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Payroll Information - State Required

Specify Payroll Information For Regular Employees

Regular employees do not have a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the start page, choose Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee). 

  3. Specify the search criteria, then click Search
    Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees, then click Search.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record. 

  5. Click Payroll Information, then select State Required

  6. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. 

  7. Click Accept.

Specify Payroll Information For Pending Employees

Pending employees are those with a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the start page, choose Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee).

  3. Specify the search criteria, then click Search
    Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees, then click Search.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record. 

  5. Click Maryland State Retirement Screen

  6. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. Click Finish.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Reports

Database Field

Hrs Per Day

The number of hours the employee works per day.

Not Applicable

empuser.ftext1, page_no = “32000”

Prev Contr

Employee's previous contribution amount.

Not Applicable

empuser.ftext2, page_no = “32000”

Prev Paid

Previous base salary paid.

Not Applicable

empuser.ftext3, page_no = “32000”

Standard Hours

The standard hours an employee works per week.

Retirement Systems

empuser.ftext4, page_no = “32000”

Payrate FTE

The employee’s total full-time equivalency.

Retirement Systems

empuser.ftext5, page_no = “32000”

Report Hours

Flag to determine if hours must be reported.

Valid values:

  • Y – Report hours not contributing

  • S – Summer hours

  • N – Otherwise (Do not report Hours)

Retirement Systems

empuser.ftext6, page_no = “32000”

Payroll Type

The payroll type for the employee

Earnings Limitation Report

empuser.ftext7, page_no = “32000”

New Hire Rptd

Flag to specify if the employee has been reported as a new hire. 

Valid values:

  • Y – Reported

  • N – Otherwise (Not Reported)

New Hire Report

empuser.ftext8, page_no = “32000”

Hours Worked

The number of hours the employee worked in a pay period.

Retirement Systems

empuser.ftext10, page_no = “32000”

Annual Salary

The annual salary is an override for the MD Retirement Systems report.

Retirement Systems

empuser.tcode1, page_no = “32000”

Qtrwage Rpt

Flag to specify if the employee is included in the Quarterly Wage report. 

Valid values:

  • Y – Included

  • N – Not included

Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Report (QUIR)

empuser.tcode2, page_no = “32000”

Worksite ID

Worksite location code for the employee.

Not Applicable

empuser.tcode3, page_no = “32000”


The number of pays per year is an override for the MD Retirement Systems report.

Not currently used

empuser.tcode4, page_no = “32000”

Medical Ins

Specifies if the medical insurance is not available for the employee.

New Hire Report

empuser.tcode5, page_no = “32000”

Pay Frequency

Specifies the pay frequency for the New Hire report.

New Hire Report

empuser.tcode6, page_no = “32000”


Salary of the employee to be reported for the New Hire report.

New Hire Report

empuser.tcode7, page_no = “32000”

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