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Fund Accounting Profile

Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid information on the Fund Accounting Profile page.

  1. On the start page, choose System Administration.

  2. Click Administration, then choose Fund Accounting Profile (under Profiles).

  3. Enter valid information in the required fields. Refer to Field Descriptions for more details.

  4. Click Accept.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Reports

Fiscal Year Start

The start date for the fiscal year.

This date is used as a default for the contract begins date for non-contract salaried employees.

ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement)

Fiscal Year End

The end date for the fiscal year.

This date is used as a default for the contract end date for non-contract salaried employees.

ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement)

Titles tab: Fund

Title of the fund level in the organization chart.

Federally Funded Organizations

FID (Financial Information Database)

Titles tab: Orgn 1-9

Titles of the remaining levels in the organization chart.

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel)

Federally Funded Organizations

FID (Financial Information Database)

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