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Monthly Report

  1. Select Monthly Report.

  2. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Select the Latest Submission Date and Previous Submission Date.

    3. Select Include Educator Effectiveness to include effectiveness ratings of staff.

    4. Select Include Substitutes, Student Teachers and Non-Instructional Staff if required.

    5. If you have security to view the Social Security number without masking and want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    6. Select a Department.

    7. Select Create, then Yes

  3. Save the files and navigate to the folder containing the report files. 

  4. Inspect the file and make corrections if needed.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until all the data is included.

  6. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Enter the report criteria as you did in step 2.

    3. Select Create, then Yes.

  7. Save the file. 

  8. Select OK.
    The default file name is mi_rep_monthly.txt.

Follow the state’s submission procedures.

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