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Load TEAM Records

Use the TX TEAM Report - Load page to load Texas TRS Enterprise Application Modernization (TEAM) member, position, payroll, termination, and retiree data for the selected month and year according to the setup performed during TEAM Setup and Crosswalks. This creates the following records for employees who received pay during that cycle:

  • Employment for Demographics (ED20/ED25, ED40/ED45, ED90)

  • Regular Payroll (RP20/RP25)

  • Employment for Retiree (ER20/ER25/ER27)

You must run the Load process after each month's final pay run and before any other TEAM Record Maintenance options are completed.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State menu, select TX TEAM Report. From the TEAM Record Maintenance menu, select Load TEAM Records.


The following will not be loaded into TEAM unless paid in the reported pay runs:

  • Employees that had ED90 records reported and have not been rehired.

  • Pay rate contracts with start and end dates not in the report month.

  • Employees with a pending status. These hours must be uploaded in the Actual Hours Upload. For more information, refer to Actual Hours Upload.

  • Employees hired after the end of the month being loaded.

  • Employees without primary pay rates.

  • Employees with N in the Report to Team field on the Employee Information - State Required II page, even if they were paid.

Calculating Statutory Minimum

The daily statutory minimum and adjusted monthly statutory minimum are loaded in the following way:

  • If an employee has Y in the Override Sched field on the Employee Information - State Required page, the load process uses the Stat Min Amt field value. Otherwise, the values in the State Schedule and State Step fields are used.

  • Daily rate = Scheduled Salary ÷ Scheduled Days Worked from the salary schedule.

  • The annual statutory minimum salary is saved in the Stat Min Amt field on the Employee Information - State Required page.

  • Monthly statutory minimum = (Stat Min Salary ÷ Number of Months) * Pay Rate FTE.

  • If Additional Pay Runs are specified during the Load process, the monthly statutory minimum is adjusted to add or subtract the monthly minimum * (Number of additional pays ÷ Number of regular pays for the month).

  • For contract payouts, the monthly statutory minimum is adjusted for the payout by multiplying it by the number of pays. The number of remaining pays should be how many payments would have been made to the statutory minimum if the employee stayed for the remainder of their contract.

  • The monthly statutory minimum is decreased by the total leave without pay or daily rate * Number of days docked from check history.

  • The monthly statutory minimum is then multiplied by the CEI to determine the adjusted statutory minimum.

  • Total non-federal gross = Statutory minimum gross + Performance pay - Federal statutory minimum gross (from detailed distribution).

  • Above statutory minimum = Total non-federal gross + Federal statutory minimum gross - Adjusted statutory minimum.

  • Employer charges = Above statutory minimum * Statutory minimum rate.

Statutory minimum charges are then distributed across TEAM RP (regular payroll) records for each position. Ensure that the Exclude from Statutory Minimum field on the Payroll tab of the Pay Codes page is selected as needed. Excluded pay codes must be crosswalked to a separate TRS Position.

Child Nutrition

The Load process distributes the Child Nutrition Fund Base entered across all of the Regular Payroll records for position 07-Food Service Workers in the following way:

  • Child Nutrition Fund Base is capped at the total TRS gross for food service workers.

  • Contributions are calculated on each Regular Payroll (RP) record based on the Child Nutrition Gross applied to the record.

  • Child Nutrition Gross and Contributions are added to the federal gross and contributions.

  • New members are excluded from the federal contributions but not Federal TRS Care contributions.

When charging records, entering a child nutrition budget unit will charge all child nutrition contributions to that budget unit. Otherwise, the contributions are distributed to each employee based on their salary distributions.

There may be differences between the Child Nutrition amount entered and the amount charged if the salaries paid for child nutrition work are less than the amount entered.


This option loads the number of docked and additional days in the Regular Payroll (RP) data from a comma-delimited .csv file.

Employees can upload employee spreadsheets using the Docking Criteria section. The spreadsheets must be in comma-delimited .csv format and must contain the following columns for each employee:

Field Name

Data Type

Employee Number


TRS Position Code


If only one character is entered, a leading zero is added.

Start Date

The format is MM/DD/YYYY.

End Date

The format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Type Flag

Indicates the type of upload.


Valid values:

  • A - Load Additional Days

  • D - Docking

Total Days


Load TEAM Records

  1. On the TX TEAM Report page, click Load TEAM Records.

  2. Refer to Field Descriptions and complete the fields. 

  3. When finished, click OK.
    If you selected Load from Spreadsheet in the Docking field, proceed to Step 4. If not, proceed to Step 8. For more information about the format of the .csv file, refer to Docking.

  4. On the Load from interface file page, select the File Source

  5. If you select Workstation, click Upload.

  6. Navigate to the location of the .csv file. Drag and drop the file on the File to Import dialog box and click Accept.

  7. If you select Server, specify the Directory and Server File Name and click Accept.

  8. In the Additional Criteria section, add any pay runs you wish to include in the load, and then click Accept.

  9. Select the Destination for the error log:

    • Select File to save the error log in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the error log in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the error log in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  10. If no errors are found, the number of records loaded will display. If not, review the error report, make the necessary corrections, and then repeat this procedure.

Field Descriptions

Load Criteria Section



Report Month

The month to load from.

Report Year

The year to load from.

The load process uses the Fiscal Year on the Federal/State Reporting tab of the Human Resources Profile page as an override when identifying whether pay is federally funded. This allows calculating the federal gross and contributions for the prior year after the fiscal year-end process has begun. The fiscal year-end process should still not be fully completed or closed until the TEAM charges have been created and interfaced to period 13.

School Year Start

The date the school year started.

The format is MM/DD/YYYY.

School Year End

The ending date of the school year.

The format is MM/DD/YYYY.

Child Nutrition Federal Fund Base

The federal fund for calculating the state's contribution from the child nutrition worksheet.


Days Worked Calendar Option

The pay rate to use when determining the calendar for days worked.

Valid values:

  • Pay rate with largest number of days worked

  • Primary pay rate

Pay Start Date on Check

The pay start date to use on checks. 


  • Issue Date

  • Transaction Date

Load Unpaid Hours/Days

Indicates whether to load scheduled hours or days for employees who have not been paid yet.

Override Prior Year Calendars

If selected, employees whose payrates are using a calendar set as the Prior Year Calendar of a new calendar will have their contract dates replaced with the Start Date and End Date of the new calendar. This determines whether an employee should be included in a given month based on their contract dates and the subsequent generation of the respective ED40/45 position records. It will not apply to other load processes which use the payrate dates for pay-related calculations, including but not limited to statutory minimum calculations and docking. These calculations depend on the payrate information still used to pay employees. This feature allows you to create the new year position records for employees whose payrates are not yet ready to be rolled without modifying the standard processing for generating other records. 

After the load process is completed, a summary of overrides displays at the end of the error log. The summary lists the calendars and their respective dates.

Additionally, handling has been enhanced for employees with the last day worked set. If an employee has the last day worked before their contract end date, the TEAM load process uses the last day worked as the end date while creating ED40/ED45 position records. If an employee has a calendar being overridden for the new year, they will not have a new position record created if their last day worked is before the start date of the new calendar. If the last day worked falls in the new calendar, an ED40/ED45 position record is generated using the last day worked as the end date.

Load New Hires

If selected, only new hires are loaded.

This option adds ED40 and RP20 records not created during the initial TEAM load process. Use this option to report the first ED40 and RP20 records that include the employee's days and scheduled hours after the initial TEAM load process for the month. You can run this process multiple times before the Actual Hours Upload.

Docking Criteria Section




The location from where to load docked days.

Valid values:

  • Load From Attendance

  • Load from Spreadsheet

  • Do Not Load

Hours Per Work Day

The number of hours in a workday.


Load Additional Days

Select to load additional days from a spreadsheet.

Previous Month Docking Method

Method for docking days from a previous month after actual hours has been uploaded.

Valid values:

  • Adjust days only, not hours

  • Do not adjust either days or hours

  • Adjust both days and hours using hours/days of primary pay rate

Additional Pay Run Adjustment Section

The following fields have entries for Total Pay Runs and Additional Pay Runs.




The total number of weekly pay runs for the selected month.

The number of additional weekly pay runs for the selected month due to shifting the actual check date.


The total number of bi-weekly pay runs for the selected month.

The number of additional bi-weekly pay runs for the selected month due to shifting the actual check date.


The total number of semi-monthly pay runs for the selected month.

The number of additional semi-monthly pay runs for the selected month due to shifting the actual check date.


The total number of monthly pay runs for the selected month.

The number of additional monthly pay runs for the selected month due to shifting the actual check date.

Additional Criteria Section



Pay Runs

All pay runs to be included in the load. You can enter up to 50 pay runs.

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