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Setup - Site Based Expenditures Report - Exclusions

Use this option to set up exclusion records to exclude levels.

This setup is the same as the following reports:

If you completed the setup for any of these reports, it does not need to be done for the year you are processing.

  1. On the IL Site Based Expenditures Report page, select Setup, and then Exclusions.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

      • To add a record, select Add Record. Refer to the Field descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

      • To edit a record, select the record and select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.

      • To delete, select Delete, then Yes.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the IL Site Based Expenditures Report - Setup - Exclusions page.




The fiscal year of the exclusion data.

Exclusion Level

The local district organization chart/accounting level to exclude.

Level Value

The state organization chart/accounting level.

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