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Data Definitions - Employee Information

The following table outlines the Michigan field names and the employee information's location.

Data Item

Field Name



Field 1: Date of Count

Date of Count

The due date for submission of the REP data.

Submission Date field

Field 4: Last Name

Last Name

Employee’s last name.


Field 5: First Name

First Name

Employee’s first name.


Field 6: Middle Name

Middle Name

Employee’s middle name (if applicable).


Field 7: Social Security Number

Social Security

The official identification of each employee.

You must report the Social Security number without hyphens or spaces. For example, enter 333-22-4444 as 333224444.


Employee Number

Employee Number

Employee number.

Not reported to REP.


Field 8: Credential License Number

Credential License Number

The state-issued credential number for licensed personnel. This is the credential number on the employee's license for this position.

emp_certificate. Number where emp_certificate.primary_cert = Y (primary certification)

Field 9: Date of Hire

Date of Hire

The initial date of hire (date employed).

A change in position in the district does not change the initial hire date. If you terminate a staff member rehire that person later, they would have a new hire date.



Optional (not used)

Formerly field 11.

Replaced and no longer in use.


Field 12: Funded Position Status

Funded Position Status

The status of positions filled by permanent employees, approved substitutes, outside contractors, or that remain unfilled.

Use code 9 for a regular, filled position.

9 unless there is a value in the Position Stat field on the Employee Defined Page 500 – MEIS REP.

Field 13: Date of Birth

Date of Birth

Employee's date of birth.


Field 14: Gender Code


Employee's gender.

Field 15: Racial/Ethnic Code

Racial/Ethnic Category

Employee's race/ethnicity.

The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented with 1, the second choice is 2, the third is 3, the fourth is 4, the fifth is 5, and the sixth is 6.


Current codes are mapped to the state's six-digit code, except for employees classified as Pacific or Multi-racial. Therefore, the information of these employees will need to be modified after loading data.

Field 16: Highest Degree

Highest Educational Level

Employee's highest degree.

Valid values:

  • 00 - None

  • 01 - High School Diploma or Its Equivalent

  • 02 - Associate Degree

  • 03 - Bachelor’s Degree

  • 04 - Master’s Degree

  • 05 - Specialist’s Degree

  • 06 - Doctoral Degree

  • 07 - Juris Doctorate

  • 08 - Medical Degree

  • 09 - Other License, Credential, or Professional Degree

  • 10 - Obtained Paraprofessional Quality Standard on State Academic Assessment; Successful Completion of Work Keys Assessment

emp_degree.dtype where emp_degree.highest = “*”

The left-most position of the degree type field is reported. If numeric, the number is reported. If alphabetic, then the following translation table is used:

Degree Type Level

N 00

H 01

A 02

B 03

M 04

S 05

P 06

J 07

D 08

O 09

Field 17: Type of Credential

Credential Type

The type of credential held by the employee. If the position requires a specific credential reported, the required credential for the assignment code is reported.

If the staff member has two credentials (for example, general education and vocational), report the certificate that matches the reported position.

If the credential has expired and an application for a new credential is in process, enter the credential pending status code 02.

emp_certificate. C_type where emp_certificate. Primary_cert = Y (primary certification)

Field 18: Date Credential Issued

Credential Issue Date

The date that the employee's credential, permit, approval, or authorization was issued.

emp_certificate. Iss_date

Field 19: Date of Expiration of Credential

Credential Expire Date

The expiration date of the employee's certificate.

emp_certificate. Exp_date

Field 25: Employment Status

Employment Status

The employment status of each employee. Report the appropriate code that identifies the status of the employee:

  • 00 - vacant position

  • 99 - returning employees, new non-instructional employees, new (to the district) experienced teachers, substitutes or contractors, or employees on leave.

  • 97 or 98 - new teachers in their first three years in the teaching profession.

99 is the default.

98 is used if the teacher is employed for less than three years.

Otherwise, the value is retrieved from person.term_code[1,2]

Field 26: Date of Termination/ Separation of Employment

Termination Date

Employee's date of termination.


Field 27: Personnel Identification Code (PIC)

Personnel ID Code

A unique identifier assigned by the state to all employees in the REP database.

person. Staff_state_id

Loaded only if the name, birth date, gender, or Credential Number has changed since the last submission.

Field 28: Full-Time Base Annual Salary

Annual Salary

The purpose of this field is to collect the full-time base annual salary for employees in given assignments to meet the needs of Title I, Part A of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

District users must submit this field if they are required to complete the Title I Comparability Application.

Reporting of this field is optional for all other districts.

empuser.ftext8 where empuser. Page_no = 500 (if exists)


Step 1 of the employee’s salary schedule (for the range defined on the employee’s primary rate) multiplied by the FTE/100 for scheduled salary employees.

Field 24: New Teacher Professional Development

Professional Development

Indicates the number of days by type(s) of professional development provided to new teachers (those within their first three years of employment in classroom teaching) during the school year (July 1 to June 30).




where empuser.page_no = 501

Not Applicable

Additional Professional Development Fields (not used)

No longer used.

No longer used.

Not Applicable

Days Contracted (not used)

No longer used.

No longer used.

Not Applicable

Days Absent (not used)

No longer used.

No longer used.

Not Applicable

Hours Contracted (not used)

No longer used.

No longer used.

Not Applicable

Hours Absent (not used)

No longer used.

No longer used.

Field 29: Michigan Sponsoring Institution – New Teachers Only

Michigan Institution

The six-digit code for the Michigan institution that recommended the teacher for the initial certification (provisional certificate or temporary vocational authorization).

District users must submit data in either Michigan Institution or Non-Michigan Institution for teachers in their first three years of employment in the profession of teaching.

If mi_rep.emp_status = 97 or 98, the value is set to emp_degree.user_1 if it is more than 2 characters in length.

Otherwise, it is blank.

Field 30: Non-Michigan Sponsoring Institution – New Teachers Only

Non-Michigan Institution

The two-digit code for the non-Michigan institution that recommended the teacher for the initial certification (provisional certificate or temporary vocational authorization).

District users must submit data in either Michigan Institution or Non-Michigan Institution for teachers in their first three years of employment in the profession of teaching.

If mi_rep. Emp_status = 97 or 98, the value is set to emp_degree.user_1 if it is less than three characters in length.

Otherwise, it is blank.

Field 11: Title I and Title II, Part A, Teachers

Title I and Title II, Part A

This field identifies the teachers funded by Title I, Part A, who teach core academic subjects in a Title I targeted assistance program or teach core academic subjects in a Title I and Title II, Part A, schoolwide program. District users should select from the following codes for those teachers who are funded by Title I, Part A and Title II, Part A:

  • 001 - Title I Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)

  • 002 - Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP)

  • 003 - Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP)

  • 004 - Title II, Part A, Class Size Reduction

  • 005 - Title I TAS and SWP

  • 006 - Title I TAS and Title II, Part A, Class Size Reduction

  • 000 - None

If the employee has at least one assignment in the range 60000-69999 and at least one assignment not in that range, look at empuser.ftext5, empuser.ftext6, and empuser.ftext7 where empuser. Page_no = 500

  • If ftext4=Y and ftext5=N and ftext6=N, then 001

  • If ftext4=N and ftext5=Y and ftext6=N, then 002

  • If ftext4=N and ftext5=N and ftext6=Y, then 003

  • If ftext4=Y and ftext5=Y and ftext6=N, then 004

  • If ftext4=Y and ftext5=N and ftext6=Y, then 005

  • If ftext4=N and ftext5=Y and ftext6=Y, then 006

Otherwise, it is 000

Field 20: Educator Effectiveness

Educator Effectiveness

The Revised School Code [380.1249(a) MCLA] requires that all districts develop and implement annual educator evaluations.

These systems are locally determined and must include measures of growth in student achievement as a significant factor.

Districts must use these systems to evaluate all educators and to assign an effectiveness label to each educator.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Highly Effective

  • 02 - Effective

  • 03 - Ineffective

  • 04 - Exceeds Goals

  • 05 - Meets Goals

  • 06 - Progressing Toward Goals

  • 07 - Does Not Meet Goals

  • 08 - Minimally Effective

  • 09 - Exemption


Not Applicable


The name suffix is not reported to REP as a separate field.

However, the last name is a concatenation of l_name and name_suffix.


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