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Fund Accounting - State Submissions

The following table lists the Illinois State Reporting - Fund Accounting reports:



Submission Date(s)


Annual Financial Report

The Illinois Board of Education requires that districts submit an annual financial report (AFR) spreadsheet to the Regional Office of Education by October 15th.

The AFR is due to ISBE by November 15th.

Illinois Board of Education (ISBE)

Site Based Expenditures Report

The Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) contains a short but significant provision requiring LEAs (Local Education Agencies) to report district-level expenditure data and, for the first time, school-level expenditure data. This reporting began with FY19 data and is reported each year on the Illinois Report Card. LEAs are required to report actual personnel and non-personnel expenditures of both site-specific and district centralized expenditures. Expenditures will be shown at the site level and must be disaggregated by source of funds (federal vs. state/local).

Annually (July 1 to August 14. Edits to submissions may be made until August 31.) 

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