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Defined Page 500 – MEIS REP - Vendors

Before generating reports, you must enter valid information for contract employees on the MEIS REP page. This includes contract employees who do not receive payroll checks and must be included in Michigan Education Information System (MEIS) Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) reporting.

  1. On the start page, choose Fund Accounting

  2. Click Reference Tables and then choose Vendor List. 

  3. Specify the search criteria and then click Search

  4. Click the relevant vendor record. 

  5. Select Defined Windows

  6. Double-click 500.

  7. Enter valid information. Refer to Field Descriptions for more details. 

  8. Click OK.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Report

Database Field

Report To MEIS

Specifies whether the employee should be reported to REP 

Valid values:

  • Y –  Report to REP

  • N – Do not report to REP

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext1, page_no = “500”


Employee’s social security number



MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext2, page_no = “500”

Last Name

Employee’s last name

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext3, page_no = “500”

First Name

Employee’s first name

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext4, page_no = “500”

Middle Name

Employee’s middle name

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext5, page_no = “500”

Date of Birth

Employee’s date of birth

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext6, page_no = “500”


Employee’s gender

Valid values:

  • M – Male

  • F – Female

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext7, page_no = “500”


Employee’s racial/ethnic code

Valid values:

  • W - White

  • B - Black or African American

  • H - Hispanic or Latino

  • I - American Indian or Alaska Native

  • A - Asian

  • O - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext8, page_no = “500”

Credential No

Employee’s credential license number

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.ftext9, page_no = “500”

Date of Hire

Employee’s date of hire

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode1, page_no = “500”


School/facility code

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode2, page_no = “500”


Employee’s assignment

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode3, page_no = “500”


Employee’s full-time equivalent (FTE)

100% = 1.0

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode4, page_no = “500”


Employment status

Valid values:

  • 00 - 19

  • 97

  • 98

  • 99

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode5, page_no = “500”

Term Date

Employee’s termination date

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode6, page_no = “500”


Educator effectiveness

Valid values:

  • 01 – Highly Effective

  • 02 – Effective

  • 03 – Ineffective

  • 04 – Exceeds Goals

  • 05 – Meets Goals

  • 06 – Progressing Towards Goals

  • 07 – Does not Meet Goals

  • 08 – Minimally Effective

  • 09 – Exemption

Note: Codes 01 - 09 are added during installation. You must populate the EF table with these codes. Refer to Personnel User-Defined Codes for more information.

MEIS REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) (Substitutes)

vnduser.tcode7, page_no = “500”

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