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Position/Budget Code Crosswalk

Use the TX Team Report - Position/Budget Code Crosswalk page to assign your existing budget codes as TRS (Teacher Retirement System) Position Codes for Functions, Objects, Programs, Locals, and Pay Groups.

These budget codes, or organization keys, are set up in the Fund Accounting profile. They will be assigned state titles. Function and Object codes are required. Program and Local codes are optional. If no position is found, codes will default to the information from the Employee Information - State Required page.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State menu, select TX TEAM Report. From the TEAM Setup and Crosswalks menu, select Position/Budget Code Crosswalk.

Maintain Data

  1. On the TX Team Report - Position/Budget Code Crosswalk page, specify Search Criteria and click Search.

  2. To add a record, click Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, fill out the information and click Accept.

  3. To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept

  4. To delete a record, select the record and click Delete.

Field Descriptions




The two-digit code identifying the function.


The four-digit code identifying the object.


The two-digit code identifying the program.


The eight-digit code identifying the local.

Pay Group

The single-digit code identifying the pay group if needed to determine position.

This can be used to change the pay rate to split the TRS positions where the account information is identical.

Position Code

TRS position code.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Professional/Administrative

  • 02 - Teacher or Full-time Librarian

  • 03 - Support Staff

  • 04 - Bus Driver

  • 05 - Full-time Nurse/Counselor

  • 06 - Peace Officer

  • 07 - Support Staff-Food Service Worker

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