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New Hire Report

Use the New Hire report to report newly hired and rehired employees and contractors to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. You must submit the report within 20 days of the employee's or contractor's first working day. 

Employees or contractors not previously employed in your organization are considered new hires. Employees or contractors separated for 60 days or more are classified as rehires. The system reports new employees, contractors, and those returning after a 60-day separation.

New hire reporting helps state agencies recover overpayments and detect and prevent fraud.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State-NY menu, select New Hire Report.

Submission period

You may submit the report twice monthly, between 12 and 16 days apart.  

Selection rules

The employees meeting the following criteria are selected and reported:

The contractors meeting the following criteria are selected and reported:


Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before creating the New Hire report:

  • Enter valid information in the relevant fields on the Payroll Information - State Required page.

  • Enter valid information in the relevant fields on the Defined Page 10 - NY Contractor page.

  • Complete the Setup procedures.

  • Before you generate reports to submit to the state, populate the NH Last Rptd date for existing employees and contractors by creating an electronic file before the final submission file:

    1. On the NY New Hire Report page, select a Report Cut off Date from the previous month or at least 20 days before the current date.

    2. Create the electronic file. After the electronic file is created, the following fields are updated:

      This ensures that the reported new hires are not reported again when you create the final submission file.


Set up the following before creating the New Hire report:

The field values on these pages are retrieved from the W2 Wizard: W2 Parameters page. You can update the data on these pages but this data is not synchronized with the W2 Wizard: W2 Parameters page. You should update the W2 Wizard: W2 Parameters page before performing these procedures.


Before generating the New Hire report, enter valid information in the required fields on the NY New Hire Report - Setup - Employer page.

  1. On the NY New Hire Report page, select Setup, then Employer.

  2. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information.

  3. Select Save, then Yes.

    Before saving, you can revert the changes by selecting Reset

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the NY New Hire Report - Setup - Employer page.



Employer Name

The name of the school or district.

The limit is 30 characters.

Street Address

The employer's address.

The limit is 30 characters.


The city where the school or district is located.

The limit is 15 characters.


The two-character code identifying the State where the district is located.

Zip Code

The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Extension

The four-digit zip code extension.

FEIN / NYS Tax number

The nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Tax number provided by New York state.

The FEIN or Tax number is stored in the Employer Fed Tax ID field on the Federal or State Reporting tab on the Human Resources Profile page.


Before generating the New Hire report, enter valid information in the required fields on the NY New Hire Report - Setup - Transmitter page.

  1. On the NY New Hire Report page, select Setup, then Transmitter.

  2. Refer to Field descriptions and enter or update the information.

  3. Select Save, then Yes.

    Before saving, you can revert the changes by selecting Reset

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the NY New Hire Report - Setup - Transmitter page.

Field Name


FEIN / NYS Tax number

The nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Tax number provided by New York state.

The FEIN or Tax number is stored in the Employer Fed Tax ID field on the Federal or State Reporting tab on the Human Resources Profile page.

Employer Name

The name of the school or district.

The limit is 30 characters.

Street Address

The transmitter's address.

The limit is 30 characters.


The city where the district is located.

The limit is 15 characters.


The two-character code identifying the state where the district is located.

Zip Code

The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Extension

The four-digit zip code extension.

Create file

After the prerequisites are met, you can create the New Hire report.

  1. On the NY New Hire Report page, it is mandatory to create a hard copy of the report before you create the electronic file:

    1. Select the Report Cut off Date.

    2. For the File Type, select Hard Copy.

    3. For the File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    4. If you have the required access privileges to view the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and want to include it, select Print Full Social Security Number
      The required access privileges are granted by assigning the appropriate security resource.

    5. Select Create, then Yes.

  2. To proceed, perform the following steps to avoid erroneous updates to new hire records:

    1. If errors are found, save the error log and load summary report files, and select OK. If no errors are found, proceed to Step 3.

    2. Navigate to the containing folder. Review the files. Correct the errors and update data if needed.

    3. Repeat Steps a and b until no errors are found.

    4. Save the New Hire and load summary report files, and select OK.

    5. Navigate to the containing folder. Review the files. Update data if needed.

    6. Repeat Steps d and e until all the data is accurate.

  3. Create the electronic file:

    1. On the NY New Hire Report page, enter the information as you did in Step 1.

    2. For the Report Type, select Electronic File.

    3. Select Create, then Yes.

    4. If you have verified the hard copy report, select Yes.
      Do not select Yes unless you have performed Step 2.

    5. Save the file and select OK.
      The default file name is NY New Hire Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.rpt.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

After the electronic file is created, the following fields are updated::

This ensures that the reported new hires are not reported again when you create the following submission file.

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