Endorsement Codes
Use the VT Endorsement Codes page to add, edit, and delete endorsement codes.
During the ALiS Certification Import process, employee certification information is imported from the file retrieved from the ALiS state system. If the file contains Endorsement codes not in the Endorsement Codes reference table, those are added to the Endorsement Codes reference table.
On the start page, choose Human Resources, then State.
From the Reference Tables menu, select Endorsement Codes.
Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list, select an operator and a value, then select Add.
To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.
To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, then select Edit.
To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, then select Yes.
To download a record, select Download and select Download PDF or Download as an Excel Document.
Field Descriptions
The following table lists the field, database table, column, data type, length, and description for endorsement codes.
Field | Database Table | Database Column | Data Type | Length | Description |
Endorsement Code | vt_endorsementcodes | code | Char | 10 | The code of the endorsement. |
Endorsement Description | vt_endorsementcodes | description | Char | 200 | The description of the endorsement. |
CRDC Specialized Area | vt_endorsementcodes | crdc_spec | Char | 4 | The specialized area for Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) reporting. Valid values:
Date Modified | vt_endorsementcodes | change_date | Smalldatetime | Not Applicable | The date when the record was modified. Display-only. |
Time Modified | vt_endorsementcodes | change_time | Char | 8 | The time when the record was modified. Display-only. |
Modified By | vt_endorsementcodes | change_UID | Char | 8 | The user who modified the record. Display-only. |