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Substitutes, Student Teachers, and Non-Instructional Staff Information

The following table outlines the Michigan field names and the substitutes, student teachers, and the location associated with the information for substitutes, student teachers, and non-instructional staff.

Data Item

Field Name



Vendor Number

Vendor Number

Vendor number.

Not reported to REP.

When you load data from Human Resources, this field is blank.

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the vendor number is retrieved from vendor.vend_no

Employee Number

Employee Number

Employee number.

Not reported to REP.

When you load data from Human Resources, the employee number is retrieved from employee.empl_no

When you load data from Accounts Payable, this field is blank.

Field 1: Date of Count

Date of Count

The date of count is the due date for submission of the REP data.

Submission Date field on the Load page.

Field 4: Last Name

Last Name

Employee’s last name.

When you load data from Human Resources, the last name is retrieved from employee.l_name

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the last name is retrieved from vnduser.ftext3 (page_no = 500).

Field 5: First Name

First Name

Employee’s first name.

When you load data from Human Resources, the first name is retrieved from employee.f_name

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the first name is retrieved from vnduser.ftext4 (page_no = 500).

Field 6: Middle Name

Middle Name

Employee’s middle name (when applicable).

When you load data from Human Resources, the middle name is retrieved from employee.m_name

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the middle name is retrieved from vnduser.ftext5 (page_no = 500).

Field 7: Social Security Number

Social Security

The official identification of each employee.

You must report the Social Security number without hyphens or spaces. For example, you would enter 333-22-4444 as 333224444.

When you load data from Human Resources, the social security number is retrieved from employee.ssn

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the social security number is retrieved from vnduser.ftext2 (page_no = 500).

Dashes are removed from the social security number.

Field 8: Credential License Number

Credential License Number

The state-issued credential number for licensed personnel.

This is the credential number on the license the employee is using for this position.

When you load data from Human Resources, the credential license number is retrieved from emp_certficate. Number where primary = Y

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the credential license number is retrieved from vnduser.ftext9 (page_no = 500).

Field 9: Date of Hire

Date of Hire

Employee's initial date of hire (date employed). A change in position in the district does not change the initial hire date. However, if an employee terminates and you rehire that person later, they would have a new hire date.

When you load data from Human Resources, the date of hire is retrieved from employee.hire_date

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the date of hire is retrieved from vnduser.tcode1 (page_no = 500).

School/Facility Code (part of Field 10)


The state-assigned numbers in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

This is the school where the employee is assigned.

When you load data from Human Resources, the school/facility code is retrieved from hrm_locn.

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the school/facility code is retrieved from (page_no = 500).

Field 13: Date of Birth

Date of Birth

Employee's date of birth.

When you load data from Human Resources, the date of birth is retrieved from employee.birthdate

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the date of birth is retrieved from vnduser.ftext6 (page_no = 500).

Field 14: Gender Code


Employee's gender.

When you load data from Human Resources, the gender code is retrieved from

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the gender code is retrieved from vnduser.ftext7 (page_no = 500).

Field 15: Racial/Ethnic Code


Employee's race/ethnicity.

The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented by 1, the second choice is 2, the third is 3, the fourth is 4, the fifth is 5, and the sixth is 6.

When you load data from Human Resources, the racial/ethnic code is retrieved from person.race

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the racial/ethnic code is retrieved from vnduser.ftext8 (page_no = 500).

Current codes are mapped to the state’s six-digit code, except for employees classified as Pacific or Multi-racial. The information of these employees needs to be modified after the load.

Field 25: Employment Status

Employment Status

Employee's employment status.

Valid values:

  • 00 - vacant position

  • 99 - returning employees, new non-instructional employees, new (to the district) experienced teachers, substitutes or contractors, or employees on leave.

  • 97 or 98 - new teachers in their first three years in the teaching profession.

When you load data from Human Resources, if person.term_code is between 01 and 19, the employment status is retrieved from person. Term_code[1,2]

else if hrmstate.State59 = Y, the employment status is retrieved from person.status

else if the teacher is employed for less than three years, the value is 98, else 99.

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the employment status is retrieved from vnduser.tcode5[1,2] (page_no = 500).

Field 26: Date of Termination/ Separation of Employment

Termination Date

Employee's date of termination.

When you load data from Human Resources, the termination date is retrieved from person.term_date

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the termination date is retrieved from vnduser.tcode6 (page_no = 500).

FTE (part of Field 10)


Employee's full-time equivalency (FTE).

This refers to the amount of time required to perform an assignment stated as a proportion of a full-time position and computed by dividing the amount of time employed by the time normally required for a full-time position. The FTE submitted should be determined by district policy and contracts within the district.

When you load data from Human Resources, the FTE is retrieved from assignment.Perc_time

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the FTE is retrieved from vnduser.tcode4 (page_no = 500).

FTE is set to blank if position = 00SUB or 00PAR

Assignment (part of Field 10)


State-assigned five-character code identifying the position assignment of the employee.

The primary assignment should be listed first if multiple assignments are being reported for one individual.

When you load data from Human Resources, the assignment is retrieved from assignment.asncode

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the assignment is retrieved from vnduser.tcode3 (page_no = 500).

Field 20: Educator Effectiveness

Educator Effectiveness

The Revised School Code [380.1249(a) MCLA] requires that all districts develop and implement annual educator evaluations. These systems are locally determined and must include measures of growth in student achievement as a significant factor. Districts must use these systems to evaluate all educators and to assign an effectiveness label to each educator.

When you load data from Human Resources, the educator effectiveness is retrieved from empuser.tcode2 (page_no = 500)

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the educator effectiveness is retrieved from vnduser.tcode7 (page_no = 500).

Not Applicable


The name suffix is not reported to REP as a separate field.

However, the last name is a concatenation of l_name and name_suffix.

When you load data from Human Resources, the suffix is retrieved from employee.Name_suffix

When you load data from Accounts Payable, the suffix is blank.

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