that the required data is included.

You can submit this file to the Vermont Department of Labor.

After the electronic file is created, the following fields on the Vermont State Required page are updated::

  • The NH Last Rptd field is updated with the date from the Cutoff Date field on the VT New Hire Report page.

  • The NH Last Paid field is updated with the date from the Last Paid field on the Payroll tab of the Employee Information page.

This ensures that the same employees don't get reported again.

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