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PERA Annual Leave Report

Any employer with at least one Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) member must complete an Annual Leave Report listing all leaves that resulted in unpaid time during the year. Every employer must complete this report, even for the employees with leaves of absence to report for the year.

As per the state's regulatory requirement, the employer must submit this report to the state in .xlsx or .txt format. PERA uses this information to notify members of their option to purchase the missed salary credit and provide estimates of costs and benefits.

The following leave types must be included in the Annual Leave Report:

  • 81 - Periodic Repetitive Leave

  • 82 - Budget Savings

  • 83 - Authorized Leave (includes Medical, Parental, and Personal)

  • 84 - Military Leave

  • 85 - Worker’s Compensation

  • You can report military leave on the Annual Leave report or when the member returns.

  • The rules for purchasing unpaid leaves depend on the leave type.

For each PERA employee, the report must provide the following details:

  • Leave type

  • Employee Number

  • Social Security Number (SSN)

  • Leave start date

  • Leave end date

  • Hourly rate

  • Total hours

For more information, refer to

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State menu, select PERA Annual Leave Report.

Submission Period

School employers must submit this report on a fiscal year basis, due by July 31 of every year.

Selection Rule

All the public employees who are PERA members and have taken authorized leave of absence for the specified year are selected and reported.



Before loading the data for this report, the employer must verify that the retirement deductions are set up correctly and that the leave types are mapped with correct leave codes from the Leave Code table.

Set Up Retirement Deductions

  • On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, click Setup and select Retirement Deductions.

  • For information about setting up retirement deductions, refer to Retirement Deductions.

In the Deduction Code field, select a PERA-specific code, and then select PERA in the Deduction Type field.

Set Up Leave Type

  1. From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Attendance.  

  2. Select Attendance Report.

  3. On the Attendance Report page, select Accept.

  4. In the Post Type field, select P - Posted.

  5. Select Accept.

  6. Select Excel to save the report in .xlsx format. Select the required Excel Options.

  7. Open the .xlsx file and note the pay codes associated with the leave codes that must be reported.

  8. From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Codes

  9. Search for and select a Pay Code record noted in Step 7.

  10. Select the Payroll tab and note the associated Leave to Subtract Time from.

  11. On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, click Setup and select Leave Type.

  12. Click Add Record.

  13. In the Leave Code field, select the leave code noted in Step 10.
    You can review the Leave Title and Leave Unit for the leave code and change the leave unit if required.

  14. In the Leave Type field, select a leave type.

  15. Click Save, and then click Yes.

You can map multiple leave codes with the same leave type. But you cannot map the same leave code to multiple leave types.

Repeat steps 8 through 15 to map leave codes with leave types.

Load Data

  1. On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, click Load.

  2. In the Load Criteria section, select the Fiscal Year from the list.

  3. In the Fiscal Year Start field, select the fiscal year start date.

  4. In the Fiscal Year End field, select the fiscal year-end date.

  5. Click Load, and then click Yes.

  6. If data for the selected criteria is loaded, select Yes to delete and reload the data.

  7. Save the load summary report and select OK.

  8. Navigate to the folder containing the load summary report file.

  9. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 until all required data is loaded.

Maintain Data

On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, you can filter records, add the records manually, edit the loaded record, or delete a record before submitting the report.

  • To filter records, select an option from the list and enter or select a value.

  • To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to Field Description and enter or select the required fields. Click Save, and then Yes.

  • To edit a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, then select Edit. Update the information and click Save.

  • To delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then click Yes.

Field Descriptions



Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year for the report

Employer Number

The identification number given to the employer by PERA.

You can get the employer number from the PERA Employer Number field on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

Employee Number

The employee number.

Click the Lookup icon to search for and select an employee number.

Social Security

The employee's social security number. 

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Last Name

The employee's last name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

First Name

The employee's first name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Leave Type

The leave type under which the leave is applied.

Leave Start Date

The leave’s start date.

Leave End Date

The leave’s end date.

Hourly Rate

The employee’s hourly wage rate.

Total Hours

The employee’s total leave hours.

Create Report

To submit the report to the state authority, you must create the report file.

To create the report file:

  1. On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, click Report.

  2. Select the Fiscal Year.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Select Hard Copy.

    2. Select PDF or Excel.

    3. If you have the security permission to view the entire Social Security number (without masking) and want to include it, select Print Full Social Security Number.
      The required access privileges are granted by assigning the appropriate security resource.

    4. Click Create, and then click Yes.

  4. Save the file and click OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

Update the data using the maintenance page. If you are updating the core or baseline application data, rerun the load to see the updated data.

  1. Repeat the above steps until all the required data is included.

  2. To create the electronic file:

    1. Select Electronic File.

    2. Click Create, and then click Yes.

    3. Save the file and click OK.
      The default file name is MN PERA LOA Electronic Report_<YYYY>.xlsx.
      Where YYYY represents the Fiscal Year selected in step 2. For information about the file layout, refer to PERA Annual Leave Report - File Layout and Data Mapping.

Follow the state's submission procedures to submit the report.

Purge Data

To correct setups or employee data, purge the existing records and reload the data.

  1. On the MN PERA Annual Leave Report page, click Purge.

  2. Select the Fiscal Year.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Click Yes, and then click OK.

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