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Use the VA VRS Life Insurance - Participants page to enter optional life insurance participant information. Only optional life insurance policyholders are listed. Non-optional insurance plan information is retrieved from the Deductions reference table.

  1. On the VA VRS Life Insurance page, select Participants.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list and then select a value.

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

    • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

    • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field Descriptions

The following tables describe the fields on the Participant Information page:

Participant Tab

The information on the Participant tab of the VA VRS Life Insurance - Participants page is stored in the vavrspart table.



Employee Number

The employee number.

Employee number 9999999 implies All employees and is used for imputed and mandatory life insurance codes. The settings on 9999999 records apply to all participants. You must manage individual participant records on the Employee Deductions page.

Employee Name

The employee’s name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Deduction Code

The deduction code assigned to the employee.

Employee Plan

The employee plan chosen.

Spouse Plan

The spouse plan chosen.

Dependent Plan

The dependent plan chosen.

Dependent Tab

The Dependent tab lists the participant’s dependents. Click the Information icon to view the Dependent Information page.

The information on the Dependent tab of the VA VRS Life Insurance - Participants page is stored in the vavrschild table.

The following table describes the fields on the Dependent Information page:



Employee Number

The employee number.

The value is retrieved from the Participant tab.

Dependent Name

The dependent’s name.

Birth Date

The dependent’s date of birth.


Indicates whether the dependent is a spouse.

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