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The Nebraska Student and Staff Record System (NSSRS) is the Nebraska Department of Education's (NDE) primary means of collecting data from districts.

Menu Path

Select Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then select State. Select NE NSSRS Report.

Submission Period

The deadlines for staff reporting vary throughout the school year. You should report additions and changes as they occur. Changes are not allowed after June 30.

  • Start: August

  • Statutory Due Date: September 15

  • Fall Due Date: October 31

  • Nonpublic Curriculum Extraction Date: mid-December

  • Year End Due Date: June 30

Selection Rule

Staff are selected and reported based on the specified Report Date and Report Start Date.


On the Human Resources Profile – State page, enter valid information in the following fields:

  • Paraprofessional State Position Codes

  • Substitute State Position Codes

  • Coach State Position Codes



The NSSRS Position Information table is used to crosswalk positions or assignments associated with staff to the state position code, Special Programs code, grade taught codes, and subject codes. If you add new codes in the Position Maintenance or Assignment Codes tables, you must add the code in the NSSRS Position Information table. If you fail to do this, an employee with the position not entered will not load into NSSRS Employee Information maintenance tables.

Before generating the NE NSSRS report, enter valid information in the required fields on the NE NSSRS Report - Positions page.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Positions.

  2. Enter the search criteria, then select Search.

  3. To add a record, select Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, enter valid information in the required fields, and select Accept.

  4. To edit a record, select the record, and select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.

  5. To delete, select the record, and select Delete. Select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The following table shows the fields and descriptions of the NE NSSRS Report - Positions page.




A code identifying the position or assignment.

The limit is 12 alphanumeric characters.


The title of the position or assignment.

The limit is 15 characters.

State Assignment Code

A code identifying the type of assignment, as defined by the state.

The limit is four numeric characters.

Special Program

Enter the Special Program indicator.

The limit is one character.

Grade Taught

The grade associated with the position or assignment.

The limit is two numeric characters.


Select the Subject code.

Import Days Worked

Use this option to import substitute days worked from a .csv file. The file must contain the employee number and the number of days worked.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Import Days Worked.

  2. Select the Report Date.

  3. In the Upload Criteria section, select the File Source.

  4. If you select Workstation, click Upload.

  5. Navigate to the location of the .csv file. Drag and drop the file on the File to Import dialog box and click Upload.

  6. If you select Server, select the Directory, enter the Server File Name, and click Accept.

  7. Select the Destination for the log file:

    • Select File to save the error log in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the error log in .pdf format.

  8. Click OK.

  9. If errors are found, review the error log, make the necessary corrections, and then repeat this procedure.

Load Data - Setup

Before loading data, you must set up the load criteria.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Load, then Setup.

  2. Refer to Section Descriptions and select the required load criteria.

Section Descriptions

The following table shows the sections and descriptions of the NE NSSRS Report - Setup page.



District Information

Enter the district's email domain in the Email Domain field.

Employee Types

Select the employee types to be loaded. You must report all staff requiring certification and instructional paraprofessionals.

Status Codes

Include all personnel status codes for employees that should be included.

Benefit Deduction Codes

Enter benefit codes such as health insurance, dental insurance, disability insurance, short and long-term disability insurance, and any other insurance paid by the district. Include 403B plan, Retirement, FICA, and Medicare if the district pays.

Pay Codes

Enter the salary or hourly pay codes. In the pay type column, select P – Pay Codes for any codes that should be included in the column for base salary. Select A - Additional Compensation for any pay codes that should be included in the column Additional Compensation. This would consist of extra duty, bonus pay, incentive pay, performance pay, and stipends. Select B – Benefit Codes for any unused sick or vacation leave, cash instead of insurance (if paid by the school district) that should be included in the Benefits column.

Load Data

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Load.

  2. Select the Report Date. The date determines the staff and staff assignment data to load.

  3. Select the Report Start Date. The date is used to exclude assignments and positions that ended before this date.

  4. Select the Termination Cut-off Date. The date excludes employees terminated before this date.

  5. Select Accept, then select OK.

  6. Select OK.

The load option prompts the user to choose if the maintenance file must be purged before loading if records for the loaded date already exist. The load process selects all employees from the position history file where:

  • The end date is not blank.

  • The end date is after the report's start date.

  • The position code exists in the position code crosswalk table.

  • The employee type and status in the person table are specified on the NE NSSRS Report - Setup page.

The report will use the Assignment table if Position Control is not used.

The employees are loaded into the NSSRS maintenance table using the Base Location on the Employment tab of the Employee Information page. Only one record per employee per report date will be loaded into the NSSRS maintenance table regardless of the number of locations at which the employee works. However, multiple records are allowed in the NSSRS assignment file. Since each location can have multiple positions, one assignment record will be loaded for each position within a unique location. The location loaded into the NSSRS assignment file is retrieved from the neprs_loc table.

Each time the Load process is run, it rebuilds the history of the positions or assignments that fall between the specified report start date and the current date.

The Load process also calculates the amount in the Salary Benefits field on the Employment tab of the NE NSSRS Report page as follows:

  1. NSSRS Annual Salary: Total the annual salary of all payrates (active OR terminated, but the contract end date is greater or equal to the report start date), AND the paycode is in the NSSRS Codes table and has a type 'P.'

  2. NSSRS Additional Compensation: Total the annual salary of all payrates (active OR terminated, but the contract end date is greater or equal to the report start date), AND the paycode is in the NSSRS Codes table and has a type 'A.'

  3. Benefits Salary: Total the annual salary of all payrates (active OR terminated, but the contract end date is greater or equal to the report start date), AND the paycode is in the NSSRS Codes table and has a type 'B.'

  4. Then get the total fringe benefits for the employee for the year. Check all the active deductions which have a deduction code in the NSSRS Benefits table:

    1. If a deduction has an employer contribution amount, multiply it by 12 and add it.

    2. If it is a (P)ercent method or (M) method (percent plus additional amount), then get the salary plus any additional retirement money (depending on the deduction code) and multiply it by the fringe percent to get the contribution amount. Then multiply that amount by 12 and add it.

  5. Then get any FICA or Medicare fringe benefit. If the NSSRS salary exceeds the FICA or Medicare employer maximum, use the employer maximum times the employer percent. If not, use the NSSRS Annual Salary plus NSSRS Additional Compensation, times the employer percent, to get the FICA and Medicare amounts. Finally, multiply each of those amounts by 12 and add it.

  6. The sum of 3, 4, and 5 is the Salary Benefits or the annualized amount for benefits.

Upload Staff ID to NDE

The Upload Staff ID to NDE option analyzes loaded data and creates a report listing records that do not have a Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Staff ID. Use this option to generate a report to send to the NDE and request Staff IDs.

Hard Copy

Use this option to create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the upload file.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Upload Staff ID to NDE.

  2. Select Hard Copy.

  3. Select the Report Date.

  4. Select Accept.

  5. If you want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Yes.

  6. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  7. Select OK.

  8. Save the report.

  9. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  10. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  11. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

Upload File

Use this option to create the upload file to send to NDE.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Upload Staff ID to NDE.

  2. Select Upload File.

  3. Select the Report Date.

  4. Select Accept.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Save the report.

For more information, refer to NDE Staff ID Upload Report.

Download Staff ID from NDE

The Download Staff ID from NDE option updates Staff IDs from a .csv file provided by the NDE. This process updates the employee's records that match the Report Date and the Staff State ID field on the Personnel tab of the Employee Information page. For more information, refer to NDE Staff ID.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Download Staff ID from NDE.

  2. In the File Name field, enter the server path and file name of the .csv file provided by the NDE.

  3. Select the Report Date.

  4. Select Accept.

  5. Select OK.

For more information, refer to NDE Staff ID Download File.

Maintain Data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections to application information must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, enter the search criteria, then select Search.

  2. To add a record, select Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, enter valid information in the required fields, and select Accept.

  3. To edit a record, select the record, and select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.

  4. To delete, select the record, and select Delete. Select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The NE NSSRS Report page contains the following tabs:

Staff Demographics Tab

The following table shows the fields and data sources of the Staff Demographics tab.


Data Source or Location

Report Date

Entered during the data load process.

Employee Number


NDE Staff ID


Social Security


Last Name


First Name


Middle Initial





NDE County District Number

neprs_loc.county + neprs_loc.district where person.location = neprs_loc.location

Email Address

employee.email_addr and if blank, from employee.personal_email



Race (1 through 5)

empl_races.race_code possibly translated to racetable.race_state or racetable.race_fed

Employment Tab

The following table shows the fields and data sources of the Employment tab.


Data Source or Location


empuser.ftext10 where page_no = 32000

Contract Date

payrate.cont_start where primry = P

Contract Days

payrate.cont_days where primry = P and status= A

Basic Salary

sum payrate.annl_sal where the paycodes are in nssrs_codes where type = P

Additional Compensation

sum payrate.annl_sal where the paycodes are in nssrs_codes where type = A

Salary Benefits

sum payrate.annl_sal where the paycodes are in nssrs_codes plus (deduct.cont_amt *12) where type = B


emp_degree.type where highest = *

Years Experience in District


Total Years Experience


Primary Subject

empuser.ftext2 where page_no = 32000 if the assignment code is related to teaching positions. Otherwise, it looks for the assignment among specific codes with the highest FTE. If both fail, this field is set to 00.

Position Assignments Tab

The following table shows the fields and data sources of the Position Assignments tab.


Data Source or Location


neprs_loc.slocation where assignment.location = neprs_loc.location or posprate.loc = neprs_loc.location

Controlling District

if contract flag is 1 (nssrs_mnt.contract) then nssrs_assignment.district_code except if esuplus database then put 00-0003


neprs_loc.county + neprs_loc.district where assignment.location = neprs_loc.location or posprate.loc = neprs_loc.location table for those districts using position control


neprs_pos.spi+neprs_pos.sposition where neprs_pos.pos = assignment.asncode or = posprate.pos


Special Program Indicator Code associated with the position assignment codes. The C, D, L, P, and W spi codes are only applicable for Instructional Paraprofessional position 5160.


State code crosswalked from the neprs_pos table school positions or assignments


assignment.fte or posprate.fte

Days Worked



Subject code crosswalked from the neprs_pos table school positions or assignments

Paraprofessional Assessment Passed

Paraprofessional Assessment Passed Flag for Instructional paraprofessionals only. emp_degree.type where degtable.state_degree in 1,2,3,4 return appropriate code

Assignment Date

Using assignments: assignment.user_7 if exists and the date is greater than the report start date entered when loading, otherwise payrate.cont_start

Using position control: If active position uses payrate.cont_start, otherwise posnhist.startdate if it is greater than the report start date entered. If posnhist.start date is before the report start date, payrate.cont_start is used.

Completion Date

Using assignments: assignment.user_8 or person.term_date if before the assignment end date, otherwise 06/30/fam_prof.

Using position control: If active position uses 06/30/fam_prof. Otherwise, posnhist.enddate or person.term_date


Option to lock the record and prevent further editing.

Create Files


  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Reports.

  2. Select the Report Date, Snapshot Date, and School Year.

    • To create the Staff Snapshot Template, select Staff Demographics and a Snapshot Date.
    • To create the Staff Template, select Staff Demographics and leave the Snapshot Date field blank.
  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Select Accept.

    3. Select the Destination for the report:

      • Select File to save the report in .rpt format.

      • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

      • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

    4. Select OK.

    5. If errors are found, review the report, make the necessary corrections, and then repeat this procedure.

  4. Save the file and click OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Under Report Choice, select Staff Demographics or Staff Position Assignments.

    3. Select Accept.

  9. Save the file and select OK.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Comparison Reports

  1. On the NE NSSRS Report page, select Comparison Reports.

  2. Select Demographics or Assignments.

  3. Select the Current Report Date and Prior Report Date.

  4. Select Accept.

  5. If you want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Yes.

  6. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  7. Select OK.

  8. Save the file.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report in the following scenarios:

  • You want to discard the data for the report completely.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and reload the data.

  1. Select Purge.

  2. Select the Report Date.

  3. Select Accept.

  4. Select Yes, then OK.

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