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Human Resources Profile – State

Before generating reports, enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the start page, select System Administration.

  2. Select Administration, and then from Profiles, select Human Resources Profile.

  3. Select State Window.

  4. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  5. Select Accept.

Field Descriptions




The two-digit county code used for retirement reporting.


The four-character district code used for retirement reporting.


Select the deduction codes used for retirement.

Purchase of Service

Select the deduction codes used for the purchase of service.

Makeup Contributions

Select the deduction codes used for makeup contributions.

Makeup Contributions Late Interest

Select the deduction codes used for late interest on makeup contributions.

Paraprofessional State Position Codes

Enter the paraprofessional state position codes.

Substitute State Position Codes

Enter the substitute state position codes.

Coach State Position Codes

Enter the coach state position codes.

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