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State Submissions

The following table lists the New Hampshire state reports, descriptions, submission dates, and the associated reference or state agency.



Submission Date(s)


NH DOE 25 Report

Fills in the DOE-25 Annual Financial Report Template with the desired information.

Due by September of the year being reported.

NHDOE – New Hampshire Department of Education

NH Monthly Retirement Report

Provides monthly contribution information to meet the NHRS Employer Retirement System requirements. 

Fifteenth (15th) of the month for the previous month’s contributions.

NHRS—New Hampshire Retirement System

NH New Hire Report

Provides a way for a site to create the NHES New Hire Report or magnetic media file. 

Within twenty (20) days of the Date of Hire, which is the first day an individual performs services for wages or any other form of compensation under the contract.

NHES—New Hampshire Employment Security

NH Quarterly Wage Report

Provides the state quarterly wage report and magnetic media file, modified to be in the state format specified by the NHES. 

Due on or before the last day of the month following the close of the calendar quarter.

NHES—New Hampshire Employment Security

NH Retirement Payroll Report

Provides per payroll contribution information to meet the NHRS Employer Retirement System requirements.

Fifteenth (15th) of the month for the previous month’s contributions.

NHRS—New Hampshire Retirement System

There are two types of New Hampshire state reports:

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