NH New Hire Report
To access the NH Retirement Report, select the following from the Main Menu:
Human Resources -> State-> State-> NH New Hire Report
Enter the hire date and choose either Employee or Vendors from the drop-down box.
For employees, any employee with a hire date (employee.hire_date) on or after this date and with the NEW HIRE REPRT field of the user-defined page 32000 State Retirement screen (empuser.ftext2) not equal to 'Y' will be reported. For vendors, any vendor with type M for 1099 forms (vendor.form_1099), 1 or 7 in the MISC type box (vendor.type_misc), a last activity date (vendor.last_active) on or after the user entered hire date, and the reported field (nh_vendor.reported) not equal to 'Y' will be reported.
The New Hire Reported field for the vendors serves the same function as the NEW HIRE REPRT field on the state/retirement screen (see Set Up in this manual) for employees. A checked box indicates the vendor has previously been reported. An unchecked box indicates the vendor has not been previously reported. This field is automatically updated by the reporting process. After the magnetic media report has been completed, the user will see the following prompt: "Has the report printed correctly? Click OK to update employees as reported." If OK is clicked, then the REPORTED field is updated for those vendors who were reported.
Magnetic Media File Layout
Employer Record
Position | Type | Length | Description | Location |
1 – 2 | Character | 2 | Record Identifier. Always 'E1' | Not Applicable |
3 – 47 | Character | 45 | Employer name | hrm_prof.emp_name |
48 – 87 | Character | 40 | Employer street address 1 | hrm_prof.emp_add |
88 – 127 | Character | 40 | Employer street address 2 | BLANK |
128 – 167 | Character | 40 | Employer street address 3 | BLANK |
168 – 192 | Character | 25 | City | hrm_prof.emp_city |
193 – 194 | Character | 2 | State | hrm_prof.emp_sate |
195 – 199 | Numeric | 5 | Zip code 1 | hrm_prof.zip[1,5] |
200 – 203 | Numeric | 4 | Zip code extension | hrm_prof.zip[6,10] |
204 – 205 | Character | 2 | Foreign country code | BLANK |
206 – 230 | Character | 25 | Foreign country name | BLANK |
231 – 245 | Numeric | 15 | Foreign country zip | BLANK |
246 – 257 | Character | 12 | State employer account number | hrmstate.state7 |
258 – 266 | Numeric | 9 | Federal employer identification number | hrmstate.state8 |
267 - 350 | Character | 84 | Filler | BLANK |
New Hire Record
Position | Type | Length | Description | Location |
1 – 2 | Character | 2 | Record Identifier. Always 'W4' | Not Applicable |
3 – 11 | Numeric | 9 | Social security number. No dashes | hrm_prof.emp_name |
12 – 27 | Character | 16 | Employee's first name | hrm_prof.emp_add |
28 – 43 | Character | 16 | Employee's middle name | |
44 – 73 | Character | 29 | Employee's last name | |
74 – 113 | Character | 40 | Employee street address 1 | |
114 – 153 | Character | 40 | Employee street address 2 | |
154 – 193 | Character | 40 | Employee street address 3 | BLANK |
194 – 218 | Character | 25 | City | |
219 – 220 | Character | 2 | State | |
221 – 225 | Numeric | 5 | Zip code 1 | |
226 – 229 | Numeric | 4 | Zip code 2 | |
230 – 231 | Character | 2 | Foreign country code | BLANK |
232 – 256 | Character | 25 | Foreign country name | BLANK |
257 – 271 | Numeric | 15 | Foreign country zip | BLANK |
272 – 279 | Numeric | 8 | Employee date of birth, YYYYMMDD format | |
280 – 287 | Numeric | 8 | Employee date of hire, YYYYMMDD format | |
288 – 289 | Character | 2 | Employee state of hire | |
290 – 301 | Character | 12 | State employer account number | hrmstate.state7 |
302 – 302 | Character | 1 | Independent contractor | Y/N |
303 – 311 | Character | 9 | Federal employer identification number | hrmstate.state8 |
312 – 350 | Character | 39 | Filler | BLANK |