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Organization General Information

Use the Organization General Information page to add and update information about buildings within a district or school according to state guidelines. You must populate this table manually.

We currently provide record options for the Financial and Information Technology Center Groups.

For details on Organization General state mandates, refer to the latest version of the EMIS documentation found on the Ohio state website.

Maintain data

  1. On the start page, select EMIS.

  2. From the EMIS Financial Tables menu, select Organization General Information.

  3. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

      • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

      • To download the information, select Download, then select Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the EMIS Organization General Information form.



Record Number

The system-generated record number unique for the financial record type, reporting period, and fiscal year.

This field cannot be edited.

Record Status

The status of the record.

The valid value is A - Add.

This field cannot be edited.

Sort Type

The sort type for the record.

The valid value is DN.

This field cannot be edited.

Fiscal Year

The EMIS fiscal year.

The value is retrieved from the Financial Fiscal Year field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.

Reporting Period

The period of the fiscal year to report on.

The value is retrieved from the Financial Reporting Period field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.

District IRN

The six-digit state-assigned Information Retrieval Number (IRN).

The value is retrieved from the District IRN field on the EMIS Profile page.

This field cannot be edited.

EMIS Building IRN

The district or building's state-assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN).

Attribute Name

The code that identifies the data for which a date, number, or text description must be reported.

Valid values:

  • BLDGSQFEET = Building Square Feet

  • LUNCHRMPCT = Lunchroom Percentage

  • TRANSPTPCT = Transportation Percentage

  • CENOFFSQFT = Central Office Square Feet

  • INFOTECIRN = Information Technology IRN

This field cannot be edited after saving the record.

Attribute Date

A date that is appropriate for this attribute name.

The default is 00000000.

Attribute Text

A code that further describes the attribute name and is the IRN of the ITC that submits EMIS data to ODE on behalf of this EMIS reporting entity.

It is required only if INFOTECIRN is selected in the Attribute Name field.

Attribute Number

The value for the attribute name.

Valid values depend on the value selected in the Attribute Name field:

  • BLDGSQFEET = 000000000 – 999999999

  • LUNCHRMPCT = 000.00 – 100.00

  • TRANSPTPCT = 000.00 – 100.00

  • CENOFFSQFT = 000000000 – 999999999
    Educational Service Centers (ESCs) should report 000000000 as the default value of this element.

  • INFOTECIRN = 0000000000

Create file

  1. On the EMIS Organization General Information page, select Report.

  2. Select the Reporting Period and Fiscal Year.

  3. Select PDF or Excel.

  4. Select Create, and then Yes.

  5. Save the file and select OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.
    The default file names are:

    • PDF:
      OH EMIS Organization General Information Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.pdf

    • Excel:
      OH EMIS Organization General Information Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.csv


Use this option to copy the EMIS Organization General Information data from one year to another.

  1. On the EMIS Operational Unit page, select Copy.

  2. Select the Year to Copy and Year to Create.

  3. Select Copy and then Yes.

  4. If data for the selected Year to Create exists, select Yes to delete and recopy the data.

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