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Payroll Information - State Required

Before generating the reports, enter valid information on the New York State Required page.

Enter information for regular employees

On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status for a regular employee is blank.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the Search Criteria and select Search. Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees and then select Search.
    Refer to Search for Records for more information.

  4. Select the relevant employee record and select Accept

  5. Select Payroll Information and then select State Required

  6. Refer to the Field descriptions and enter valid information. 

  7. Select Accept.

Enter information for pending employees

Pending employees require additional information to complete the employee record. On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status on the record displays Add Pending.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the Search Criteria and select Search. Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees and then select Search.
    Refer to Search for Records for more information.

  4. Select the relevant employee record and select Accept

  5. Select New York State Required Screen

  6. Refer to the Field descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Select Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Finish.

  9. Select OK.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the New York State Required page.



Referencing Reports

Tenure Status

The employee’s tenure status code.

Valid values:

  • NOTTENELIG - Not tenure eligible

  • PROBATION - Probationary

  • PROBEXT - Probation extended

  • TENGRANT - Tenure granted

  • TENDEN - Tenure denied

The value in this field overrides the value in the Tenure Status Code field on the Staff Information form accessed from the NY SIRS - Staff Tenure Report page.

SIRS - Staff Tenure Report

NH Last Rptd

The date the employee was last reported as a new hire. This field is updated when the employee is reported as a new hire in the electronic file output.

To force the reporting of an employee, leave the field blank.

After creating the New Hire report electronic file, this field is updated with the date in the Report Cut off Date field on the NY New Hire Report page. This ensures that the same employees are not reported again.

New Hire Report

No 60 Day Rule

If more than 60 days have passed without payment, the employee will be reported as a new hire under the 60-day rule.

Valid values:

  • Y = the 60-day rule does not apply. The employee is excluded from the New Hire report.

  • N = the 60-day rule is active. The employee is included in the New Hire report. Leave the field blank to imply N.

Use this option for contract employees who do not receive pay during summer break.

New Hire Report

NH Last Paid

The date the employee was last paid.

This field is updated for a new hire with the last paid date.

After the New Hire report electronic file is created, the NH Last Paid field is updated with the date in the Last Paid field on the Payroll tab of the Employee Information page. This ensures that the same employees are not reported again.

New Hire Report

Elig Indicator

Indicates whether the employee is eligible for employee-dependent health insurance.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

For more information about the Eligibility Indicator and Date logic, refer to Eligibility Indicator and Date logic.

New Hire Report

Elig Date

The date from which the employee is eligible for employee-dependent health insurance.

For more information about the Eligibility Indicator and Date logic, refer to Eligibility Indicator and Date logic.

New Hire Report

Exempt QWR

Indicates whether the employee is exempted from the Quarterly Wage report.

Quarterly Wage Report


The employee’s country.

The default value is USA.

You can enter another value to override the default.

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