Staff Information - Load Data - Schedule Load
Use the Scheduling page to schedule demographic and payroll accounting data loading from Employee information under Human Resources to Staff information for Ed-Fi reporting.
Employees with a date greater than the Hire Date entered will not be loaded.
Employees terminated with a last day worked or paid date less than or equal to the termination date entered are not loaded.
Employees whose contract end date on their pay rate is less than the contract end date entered will not have the payroll accounting information loaded for that pay rate.
On the Staff Information - Load page, select Schedule Load.
Select the Financial Year. This is the year associated with the records to be loaded.
Select the Hire Date. Employees hired before this date are loaded.
Select the Termination Date. Employees terminated on or before this date are not loaded.
Select the Contract End Date. Employees whose contracts ended before this date are not loaded.
If an employee’s pay rate is inactive when the load process is run and the Employee Types and Professional Types are set up correctly, you may need to enter a date in the Contract End Date field.Select Load Terminated Pay Rates to include pay rates with a terminated status for employees included in the load process.
Select Load Inactive Pay Rates to include pay rates with an inactive status for employees included in the load process.
Select Load Contracted Professional Staff to load contracted professional staff from a .csv file. In the Name of File to Load field, enter the server file path and name of the latest .csv file containing the Contracted Professional Staff information. For more information about the .csv file, refer to File layout - Contracted professional staff information.
Select Show Additional Criteria.
Select the Employee Types to include. You can view the available employee types on the Employee Types Table page.
Select the Employee Statuses to include. You can view the available employee statuses on the Status Code Table page.
Enter a Task Description.
Select the Start Date/Time.
For the Recurrence, select Daily or Weekly.
In the Run Every field, enter the number of days or weeks.
Select Accept.
After a load is scheduled, it will continue to load at the desired interval until the scheduled Waiting task is deleted. When a scheduled load process is completed, the error log is copied to the report directory of the user who scheduled the load.
The scheduled load process record is displayed in the Staff Load Scheduled/Completed Information section of the Staff Information - Load page.