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Staff Export Validation Error Messages

While running the process to export data, errors may occur. Use this guide of error messages to solve problems that may arise. If this guide does not provide the help needed to solve the problems, please contact the PowerSchool support for further assistance.

In these messages, 'employee number' represents the actual employee number printed in the report, 'social security number' represents the actual contractor social security number printed in the report, and 'contractor name' represents the actual contractor printed in the report.

CI records – Demographic

Error/Informational Message:


CI Missing employee name for: 'employee number'

CI Missing birth date for: 'employee number'

CI Invalid ethnic code for: 'employee number'

CI Invalid degree type code for: 'employee number'

CI Invalid gender for: 'employee number'

CI Invalid early childhood qualification for: 'employee number'

CI Missing authorized years experience for: 'employee number'

CI Missing total years experience for: 'employee number'

CI Missing OH credential ID for: 'employee number'

CI Missing attendance days for: 'employee number'

CI Missing absence days for: 'employee number'

CI Missing longterm illness days for: 'employee number'

Check employee demographic record.

CI Missing semester hours for: 'employee number'

Check semester hours on employee's highest degree.

CI Report IRN does not match profile IRN for: 'employee number'

Check employee demographic record. Should not occur.

CK records – Employment

Error/Informational Message:


CK Missing position assignment code for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position status for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position start date for: 'employee number'

CK Missing bld_irn for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position fte for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position 1 % for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position 1 fund for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position 2 fund source for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position 3 fund source for: 'employee number'

CK Missing position type for: 'employee number'

CK Invalid position type for: 'employee number'

CK Missing appointment type for: 'employee number'

CK Missing contract code for: 'employee number'

CK Missing certification app for: 'employee number'

CK Missing low grade level for: 'employee number'

CK Missing high grade level for: 'employee number'

CK Missing hours/day for: 'employee number'

CK Missing scheduled days for: 'employee number'

CK Missing salary amount for: 'employee number'

CK Missing ext serv days for: 'employee number'

CK Missing HQPD code for: 'employee number'

CK Missing qualified para code for: 'employee number'

Check CK employment record.

CK Invalid position assignment code for: 'employee number'

Check employee CK employment record.

CK Position % do not add to 100% for: 'employee number'

Check the CK employment record and make sure the position percentages add up to 100%.

CK Invalid assignment 1 for: 'employee number'

Check employee CK employment record.

CK Invalid separation code for: 'employee number'

Check employee CK employment record.

CJ records – Contracted Staff

Error/Informational Message:


CJ Invalid position code for employee: 'contractor name'

Check that position code is not blank in CJ Contractor Staff record.

CJ Invalid contracting District IRN for employee: 'contractor name'

Check that contracting District IRN is not blank in CJ Contractor Staff record.

CJ Invalid FTE for employee: 'contractor name'

Check that FTE is not blank in CJ Contractor Staff record.

CJ Invalid contract code for employee: 'contractor name'

Check that contract code is not blank and that it has three digits in CJ Contractor Staff. (Cannot be CJ1, CJ2, etc).

CJ No corresponding staff demographic record for employee: 'contractor name'

No state-required corresponding CI record for employee, year, and collection. Load or add CI demographic record.

CJ No corresponding staff employment record for employee: 'contractor name'

No state-required corresponding CK record for employee, year, collection, position and local contract code. Load or add at least one CK employment record with these corresponding values.

CJ Report IRN does not match profile irn for: 'contractor name'

Should not occur.

CC records – Contractor

Error/Informational Message:


CC Invalid position code for employee: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid contract code for employee: 'contractor name'  

CC Invalid Federal Tax ID for employee: 'contractor name'  

CC Invalid contractor name for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid dollar amount for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid hours per week for: 'contractor name' 

CC Invalid contract start date for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid contract end date for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid position fund source for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid services performed flag for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid work hours flag for: 'contractor name'

CC Invalid number of people flag for: 'contractor name'

Check that field is not blank in CC Contractor record.

CC Report irn does not match profile irn for: 'contractor name'

Should not occur.

CL records – Summer Separation

Error/Informational Message:


CL Invalid position code for employee: 'employee number'

CL Invalid contract code for employee: 'employee number'

CL Missing separation code for employee: 'employee number'

Check that field is not blank in CL Summer Separation record.

CL Cannot be reported with current CI Record: 'employee number'

CL Cannot be reported with current CK Record: 'employee number'

CL records cannot be submitted for any staff with a CI and/or CK record in the current EMIS fiscal year and collection.

CL Invalid separation code for employee 'employee number'

Check employee CL employment record and check EMIS Termination Code crosswalk table to make sure EMIS separation code is included.

CL Report IRN does not match profile IRN for: 'employee number'

Should not occur.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.